sairam friends,
Saibaba has said “I take a person one step ahead ” . If you love Vishnu, saibaba will create a incident in life which will motivate you to recite vishnu sahasranamam everyday.
If you desire to help any children in education , saibaba will sometime in your life give this opportunity for you to help others in education.

Tirupati Balaji with shirdi saibaba in my sai friends house
How to get rid of Bad habits through devotion on shirdi sai baba :
Lets say you have a bad habit which you are guilty about and desperately want to come out of it. Saibaba will give you a way to come out of it. Saibaba will never force you or always come in dream and tell you dont do it.
Sai remains silent providing all ways and situation to come out of your bad habit. You have to take efforts for self control and then saibaba will be happy about it.
Keep chanting sai sai sai sai
Take myself for instance
When my parents say something i get angry – evil venkat
When i go to temple and feel sorry for getting angry with parents – Good venkat
Both are me and both exists in me. Now i sincerely have to take steps to control my angry because it is sai who helped me realize my anger is not right.
Similarly in everyone of us sai devotees the good and bad exists togather. We have to take sai devotion,
Sing sai leela,
read sai satcharitra and always imagine the stories in saibabas life
Light lamps
and sit just 5 minutes remembering saibaba and saibaba alone
This way we can practice self control , realize our mistakes and become a better person
As saibaba said all he does is one Push ahead…a kind affectionate motherly motivation
Are you ready to go ahead ?
Om sri sainathaya namaha
Sai Ram Ki Jai …
Dear Venkat,
love this article, actually i’ve planned to help a kid by giving amount of money every month.
which can be very helpfull to him and his mother.i’ve planned tis for long time but i didnt get a chance.
2 weeks ago i got the chance.
but im waiting for Baba ‘approval’ actually.coz i worried tat im unable to do tat continuesly in future.
the 1st paragraph show’s it, now im sure , Baba want’s me to do it.
thank you Baba, I love you…
One more thing , i get angry easily. i cant control it.
but now, it’s different..whenever i feel the anger…one thing will come in to my mind.
Baba is every whr…..
om sai ram
me too sometimes am scolding myself like this wt a idiot hemu u r!! y do u showing angry on mirror ha!!!
often i angry with baba also bt that time
i feel like yashodha hehehe:):)not joke its serious friends:)
baba bless all of us:)
om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai
Dear venkat,
I feel very happy and enthusiastic after reading this article as if sai is blessing all in our hearts and he is with us in this earth lively with us… great… Sai always loves us and leads us in a crystal clear path…. OM SAIRAM…
I have read most of the experiences and comment but to be honest i was a person who belived in lord Dattatraya from my childhood i had many ups and downs in my life and yes i sometimes got angry on him,
most often when things didn’t work right but then i felt i have no right to fight or ask him a ? for he is almighty god and suffer what ever came in my way but i never forgot him. But after some years of my marriage i couldn’t bear and i used to say to Dattatraya that Baba are you there? Why don’t you listen to me do you really exist whom am i worshiping for so many years or are you just a stone who can’t listen?
And it was 2008 November a friend of my brother through him i met a person who told me to visit Saibaba temple and told me some experiences of Saibaba and said that just belive in this old man and he won’t leave your hand he will be there till you exist on this earth. At begining it was difficult for me to worship or go to Baba’s temple but as there were ups& downs i honestly say that i didn’t even prayed or chanted Sai mantras or read Saicharitra but i called him Baba help me i am alone and for last 4 years he is answering to my prayers i always wonder that why does he answers to me as i don’t even go to temple daily nor any pooja but yes now Saibaba is just like oxygen to me to live i believe and i know that he is there with me and he listens to every word not only mine but of every person and the deeds which we do in our day today life. I am really lucky as now i confidently do my day to day work very well and deal with person or fight with a person who insults me and have been insulting me through out my married life as i know Baba is there with me.So to each and every Sai devotee Baba is not our servant but yes just call him not only when you are sad but also thank him when you are happy when everything is alright even that time remember him and have faith in him and he knows what is right and wrong for us. And yes he comes and helps us invisibly.
