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Sai Leela

Sai Leela is beyond imagination

sai leela
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I like Sai devotees who clearly have the incidents in their minds when Sai helped them and protected them by his Leela. The vast majority of us does know Saibaba helped us in past but we tend to forget how much he cares for us. I received a very simple and sweet devotees experience from Priya

Read on.

Before that, a cute Sai baba Photo from a devotee – Sampurna

sai leela

Sai Leela is beyond your imagination


Today I am sharing my experience as my joy knew no bounds…
It all started when I was a kid n had gone to my Sisters place for my
summer vacations came to know Saibaba as my sis is a great devotee of
Sai, I started praying baba a lot, after 1-year problems just tumbled on
me and in anger I stopped praying him.

Time passed and then miracle 1

I was residing in a hostel and got possessed n almost I was about to
die when my friend gave me udi to drink for 4 days and sang aarti for
me and I got well.

Then I again started praying Baba.

I got loads of problems but this time I didn’t leave him.

Miracle 2

I was not getting admission in my desired college as I was having
financial crisis.

I didn’t get admission anywhere else as I was late as a result I dropped for a year and prepared for exams.

I always cry in front of baba but I didn’t give up. Finally, I got selected in a more
prestigious college.

Miracle 3

After all this, I wanted to go Shirdi but was not able to go n the
The next morning I got a call from my cousin n she asked me to go to Shirdi.

So I am going to Shirdi to visit my sweetest baba next month.

I just want to tell you all that whatever be the situation don’t leave
baba, he will never leave us,

He just tests your faith n patience and once you passed it, he will give you a hundred times more than asked to. just believe n give him love n devotion.

Sai Leela is far beyond our imagination.

om sai ram


I liked the way she has counted the Sai Leela in her life. There are devotees who worship Saibaba for years but they don’t remember what Sai has done for them. We must ever be thankful to Sai for he is a Guru who cares for us even when we forget him.

Please share Saibaba photos taken in your home and write to me Sai Leela which happened in your life.


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  • This one life may not be sufficient to thank Baba for the innumerable ways He protects and guides us.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • sairam

    Udhi is ABSOLUTELY POWERFUL and chanting HIS NAME along with it and SURRENDERING to HIM TOTALLY shall give us miracle after miracle throughout the day – 24 X 7 days.

  • Thank u starsai . Thank u venketraman. Thank u so much..I was suffering from so much pain becoz I was an idiot. But after reading your articles I am feeling very happy and lucky, all my pain has gone. I know it’s also baba’s blessing so that I came to read these articles .I am feeling much better now..thank u baba. Love u.

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