Sairam friends,
Its been years that i don’t have a good career which makes my parents worry too much. Irrespective of my love for shirdi saibaba , i honestly get upset at times asking to sai when i do so much to you why should i suffer like this and how am i going to make my parents happy. After my MBA i realized my unhappiness towards saibaba and i generally became too depressed and sad. I am getting old and sai alone knows whats good for me.
Saibaba Photo courtesy – The photos in this article is contributed by devotees who don’t wish their name be published . May sai bless their family for these amazing work. Sai will be happy when we give respect to people who help us with inspiration. These beautiful saibaba photos inspired me to write this article. Its the saibaba mandhir of Dev baba from Ambarnath who lived between 1930’s to 1994 probably after saibabas samadhi .

shirdi saibaba in saat dhatu murti - Idol made from 7 metals in Dev baba mandhir , Ambarnath
One reason i write about my problems is to make millions of sai devotee realize
Not all wishes are fulfilled by Shirdi Saibaba , Lets Love Sai beyond our needs :
In 2009 i received a mail from a Sai devotee that i am wrong in requesting sai devotees to do Shradha Saburi pooja which i created to simplify sai pooja and make sure sai devotees spend atleast 10 minutes for remembering sai in thier busy life.
Honestly i agree i am wrong because Saibaba never ever requested to do any purticular way of pooja,ritual or devotion . ( i have explained why i still ask devotees to do such pooja somewhere below in this article )
Sai knows every single devotee will be different.
Sai loves devotion – Pure bhakti shown in any form of Nava vidha bhakti – 9 forms of bhakti
Some like to sing bhajans, some like to just listen to Saibaba aarti, Some likes to read ( parayan of Sai satcharitra ), Some like just physical work ( seva in temple …example…everyday in Nagasai mandhir i never get exited to attend aarti, instead i get the dhuni keys, open the door and clean the dhuni while aarti is going on. The fire, sacred ashes, getting down dhuni tank and wiping the hot pieces of wood …All this satisfies me though sometimes i get burnt in hand, eyes pain due to heat and my mother scolds me as i reach home with dirty shirt and hair will be full of ashes. I run into my room before as soon as i reach home..he he

shirdi saibaba mandhir in Ambarnath by dev baba
Coming back to help sai devotees accept the fact that not all wishes are fulfilled by saibaba , I wonder how the Sai nav guruwar vrat – 9 thursday vrat alone is so popular that people learn it by word of mouth from friends and believe once its done, then their wish will be fulfilled. Infact i also have guided many to do nav guruvar vrat , shradha saburi pooja, lighting lamps, etc. All these pooja , rituals and any kind of bhakti like reciting a mantra, singing aarti , reading Sai Satcharitra does have a great effect on our welfare. Sai does help us but it depends on person to person , their own past karma and the intense of their faith which determines their wish will be fulfilled or not.
Many sai children write to me with desperate need
A mother who wants to have child and waiting for years
A mother whos waiting over 2 years for her daughters admission for a purticular course and wonders if sai really is there ( She writes me, i did this pooja but sai din’t helped me . I am loosing faith )
A husband / Wife who wants to unite with their seperated partner
Men and women who look for true love from friends and relatives
and many young guys and girls who are in relationship pain facing obstacles in getting married.
Everyone of us go to Sai to get our wish fulfilled, To learn what we choose to learn, to earn a living and to marry the one whom we desire and have child , earn more, Be in good health , get more love and care …
I know like me, many sai devotees are jobless for years . I used to ask my friend Kanna , what i would have done in my previous birth
1. Probably i was a jamindar of village in 18th century and paid too less to thousands of farmers after getting their hardwork
2. Probably i stole hard earned money of someone innocent
3. probably i was cursed by a saint or women ….
( The sacred Hindu book “Garuda Puranam” might have some answers about sins and its effects in next birth . It must be read in temple not in house )
Saibaba alone knows what sin i did to be like this but the advantage is if i had been successful before 10 years , i would have gone to saibaba temple and worshipped him every week but certainly not created StarSai. StarSai gives more meaning to my life than the success i would have got over the years. As sai says
“What man gives is worthless compared to what God gives ” and God gave me StarSai.
