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Sai does not want you to worry about destiny

Sairam friends,

This weekend, we sent some snacks and food stuff to my Sister in the U.S. So I enjoyed shopping and my Father packed it. We also went to a courier shop in R.S.Puram, Coimbatore to get it posted.

Last evening, I took my parents for shopping and then we also went to Nagasai mandir.

On Saturday night, I was not able to sleep until late in the night. I tried a lot but I kept worrying about something. I am not sure what’s going to happen in my life. Its little scary as my parents are getting weak these days.

This morning, I had a very bad dream. It was like a girl had committed suicide because of some relationship problem. I don’t like such dreams but it was like Sai telling me the state of youngsters these days.

You might face several disappointments in your life but never let yourself down. Always believe that there’s a better way to live and you certainly can.

We are living in a world of instant gratification. Right from childhood, some kids get all that they desire. Hence, when they can’t bear failures and disappointments, they assume that getting rid of this life might be an option.

Basically, Sai will always help but we should not worry about facing insults, failures and disappointments.

I am used to it but may be, many people take it seriously.

So please let go of your worries and feel Sai deep in your heart.

No matter what happens, try to be positive in life because Sai wants you to be internally strong. Today, I posted a devotees experience in the link below.

Keep talking to Baba. He will uplift you and make you touch the sky.

Sai blessings


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