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Sai’s love for Nature – Dedicating Garden Ideas to Mother Nature

Sairam friends,

This morning, When I woke up, I had a feeling that its Monday! I was too tired and told myself ” Hope it’s not Monday..I want to sleep Sai”…I woke up and saw my mobile.

YEEEEEES.Its Sunday!

I slept a few more minutes. I woke up with a feeling that I wanted to do something really worth today. The whole world tells me “If you are married, you can’t be like this”

Like what?

Heyyyyy Am free now! I can be like this.Like what I am…he he …

But then!

You know one of my close friends recently got married. His father came home and told my Mom that “I surrendered to Sai and Sai only did everything for us and Venkat gave prasad to him…..Sai is truly powerful, Venkat is going to be blessed with a good life ! He knows better than me, I don’t have to say”

I was blinking and kept smiling to him thinking “Indha Testimonial naan ketena Sai? I appreciate his gratitude but am helpless.

After he left, my parents asked me ( as I guessed)

1. What do you ask Baba? How you pray Baba?

I said “Baba, bless me with whatever you think is good for you”

My Amma said “No. You must pray to bless you with good girl’

She added, “Maybe Baba wants to keep you with himself. So he is not letting you say OK for the girls we suggest”.

I blinked making sure that it doesn’t become an argument and said “Ya ya.I pray Baba, bless me with a girl you think is good for me”

Then my Dad said, everyone comes and says Venkat prayed for us, my son is good, daughter is good and you have devotees around the world calling you and saying “this happened, that happened”  but you only sit and pray for others”

I said “What can I do? I honestly pray Baba for me also”

I tried to be calm…silent…Don’t want to argue baba. On Saturday also I argued with my parents and hurt them. I felt so sad and at night, when they were sleeping I touched them and said “Sorry Pa…Sorry ma” and slept off hugging Sai Satcharitra.

Not all day is going to be serious. Today, Sai managed to make my parents smile and I started thinking about what to do.

A few weeks back I was sitting outside the house near the flower pots where we kept Thulasi plants and Mom told me “Since your Star is Vrichikam, its good if you water plants and trees as in Tamil or Sanskrit “Vrucham” means Tree”.

When I was in school, I used to like Gardening a lot. I used to plant Roses, Tomato plants, etc in the garden, turn the water pipe in the bathroom and take that water in a different pipe into the Garden and look at them happily.

As we grow up, we don’t really take care of Nature and it happened to me too. I never was interested in Gardening or plants anymore.Five years back, I made a website exclusively for promoting people to plant Tulasi ( Holy Basil) in their home garden or in a pot if they live in a flat. As usual, my site got expired in a Year and I left it.

The greatness of Adubara Tree:

They call it Athi Maram in Tamil and Adumbar in Hindi.

According to Wikipedia,

Ficus racemosa (syn. Ficus glomerata Roxb.) is a species of plant in the Moraceae family. Popularly known as the Cluster Fig Tree or Goolar (Gular) Fig, this is native to Australia, Malesia, South-East Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent. It is unusual in that its figs grow on or close to the tree trunk, termed cauliflory. In India, the tree and its fruit are called gular in the north and atti in the south.

Lord Dattatreya and all his incarnations like Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha, Narasimha Saraswati, Swami Samartha, and Shirdi Sai baba are considered to reside as a Living soul in every Adumbara tree. It’s so sacred and powerful.

There’s this book about Saint Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha who lived in the 13th century. The book portrays how great and sacred is this Adumbara tree that it can even save the life of a devotee. Trust me, I can’t write about some spiritual experiences as it must be kept as a secret for time being. I have experienced very clearly how Datta Avatar can bless a devotee to live long by using the Life force of Adumbara Tree.

I shall stop with that as I can’t reveal more …

I decided to make a site for encouraging people to grow plants in their home gardens and flats. I wanted to keep a divine name starting with Sai but honestly, Sai made me realize

“Nature has no religion or belief system. Its belongs to all of us”

I found that more than 6000 people are searching every month in India for Garden Ideas. Even if i can reach 100 people a month and out of that few realizes the value of growing plants, then I have done little I can for Nature!

I was listening to few songs…Today I loved Tadap Tadap ke iss Dil ….Parents feel I always listen to Mantra and Sloka. So want to make them feel, Look, I listen to songs…Movie Songs !! I have changed…really…he he…

Wrote an article in SaiSafeDriving

In the afternoon my parents wanted me to buy some books of Lord Dakshinamurthy to give to devotees in our colony temple as Gift. They said, temple people just wanted you to buy and come and they can pay. I said, “No , Don’t take temples money, we have to buy ourself and give as gift” …he he….So I went to a shop, got 100 Books, stickers and came back home. I really wanted to sleep in the afternoon but can’t stop myself from doing something I planned.

I wrote a article about Sai’s love for Tulasi spending more than a Hours time. My father came and asked me to write a CD with Hanuman Sahasranamam for playing it in colony Ganesha Temple. I quickly bought it online and while trying to write C.D, my firefox crashes and all that I wrote was Gone !

I gave C.D with Hanuman Sahasranamam to my father and told him “All that I wrote is gone”..He said “is it” and went away…He knows I only write Sai stuff…..he he…

I saw baba angrily and asked him “Don’t you know to make me save what I wrote in between” . I felt sleepy but somehow decided to make my Sweet Gardening site today itself.