I have to explain why i still encourage people to do sai nav guruvar vrat, Shradha saburi pooja, light lamps , do parayan of sai satcharitra etc. Its because its one way of decipline. We have to develop a culture in our devotion to Saints and Gods. It will pass on from one generation to another. Like how during saibabas life time , in Tarkad family, Grandfather, father and son , all loves Sai in their own way…
When we regularly offer naivaidhya ( food,water ) , light lamps , offer flowers, sing aarti or any mantra, it brings in us and our family auspiciousness , Divinity and blessings of all devars.

shirdi saibaba portrait in ambarnath saibaba temple

shirdi saibaba portrait in ambarnath saibaba temple
Now the question is How are we going to cope up when our wishes are not fulfilled :
We read in Sai Satcharitra the coversation between Hamadpant and Saibaba. Hamadpant asks ,
Sai , so many people come to you. Does everyone gets what they want ? Are their desires fulfilled ?
and Sai replies looking at the Mango tree.
Look at the Mango tree with many flowers on it. If all the flowers becomes fruit how nice it would be but do they ? Many fall off due to wind and other reasons.
Similarly, we see shirdi is welcoming lakhs of devotees, we see millions visit saibaba temple and worship saibaba mentally everyday but many of them get dejected when their wishes are not fulfilled.
There are devotees who write me like this…
I am not worshipping Shirdi Saibaba any more because i was insulted in my office and sai could have saved me …Some women stop coming to saibaba temple just because their wish is not fulfilled.
Some even abuse saibaba harshly and i feel why such a thing happened to them.
The only safe thing i believe is
You have all rights to get upset with Saibaba and also be angry with him for sometime
Saibaba cares for his ardant devotees and when he cant help things happen, Sai accepts your harsh reaction, your anger and your feelings. Like a mother accepting a Childs anger on her, Sai accepts yours .
The worser case is
Loosing faith on Shirdi saibaba completely and ignoring him for life time. This is total selfishness but even for such people sai does care as before through out their life time and they will realize it someday.
I wrote this article because its 2011 and people have complicated problems. Their wishes, their way of living and their way of going to Saibaba for materialistic reasons alone has increased. Sai is seen as a Machine offering what we need at one point. Just because we do pooja, is it easy for Sai to wash away all our sins and grant what we need.
Yes Saibaba does say in Sai Satcharitra that your intense pure faith can help saibaba wash away sins but there are saintly ways to do it.
Any True saint will not break the law of Nature and Karma :
When H.H. Narasimha swamiji started All india Sai samaj in 1930’s and wrote articles in The Hindu newspaper about Shirdi Saibaba to spread his fame, Some thought his miracles , leelas were like a jaglaur, Magician but only few who worshipped saibaba whole heartedly realized his powers.
The ways of Sai – Sai alone knows :
To some devotees Sai never gives advices . He says
“Why you need a guru. Everything is in yourself. You do good you get good. You sow a bad seed, you will see a poisonous plant”
It means the bad karma in past birth or our ancestors bad deeds will grow as a poisonous tree and ruin our life. The intense love and devotion we show on saibaba will help for sure but may be in many cases Saibabas help on us in totally invisibe.
To some devotees , Sai gives a failure in career to safeguard his/her married life.
I mean some may get married to a wrong person if he/she is earning well. So sai might make them loose job so that they get rid of greedy life partner.
So here, sai has to do something we dont want to avoid something thats much worser.
( Note – this is just a imaginary example. Don’t always relate it to your life )
and yes about washing away karma and doing good to you. Ask yourself was your devotion and faith on Saibaba so intense…So deeeeeeeep ?
To some devotees Sai makes them experience the evils of their bad karma in dream so that it wont happen in reality. To some devotees sai burns their bad karma in his sacred dhuni. Yes. It happens but it takes years of patience. Even people who clean dhuni for years are suffering. You know whom i am talking about.
