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Sai tells me not to be a lazy head!

Sairam friends,

Before anything, I wanna let you all know that I will be in Singapore from August 22nd to 25th. It’s official trip and I will be fully occupied. Not sure if I can escape from people around me and spare few minutes to meet Sai devotees. If you are from Singapore, please let me know if we could meet.

Last evening, I went to Saibaba temple from office. My Mom called up to ask me to get medicines as she had stomach ache. So I did not felt like going out. One of this guy is going to Shirdi for 15 days service. So I walked out to Saibaba colony with him, got medicines and came back to temple.

The night aarti was going on and hence I felt like sitting in the main hall of the temple. It is depressing whenever i think that my Mom is getting weak. So I kept staring at Sai for a while even after the Aarti.

I spoke to my friends for 20 minutes after the temple was closed. Then, I reached home, had dinner and until 1 at night I was thinking what’s going to happen in my life.

I asked Sai about give me a clarity on the girl he has been showing me in dream since 2016. Well, I always ask him to do it. But I got some other dreams.

In the first dream, I saw myself in a small temple. It was as if there’s a festival happening there. Actually, couple of people are stopping me from going in as something strange is happening in the temple.

Then, to my surprise, I saw a Goddess who’s name is a Tamil word. I mean to say, its not typical name of any Goddess – Its a Tamil word. I was remembering this word even after the dream but later I forgot it.

The best part was, I could see the Goddess speaking. Her lips were moving and I was like ‘Oh see..she’s speaking”…

I felt happy for the dream as I saw a speaking Goddess in dream but I still asked Sai to tell me why he showed me one of this girl in dream several times. I desperately need an answer from Sai as this issue embarrassed me so much the past 3 years.

Sai proves that I am lazy head

I went to my parents room and slept again. This time, again I had some other dream in which I saw my Mom running as if she’s so strong.

I am running behind her as if its a marathon to see if my Mom can actually run so long. Finally. She reaches a flyover. There’s another man who seems to be a volunteer in the marathon and holding 2 bottles of water.

When my Mom finally stops running on the flyover proving she has enough energy to run so long, I first ask this man to give her bottle of water fearing she might faint.

That’s it and I woke up.

As soon as I woke up, I told my Mom that I had a dream as if you are able to run so long and you seem to be energetic.

My Mom said that it should be my Father as he’s the one who wakes up early in the morning.

Somehow, I know this dream was shown by Saibaba to tell me that while I am worried that my Mom is weak, Saibaba wants me to do some physical activity and not keep worrying and sleeping.

I should do something productive which impacts others lives. Well, I have been writing a lot for past 15 years through StarSai.

Now, I wanted to do something practical. Where I can really bring some change in others lives.

I am wondering if I will ever do it.

Atleast, As Saibaba feels, I should be active.

And yes. The dream also made me feel Sai will make my Mom healthy.

Sai blessings


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