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Sai gave me a Goddess Vaishno Devi coin and made me chant her holy name

vaishno devi mandir
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Last night, I went to Nagasai Mandir and felt good. After distributing prasad, I did something and asked security for change. He took a 5 Rupee coin and looked at it curiously. He said, there’s a Goddess inscribed in the coin. I took it from him and said its “Vaishno Devi”. Her temple is in Jammu.

He immidiately said “I must have kept it with me” but I never gave it back to him. he he.

I thought since I was chanting Sai Sai Sai for the past 2 days, Vaishno Devi has come to me.

Then, I showed him Youtube video of the beautiful Vaishno Devi temple in the hills of Jammu.

I reached home and was talking to my parents for a while. I showd the coin to my Ma and asked “Is that an animal in Mountain near Vaishno devi? ..I wasn’t able to identify the animal near Goddess and assumed its like a Sheep.

My Mom said “Vaishnavi is always with Tiger”

Then, I lit lamp and kept chanting “Sai Vaishno Devi” continuously in mind. Only very few days, I realize my love for Goddess.

I was blessed with few dreams in which I realized Sai and Vaishno Devi is warding of evil that was about to come.

Later, I saw a very strage dream. It was as if my Father is hanging Maps made of cloth all over my room. Some of these Maps were showing countries around the world and some were local maps near Coimbatore. I am not sure what it means but probably, it could mean Sai wants me to travel a lot. I also realized that travelling certainly helps me a better person. Having said that, its hard to leave my parents alone and travel as I wish. So I mostly avoid leaving Coimbatore.

In 2008, I had a Sai friend Dimple didi in Mumbai. Her Son’s name is Tiruvaish – As she believes in Tirupati Venkateswara and her husband’s side belives in Vaishno devi mata.

I woke up at 4 A.M, messaged my Sister as today is Halloween in the U.S and Katya was excited about it.

Later, I read stories about Vishno devi and slept off remembering as if I sleep in the Goddess lap. he he..I often do it because it makes me feel divine.

I am little worried about issues at work but its good because it made me plan better on what I should be doing in the long term.

Keep remembering Sai and Vaishno devi if you like her.

The mother will take care of you and your family.

Om Sai Ram


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