This is not a negative article . It helps Sai devotees accept and love Sai beyond their needs :
Saibaba of Shirdi is today more popular than any other saints. I can’t believe how many cars and vehicles carry his name, stickers even in indian villages. There are thousands of people who start business in the name “SAI” . Does all of them get success ?
How many men and women suffer with out being able to pay back their loan in bank ?
How many suffer as their children are not interested in studies and get bad habits ?
How many parents worry as their children are not geting married ?
At a point of time, they feel is Shirdi Saibaba really there ?
The most usual mail i get is this…
“Saibaba has many devotees. Saibaba helps only rich people who build temples etc and Saibaba doesn’t loose anything if i don’t worship him . So saibaba din’t help me ”
This article basically has two moral for every shirdi saibaba devotee
1. Shirdi Saibaba is alive and cares for you irrespective of your wishes getting fulfilled
His assurance is beautiful friends
he said
“After my Samadhi, my bones will be speaking and discussing your welfare”
to another devotee he says
“Bai, you have not seen even one fourth of my power all these days. After my Samadhi, you will realize my powers to safeguard my devotees”
2. We must learn to surrender totally in the holy feets of Shirdi Sai baba
Many Sai devotees misunderstand that i am close to saibaba or i am true devotee of saibaba. In reality i am also on my way towards moulding myself to devote myself to sainath. I am able to write this for hours because i am one with you all. I have my own set of mistakes and realize i myself have to change .
Lets togather learn to accept what ever happens in our life is for Good. Sai is taking care of us beyond our dreams and expectations. Sai is one with us friends. Lets love him for what he has done for us.
Total surrender is not saying Sai will help me. Its accepting Sai, when Sai din’t help you.
I write it with tears friends. He is beyond what we experience in our life. His love is beyond his ability to change your life for good. His love is beyond the seven seas of desires of mankind. His love for his devotees cannot be judged by their success , wealth , health and happiness.
Saibaba at one state tells to one of his devotee
“In this world everyone has someone but there is no one for me”
How true is this friends ? Like how much we need Sai, Sai also needs us . Its just this divine friendship we must learn to develop between us and Sainath Maharaj.
i sincerely pray shirdi saibaba to bless you with peaceful life, good health , good job, good married life , child, education and hapiness and harmony in family.
It happens for thousands of years to come amoung Shirdi saibaba devotees…
“Some get upset with Sai, Some loose faith and very few surrender to Shirdi Saibaba”
Atleast if we can cope up with our failures, disappointments in our life and believe My Shirdi Saibaba is with me. He cares for me no matter what happens, this maturity is enough for us.
During Saibaba’s life time in shirdi, He tells to a devotee
“Fear not even if heavens ( thunder ) fall on your head. Believe me whole heartedly and i am always with you ”
Aum sri sainathaya namaha
Little servant of Shirdi Saibaba
15 : 6 :2011
You can also read one of my old article
Sairam Venkat ji,
Very thoughtful and nice inspirational article specially for the people going through difficult times.
You are indeed the purest soul I have come across.
I pray Babaji to solve all your problems and Bless you with loads of happiness in personal as well as professional life.
Om Sai Ram
I am also believer of Sai maa.. i came across starsai website about 8 months ago, when i was facing my toughest time of my life.. i know its baba’s wish to see starsai. it helped me a lot, it was the time when i used to only cry cry & cry…
But baba from inside used to say dont cry & i used to open starsai & felt happy & forgot all my sorrows.. most of the time i kept star sai open for whole time… bcz i dont know when again i will remember wht all happebd to me & start crying..
It was like baba is speaking to me through star sai…
& i got strength.. now i have no desires for material things , i only want baba to be there the only savior, only friend, my love my life.. he is my best friend , he never gets angry on me, he never leaves me.. he loves me unconditionaly.. & take care of me every single second.
