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Sai, heal my Father


Its been a long prayer and you don’t seem to fulfil my prayer. I don’t mind. All I want is my Parents should be in good health. My Father isn’t well the past few weeks. He managed when we were in the U.S and its by your grace that I took him safe home. Now, he’s not even telling that he has some health issues. Please heal my Father for he has always been there for me and I need him.

Please make my Father happy.

I am remembering him often through out the day.

I am depressed these days as I feel that I am lost.

Sai blessings


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1 Comment

  • Sai ram,hope your pa is better now.i feel inspired to write but somehow my comments never show up.
    sai does want to communicate a lot of teachings and other things but it seems noone is interested.
    This has been the bane of his followers.just blame everything on Sai and not admit ones own mistakes.all want material things,no one is satisfied.dont want to undergo difficulties for sai’s sake,nor live in simplicity like him.people need to get out of their small selves,aim for universality,think of the life after death,when we will have to give account of our karmas.jai sai

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