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Good Health

Sai heals

Sairam friends,

I wanted to write about Psychological warfare last night caused by Social media companies and basically the way we consume content from the internet. It will take sometime for me to research on the topic. Since its a Thursday, I wanted to write about Sai.

When people started learning about Sai, he was initially known as a good healer in the village.

Of several devotees of Saibaba, I admire the Tarkad family most.

You know how their contact with Saibaba happened?

Tarkad family consists of Tarkad, his son, Mother and Tarkad’s elderly Father.

Tarkad’s wife had severe headache. It was unbearable that she realized only God can cure it. She went to a fakir who was in Haji ali mosque in Bombay. The fakir told her ‘I have an elder brother in a village called Shirdi. Only he can cure you. So go to him”.

It must be early sometime in 1910. How can a Women and her Son easily get permission to travel so far in train. Finally, Tarkad allowed them to travel to Shirdi as he cares for his wife.

The Mother and the Son took train and got down in Kopergoan railway station. They took Tonga to Shirdi village. On the way, they refreshed in Godavari river.

Finally, they reached Shirdi. You must imagine how it would have been when real Sai was in Shirdi. OK?

The Mother and the Son sat infront of Sai in Dwarakamai. As if Sai doesn’t know why She has come to see him, he enquired about her. On saying She has severe headache, you know what Sai did.

Sai took palmful of Udi and applied over her forehead saying

“Let the headache go off right now”

I forgot what Baba did. May be, he slapped her too with Udi. As soon as Baba did that, Mrs.Tarkad felt an immidiate cure.

The Mother and the Son stayed in Shirdi for 2-3 days and started back to Mumbai.

On reaching their home, they kept on speaking about Sai always. So the Tarkad and his elderly Father was also inspired to go and meet Baba.

How beautiful were the stories of Tarkad family with Sai. They have visited Shirdi for 17 times when Sai was living in Shirdi.

Why I remembered this Sai leela today?

I used to get medicines to keep in a small box for employees. Last week, I got a stripe of tablets for fever as I assumed there’s a change in weather and people might get fever. I was right and most of the tablets gor over. The past 2-3 days, I forgot to buy tablets for fever as there are only 3 more remaining. Every morning, I think about it as I get really tensed when someone asks for medicine and there would be nothing to give.

Anyway, Sai basically is a healer.

He heals.

When you are going through health problems, remember him deeply. Trust him.

Today is my Brother in Law’s birthday. My parents had given for pooja in the colony Ganesha temple to Kal Bhairav. Will go there and pray for all of you!

Do not worry.

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • Jai Sainath 🌹🌹🌹
    Your Sai Article is giving me a Strength
    To live my life.
    Thx Venkat.
    Sai bless u nd ur family 🌹

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