Now i am a tough girl who believes nothing can happen to me without my baba’s wish .. so i accept every situation his wish & thik he is the doer … & he always do best!!! 🙂
May baba bless all just beleive in him & leave every thing rest to him…
He will do the rest & see what he does…
Baba says : just be the observer of your life…
Love you my best friend & my life partner!!! sai baba…
Chint ki tu chita mein na jal uth baba ki sharan mein chal…
Well Said… We are human beings and mere creatures, a small creation among many wonderful and infinite creations of God. Its the maya which covers us the time we born and keep our feet on earth. Its the rule of the land. We all are here to server our previous birth deeds. Thats why its called Karma bhumi… Even a small bad karma could make you take birth. So its better to server the sentence of previous bad karma and not commit any new ones. But again, the creator has given a mind (brain) and are given a choice to do good karma or bad… Depending on individual he spends his life time…
If you are in tough times and going through rough patches in life and YOU ARE A TRUE BELIEVER of god, think that god has given you a chance to burn your past karma… You can not escape without serving the sentence… But at the same time, god would give you mental and physical strength to go through this bad time. But the bad time could be 1 month, 1 year, 10 years or more which depends on how much bad karma we carry from previous birth. You got to have patience. You have all the right to plead, cry, ask help, question, quarrel with your beloved god. But NEVER EVER loos faith on him. God only can help you sail through this rough seas and high tides what we call LIFE (Bhava samudra).. We most of the times wont realize how god helped you. You might fall down from bike and get a small cut or bruise on your leg instead of loosing entire leg or life. The incident was supposed to happen, but god would have helped you to get out with lesser pain… I have observed this many times in my life. My sweet lord Gurudeva Datta (none other than our Sainath) have taken care of me and my family all the time. But as I told earlier, I have problems in life like many others.. I was so scared, cried, didnt knew what to do, legs were shaking when I used to think of the situation etc.. but an invisible hand (Sweet lord Datta, Sainath and goddess Banashankari) held me and showed me where to go, what to do… I have many things to say.. probably i would send an article when i get time.. But Never think god is not listening to you.. Train your mind and aatma to realize the numerous miracles god is doing in each and every one’s life. This is only possible by filling your heart and mind with pure bhakti and complete faith on him….. I would like to end this lengthy comment with a small story (might be know one.. but still…)
A devotee, pure of heart, full of faith in heart towards god, having gone through many tough phases in his life ultimately dies and goes to heaven. He sees foot prints of his whole life time.. He sees 2 sets of legs when he was going through good times of his life but only one set of legs when he was in bad times. He turns to god and questions god “You always accompanied me when I was in good times. But where were you when I was going through bad times, you left me alone to walk through those bad times. I believed you and had full faith in you… how could you do this? Is it fair??”. God smiles on him and asks him to remember things happening when he was going through the bad times and says, “Yes. You see me along with you in good times, but what you are failing to see is me carrying you in my shoulders when you were in bad times. Thats why you see only one pair of leg, which is actually mine. How could I let my devotee server the sentence all alone”.
We human beings could get angry on god, ask returns of our bhakti and pooja we did for him. Might loose faith and eventually forget him. But god never gets angry on his devotee, never forgets. He wouldnt want to take credit for his help on us. His ways of helping is different. He invisibly helps his devotee.. We just need to build our mind and heart to realize it.
May lord Dattatreya, Sainath and godess Banashankari give every one, especially those going through tough times, mental and physical strength to over come it soon.
||Jai Gurudeva Datta||
||Jai Sainath||
Om sai ram
Sir kindly send some pooja or any sloka for my sister delayed marriage and my mom’s health.
Om sai ram
Thank you for all your day to day helps in all forms.
Give me strenght to complete my Ph.D successfully and please make me realize, when i go wrong!
I use to think alwy, u never give what i ask? You have never given anything in material benefits—-> jobs i wished.
But from 2009 till now, its because of you, i feel a lot of character change in me.
My unwanted anger, unwanted breakings of objects in stress n anger has almost reduced .
I try not to quarrel with my aged parents on any case.
