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Sai dream inspired me to work on a project to motivate people to adopt continuous learning

Mahalakshm Kolhapur Learning
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Today being Akshaya Tritiya, I whole heartedly worship Shirdi Saibaba and Goddess Mahalakshmi to bless every Sai children with good health, peace and prosperity. I wish you have a look at my love for Goddess Mahalakshmi through below old articles.

Shirdi Saibaba and Goddess Mahalakshmi blessings for Akshaya Tritiya

Eight good deeds you can do on Akshaya Tritiya and Kolhapur Mahalakshmi Kiranostav – Festival of Sun rays

How much I love Mahalakshmi of Kolhapur. She’s truly a Goddess of mercy. A sweet heart.

A divine dream from Shirdi Saibaba

Few days back, I launched to inspire and motivate professionals to learn from other professionals. I was too tired at night to work on it regularly as I have a full time job which feeds me. I wanted to make something interactive which I can also handle quickly. Hence, I was thinking about investing on a simple cloud software.

Finally, Sai blessed me with the following dream

There’s a beautiful Mahalakshmi painting in our pooja place. My Ma had got it from a Vishnu temple in sometime in 2003.

This is how the dream went..

I saw saint Adi Sankara in the place of Goddess Mahalakshmi photo in the pooja place of my room. Then, I also saw saint Maha Periyava and Adi Sankara blessing me. There’s a reason I saw Adi Sankara in dream. Later, he blessed me with a very precious gift and said you deserve this.

I woke up and asked Sai and Goddess Mahalakshmi if I can do something better to spread the value of Continuous learning. I wish to do something that will change lives of people. I got a message that I must work on it. I believe Saibaba showed Adi Sankara and Maha Periyava in dream especially since they came in my dream in 2013 and took back something they gave me. Saibaba also promised that they themselves will give me a true gift after few years. I had patience all these 4 years eagerly expecting their blessings and got it.

*Removed the new site url as I am not satisfied with its UX design. I wish to focus on

Only Saibaba and Goddess Mahalakshmi and my sweet heart, Saraswathi of Koothanur knows why I am doing all this. I am not sure how successful I will be in such projects too. All I know is Baba is inspiring me to make my life meaningful.

Few days back, I wrote this article

I wish every other person gets what I lost in my life

So many people write me telling their problem. Especially, when people write me about relationship issues, I can understand the importance they give for love. At the same time, they must also focus on their studies and career. This will make Sai also happy. I usually request sai devotees to divert their mind learning a new course or doing something creative.

Om Sri Sai Ram


The featured photo is Mahalakshmi of Kolhapur! Sweet heart. She truly is!

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