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What Sai wants to give you will come to you. Don’t be a slave of money and wealth

Sairam friends,

I am getting scared of my health. I did not visit any Doctor yet but realized what I am going through. I believe Sai has to shown ways to help and heal. I told Sai that my parents can’t bear if I say them something about my health. So before it gets complicated, he should cure me.

Well, Sai can with little effort from me.

I am just wondering why all this happens?

I am not happy at work. I don’t have anything to say worthy in life and now my health is scaring me.

I was working on my project until late night these days but yesturday, my broadband was slow and I decided to sleep little early. I hugged Sai book and slept.

I woke up at 4. 30 A.M

Again, I slept thinking deeply about Saibaba.

I kept asking these questions

“Who is Sai?”

“What’s all this. Why is Sai helping me?”

“Why I get dreams? This is strange. No other devotee seem to live like me. I only live based on Sai dreams.

I mean, I am also not able to tell anyone how much I have been benefitted by Sai dreams. In few issues, I got hurt but in most issues, I am thankful to Sai for showing me a way.

Anyway, This morning, I got this dream.

Its like, I am going to my office from home in a bike. I stop in a temple on the way. I haven’t seen any Ganesha temple on way but in dream, I see this.

There are 3-4 priests in the temple and its like there’s a festival in the temple. I worship Ganesha and notice that they priests are expecting me to offer dakshina.

I mean, they behave too silly as if every devotee is supposed to offer money.

I walk out, turn to them and tell them,

“I always offer money to priest but I don’t like the way you people are forcing devotees offer money”

That’s it.

I woke up and could relate to something which is happening at the Saibaba temple I visit regularly.

All these years, I have seen securities and sometimes, I give them money. Infact, several devotees used to give small amount to these securities.

There’s a new security who joined recently. He is really annoying because he keeps walking near the car as if no car is supposed to leave the temple without paying him…he he…

Now lets leave this security example. I might tell him softly not to do it as it distracts one from driving and also they might get irritated. People who come as tourist to temple will only think bad about the temple.

Ask yourself if you have been slave of money at any point in your life? What you deserve will come to you. You can ask for it but stay back and relax.

What Sai wants to give you will come to you. Don’t be a slave of money and wealth

I am getting late to work now

Please pray Sai to heal me. I don’t want anything complicated to happen to me. Getting scared.



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