Baba, im not fully refined as crystal, but i had changed from ordinary mud to a vessel for storage by you, in many instances.
” You gave me difficulties and made me strong. ”
” you gave me dangers to overcome my silly fears and gave confidence, courage. ”
” you gave me wisdom through problems and make me realize, that u care n smile on me each day! ”
Baba, am sorry for all my sins with and without my conscious,
please do forgive me! bless me with what u reaally feel apt for me!
Very very very nice article, when i am going through worldly life difficulties and requesting sai baba to give some information during such period in life, it seems to me that he is speaking with me and giving instructions what to do during such bad situation in life.
I think we need to read more about his books, share our experiences, which will encourage us to believe him, grow more and more faith towards him, and find more ways to be more close to him, that make people to be stronger on such situation believing that baba is with us no matter what comes out in our life.
I think the problem in our life will help us to bring more closer to baba and develop more love and faith towards him. After all people remember god during sadness than happiness.
This is first time writing sth. about baba, if any mistake happen please kindly forgive me.
I love sai baba very much.
As baba help us during any situation of life , I have request to all sai devotees to remember him in all situation of your life.
Sadguru sai nath maharaj ki jay ho………………….
cab i keep sai baba statue in my pooja mandir?
Thank you for your article. I recently went through a similar situation where despite my efforts my work was getting stalled. I fought with baba as to why he was being unkind to his child. Then I started losing faith in him and stopped chanting his name. It took me few days to realise my selfish folly. It dawned upon me that my love for baba had suddenly become a tradewhere I demanded he give me everything that I ask for and not what he thinks is best for me. I always knew your website would have the right answers. And yes you had the best answer. Your website has been the source of my hope and relentless faith in baba. Thanks Venkat for showing me thd right path. Sairam.
Hi Dear Friends,
It feels so nice to read all your love you have for our baba.Ya just like all of you Iam one among the friends of BABA. When I read the sentence that Baba said “In this world everyone has someone but there is no one for me” My thorat choked I got goose bumps.Friends are we making our baba feel lonely.Lets not do it.We will tell him and show him that we are with him.He has always been with me.There were times when I behaved stubborn with him.But after knowing these words from sai that he is alone.. I will never ever be away from him.As baba is always with me..I am also with him.Friends we all are with him.Tell him that he can talk to us anytime.WE love him a lot and he is not lonely.I always know what ever happened to me was because of baba’s grace…yes but at times when I did not care about what he said I felt difficulties too.But you know even if you ignore him he will never ignore you.That is our baba.And so now I will never ever leave him.Baba please accept me as your friend.I promise I will never make you feel lonely.
Please shower your motherly love on all your children. Stay with us at all the good and bad times.
Without you we cannot start or finish any work, with your blessing we can make anything possible. You know what we need much better than us, we may lose patience, cry or get angry on you but please forgive for all our mistakes and be with us.
Baba I was asking you to solve my problem since several months, but your silence sometimes making me feel dejected, i feel like you left me alone but throughout my life you were with me, now also I know you are there but you are testing me, I think i am experiencing my old bad karmas. Baba even though I have faith in you just give me patience to go through all these hurdles. I know within no time you will save me. Please give me that assurance baba, just stay with me I can cross oceans with your support.
Sashtanga namaskaram baba
Jai sainadha
just be with me every time sai and lead me through the right path .give n me strength and courage.bless me and my family…can’t even think a day witout u… sai ram.
om sai ram………………..
Very nice article, felt really better after reading it. I had already completed Nav Guruvaar Vrat, but decided to continue as long as Sai permits…Jai Sainath
Very beautiful…because of my bad karma in this birth itself I’m suffering. As you said if I have true faith my sins might get cleaned away and I’ll live happy again. Write to me. Thankyou
Ayum SAI
Jay Jay SAI
SAINATH Help us all with strength
My believe My life My dad My guru My everything is only You Sai. sai the word gives mme so much strength and a power in my body. I love u Baba. Love u forever!