Baba is not our servant but yes just call him not only when you are sad but also thank him when you are happy when everything is alright even that time remember him and have faith in him and he knows what is right and wrong for us. And yes he comes and helps us invisibly.
Jai Sai Ram…
This article so nice and it motivates to think of Baba… Many a times I forget that Baba is with me..
I have to stop worrying and start believing that Baba will never let me down….
Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai om Sai OmSai OmSai OmSai OmSai OmSai OmSai OmSai OmSai
om sai jai sai sai sai ram
om sai jai sai sai sai ram
i am reading your artilcles daily and i am getting good experiences in my life any how thanks a lot for helping us in giving such good teachings thru our baba i call sai as baba only
bolo sai maharaj ki jai
Sai sai sai sai……
venkat first of all thank u for providing such a great idea for mitigating evilness, in before i am so much of tension on my carrier, in those situation i placed sri sai ram in my heart and say sai sai sai sai….. chant then i forgot my tensions
really sai baba is not only god, he is occupies entire world
nameste i read ur artical first time very good
hai venkat
for the past 15 to 20 days experiencing sai i am very happy to read all the things about sai and planning to have a darshan at shirdi too. sai is world
Hi Venkat
I had been trying for the transfer to coimbatore. After raying Sri Sai Baba everything moves smoothly for me. The thing in which i lost hope, now becomes true. Baba is showering his blesses on me. I have a great faith on sai baba. He wont leave me alone. He is residing on me. I love Sai.
i read this article for the 1st time i trust sai but never worship him whole heartly but hoping to start doing it. i hope Sai gives me some light in my life. please be with me baba.
Ya it is true.. Baba has done lot of miracle when I was sad..
I realized when I am happy…
Just believe Sai … He will take care of you..,
i believe in SAI BABA wholeheartedly.i have experienced some miracles too and read sai satcharitra helps to keep myself calm and free from all the tensions in life and gives me solutions to solve all my problems.OM SAI RAM.
Hi Venkat,
Thanks for giving us such a good article..
I believe baba a lot.. my life is so bitter.. please be with me baba..
Jai Sai Ram, Sai Ram friends i am very upset these days and need saibabas blessings. I need guidance, to come out from bad habits. I have many bad habits, like regarding money matters, anger, always tells lies even with my wife and mother father. Plz Sai baba help me otherwise i will got mad. Plz pray for me I definitely make efforts.
Jai Sai Ram
Sai baba showed his presence in my life about one year back and he is with me all the time.I am highly inspired by your words and it has helped me to come closer to my dear Sai.
My dear Sadguru Sai Devotee, Today with the blessings of Sai I happened to go through this web site. I came back to remember so many things, for which I am thankful to u. I make efforts to curb evil habits with the holy blessings of Sai Baba. I will come back when my evil habits vanished from me. Thanks once again
Om Sai Ram,
By way of my friend, i heard about saibaba for the past 5 months. On heard about it, i went to temple and darshan saibaba. I was mentally disturbed with finance, family & others on that time. while darshan sri saibaba, first of all my sad will being come decreasing, and completely vanish. sometimes sad will arise, but i control. I darshan all gods. Mostly, i chanting & hearing sai ram songs. I beleive saibaba to vanish completely my all problems which was known by my god Srisaibaba. Please help Srisaibaba to solve my all problems.
om sai namonama srisai namonama jayajayasai namonama sathgurusai namonama.
I Love U Sai Baba.. Plzz always with me…. I can not live without U.. I need u in every step… OM Siridi Vasayo Bidmohe Sachchinandayo Dhimohi Tonmo sai Pochodayat
i like all ur blogs very much i want know about naagsai tample plz help me i don’t know enlgish i can talk tamil hindi and marathi
Om Sai Ram
When I found baba all the miseries of my life disappeared like water bubbles I find Baba’s blessings in whatever I do.I have one bad habit I trust unknown persons easily and help them but after getting my help when they hurt me I feel disappointed baba please help me to trust on my wellwishers and control my anger and disappointment
om sai ram baba abhi tak hamare life me sab kuch achha kiye hai aur aage bhi achha karenge yahi mera ummid hai baba sab kuch jante hai mere life ke ware me ye mera purna wishwash hai om sai namo namah shri sai namo namah jay jay sai namo namah
Thank you for this wonderful article Mr Venkat, Baba made you do this for all his devotees…
Its just not reading these but we should obey and put it in practice. Thank you for all your guidance.
om sai jai sai
Om Sai Ram.