Mean while, My friend called up and asked if I am coming for a wedding of a my office mate’s sister behind Saibaba temple. I said OK and went with him. He wanted to go to the Wedding hall directly. I said, Give me two minutes as I won’t go any where without first getting in to Dwarakamai and lighting lamps. He had to tolerate me …so waited

With in next 5 minutes we both were sitting in the Wedding hall and other guys too came . I was speaking happily but after few minutes somehow, I felt too impatient to sit and chat. My friend wanted me to have food and go but I had some work in Dwarakamai ….cleaning stuff ..he escaped….I came to Dwarakamai, did some work and was sitting near the Tulasi plant looking at Sai.

After Aarti, I came home and got a call from my Sister. Since Katya’s vacation has started they had been to a beautiful place in South Dakota for a week. We were speaking about Katya. She said if I was telling anyone that we are basically from India, Katya will immediately tell them “My parents are Indians, I am American”.

Look how she is as Obama says “No matter which ethnicity you are from, If you are born in America, You are American”. She asked Katya, Katya are you Indian? She was screaming……”I am American, You are Indian” …so chweeet !

Anyway, I shall write about the place my sister took Katya for a weeks outing !

Its the place where the famous sculpture of four American presidents were carved on mountain – Mount Rushmore.

The Black Hills & Badlands are filled with American history, Natural Beauty, and the legend of the old west. This historic region is home to Mount Rushmore

I told my sister that today I was planning a gardening Site and was looking for some scenic Images. Wish to use the photos they took during their trip. I wish to show our sweet Katya to my Sai friends but my sister won’t like it ( Privacy nu scena poduva…American maari)

So here are few beautiful Images from Katya’s Vacation !

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near Keystone, South Dakota, in the United States.- George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln

My sister and I spoke about Red Indians. They actually are the Native Americans. They are such a sweet people and led a life associated with Nature ! The whites dominated them eventually. So America actually belongs to these Red Indians.

They named this place as Black Hills and Bad lands because seems this place was below Sea millions of years before and so no plants will grow on mountains. Only grasses grow here. Since Red Indians can’t  use this land for agriculture, they named it bad lands.

black hills bad lands

The mountains and forests of the Black Hills include a treasury of six national parks.

Sister said that Katya enjoyed this place a lot and truly had a wonderful experience. She felt my Mom would have built a Shiva temple on one of these little mountains if she were there.

cottage landscape

A scenic cottage with Greeny landscape – Photograpyama ..Try paneerka baba

Sis told me that they went to a Museum which has all the truth about Native Americans. The Red Indians have been so kind and generous. The Nature was their God…Read the beautiful description in below two pictures…

red indians george catlin

Native Americans – Red Indians have really led a beautiful simple life

The below description in Museum shows Red Indians love for Nature

Red Indians Love for Nature

Red Indians Love for Nature

Red indians life

Red Indians – Native Americans simple life, their shelter ! How beautiful Sai

I asked my sister If Columbus named them Red Indians because he wanted to come to India but discovered this New land America and since these people had Reddish skin, he named them Red Indians. ( Sorry…I am not good at History) My sister said, Am not sure but there are possibilities that Indians who were in south Africa some how traveled west and settled here with creating culture of their own.

Anyway, We never will be able to know the truth about few things in History !

We are not historians am sorry if our conversation has been wrong. It really surprises us that America was not discovered until 14th century ! Oh there’s this new land big …How great it would have been?

My sister asked me to visit them for 2 weeks and she wishes to take me around these beautiful places …. Yes I love to Sai..I really wish to hug Katya and spend time with her ! But don’t know if its possible and when ?.

Now lets come back to Nature !

I spent the entire day working on articles for StarSai friends…Now a days people write me so many mails and no time to reply..please forgive me..One devotee mailed me this morning..

Just wanna send a Token of Love…
Dear sir
My day is never complete without going through your site.
A devote

I felt good about it but how long will i be able to write so regularly? Sometimes net gets cut, sometimes am too depressed that I can’t express anything and sometimes I fear what if the girl I marry doesn’t like me doing all this stuff.Sai bless me with a girl who loves to write …he he…or at least one who loves to read ! So that I keep writing…At least one article a week ! NOOOO??? …One article a Month….Please !

Because this is the only wealth Venkat has earned all his life !

A temple of Humanity called StarSai

Every Breath I take, Every Move I make, I keep loving you Sai

Tomorrow is Monday baba, I have to wake up….Hmmmmmm …Its 2.10 a night…This is too much.shall go and sleep before parents wake up !…Sai please show me a way !


This morning my father gave me Coffee, woke me up and said “Try to limit yourself. Don’t be awake till 2 at night.Ya he knows ! I said “Hmmm, shall sleep soon here after” and quickly read this article. I felt its incomplete without having posted what Katya told in her school about her Mom and signed it herself !

katya loves mom

Katya, we are proud of you ! Ummaa …Sai bless you

Katya knows very well about my sisters work that she’s trying to publish her research paper and how Chweet is it she said it to her teacher. I don’t mind Katya calling herself as American.For I believe,

No matter which Nation you belong to, if there’s  love in your heart, You know to speak Universal language of peace and happiness.

If there’s love in her heart and if she naturally develops devotion on Gods as she grows up, I will be happy.

When ever my sister takes her to Hindu Temple in U.S, Katya keeps asking coins to drop in the dakshina box. My sister says “She’s like you at times”

Ya she should be ! She’s our princess !

Take care of her Sai !

In love with Nature,

Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba

Consider contributing to StarSai

About the author


1 Comment

  • Jai satchitanand,
    I wish you write something about homi baba and the nearby town of meherabad.People going to shirdi will get to see some more interesting places then like the place where zarine madam stayed.
    Allah malik

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