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Sai was my mother during and post pregnancy

Sairam friends,

I would have replied over 1000 emails when people write to me about problems in their pregnancy or when they wish to have a child. These days, I don’t have time for it. Anyway, a devotee shared her experience and how Saibaba helped her.

Hello Venkat ji,

Sai ram, Hope you are well.

I’m Monica from USA.

I really wanted to share this with Sai devotees, especially ladies who are struggling to conceive babies. These experiences are way less than the number of times we would want to see and I really want to help women who are looking for confidence that Sai Baba will always be with us. 

Writing this experience has been due for almost 4 years now. I prayed to Baba that I would share my experience on Star Sai, the place that gave me comfort and helped keep faith during tough times in my life.

I was 27 year old when this happened and writing this to share how Sai Baba immensely blesses his devotees no matter what and that he is always with us, right by our side.

I was married for 4 years and we were trying to have a baby, did all tests for me and my husband, but doctors couldn’t find any specific reason for our struggle, except my egg count was really low, that of a 50 year old and doctor basically said, chances if having a baby are really low and wanted us to consider other options.

I was broken, and I had no idea why this was the case and even the doctors dint know about it either. I surrendered to Sai Baba, with complete faith, completed Sai Nav guruvar vrat and continued to pray. Sai Baba did his miracle, in the first round of treatment, when the doctor said that we could try for my satisfaction with medicines, I conceived, and throughout the pregnancy, all happened during Covid, so none of my family could travel to the USA, Sai was my mother during and post pregnancy, during delivery. He made sure everything went on perfect, I wouldn’t have it in any other way, and blessed me with my precious baby boy. This is all a complete Sai miracle and his blessings. 

Now, we are trying for our second baby and facing the same challenges. I again have surrendered to Sai with complete faith to bless me with another opportunity to become a mother, once again. 

This is to anyone, who’s facing challenges and having a tough time in their life, I understand, its really hard to be positive all the time and have that unwavering faith on Sai, not because we have nay doubts, but because of how things are around us, our mind tends to go into a circle of thoughts. But, I strongly believe from my experience that, even if we go into the circle of thoughts, once we realize it, and bring our attention back to Sai’s feet/ pray to Sai in any form that we like, we will find our mind at peace. Sai Baba will always be with us.

I pray to write my experience with my current journey for my second baby in StarSai as well. Fellow readers and Sai devotees, please pray for me. 

Thank you for reading. Om Sai Ram.

Thank you,


Om Sai Ram

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