Let every one on this earth be happy and peaceful. Let every one get SAD BUDDHI, SAD VASANA . No problem should come in any one’s life. Even if it comes, you be with every one so that they can over come it.
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram plz be with ur devotees.never leave us.we r sinners . show all of us right path to live
sainath my betterhalf is having bad habits so he have to come out of his bad habits i can pray for him…but he have to reliaze come out that totally myself and his mother feels a lot…sairam please teach him a lesson and make him to come out of his anger and bad habits sainath
om sai sri sai jaya jaya saiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
i want to go to shirdi.. but sia is not calling me 🙁
Sai is every where with us
This blog is very informative . Thanks venkat . Have a nice day . SAI RAM
Hi Venkat,
I’m impressed by articals that you write about Sai baba.
I have a question that bothers me a lot, not sure if you could help me seek an answer to this.
whenever I visit Shirdi Sai baba Mandir and come back I get into a lot of problems, as in problems at office, my health goes down so on and so forth.
I’m a bit apprehensive, many a time I think I should not visit shirdi again but then I reoncile back and eagerly wait for my next trip.
What can you make out of this situation that I’ve explained. Can you read between the lines and let me know why such things happen?
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sau ram om sai ram !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thousand of word for sai baba always
Om sai Sri Sai JaiJai Sai
Ananthakoti brahmandanayaka rajaadhi raja yoghiraja prabrahma sacchidananda sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai.dont to how to express my gratitude to you Baaba.
Thanks for being with me always.
please keep my focus on your holyfeet always as im a human i may forget you when iam happy.who is reading this website is having luck and blessings of baba. you will never face any difficulties baba knows what you wanted.keep chanting Sairam ..
he is the best sailor.
shiridi sai baba saved my life at every moment he made me to think that he is walking with in me every part of life
While I am writing this I desperately need baba’s help. I forget him at times, I criticise him at times, but at the end he has always been with me. He has always given me more than I expect. Though he never speaks but I like chatting with him, though he never can be seen still he looks the most beautiful. My future is at stake and I know he is with me. Plz be with me today baba as always u have been. Plz help me so that my work happens successfully.!! U know wat I m asking for !! Jai sai ram
very useful website for sai devotees…
Experiencing baba is a different feeling…he is always there with all of us. Baba always used to tell us that he is our mother. being his child, we don’t need to worry abt anything, he knows very well our needs, how our life should be… Just we need to keep faith in him. I am lucky to be your devotee….I love u a lot baba….
Good Motivated Saying. & It really works when we follow it with confidence.
Hi Venkat,
This website is amazing.I really like it very much especially the question and answers.I really get some consoling replies and those reallt seem to be responded by sai. Infact that keeps me recently and helping me to lead my life to some extent with belief so i request you add some more replies when you get time.
baba ji m vry tired pls help me out of dis problm
ab aap pr sab chorr chuki hu m
sab aap ko dekhna h
AANANT KOTI BRAMANN NAYAK RAJADHEERAJ YOGIRAAJ PARBHARMA SHRI SACHIDANAND SATGURU SAI BABA KI JAI , though sai nath is at shridi but sai take care of all his devotee i have gone through many problems in life but my sai baba made my feelings strong and day by day faith is increasing. truly speaking everyday whatever i think the very next day i read in sai charitra in form of lesson whether the matter relates to desire,problem,sins,or our karmas ,baba even i have learned how to make you happy . please shower your blessing on my family baba .
shirdi sai ni chusthe challu kallu nindipothai kadupu nindipothathi jeevitham nindipothathi inkemi kavali manishiki sai darsaname chalu ie janmaki jai sairam
thanx sir for giving u r valuable suggestion and i opened my sense and i got courage after reading u r suggestion.with the blessing of sai baba i will definitely come out of negative thinking and bad habits
Om Sai Ram
Baba is there in my house to save ,guide n my family from everything shirdi sai baba is one of my family member he is the one
who only I can share my happiness, and my suddenness I love u baba