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Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat Miracles: Baba gifted his devotee with a good job

Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat Miracles
Written by venkatraman

Om Sai Ram friends,

When I launched StarSai in 2004, most of the emails I used to receive was from Shirdi Sai Baba devotees asking me some doubts about Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat. I would have replied to hundreds of Sai devotees and encouraged them to do the Pooja.

I always request them one thing – Never to be completely empty stomach. They should at least have some juice or little vegetarian food. But that’s my personal opinion.

I have a handful of good Sai devotee friends across India and abroad and Reshma is one among them. But sometimes, I forget about them because we all get busy with our own lives and I have never met most of my Sai friends.

Here’s a beautiful devotees experience of Reshma after she has done Sai Nav Guruvar vrat Pooja

Jai Sainath,

I am Reshma from Bangalore.

I am writing this mail for the second time to my Sairam brother Venkat. Thank you for the wonderful work that you are doing for Sai devotees.  I watch your YouTube channel regularly which gives peace of mind.

Below I have shared Sai Nav Guruvar  Vrat Miracles:

I have started performing Sai Vrat after reading devotees experience in Google. During my Vrat I was very much loved and blessed to chant Sai’s name and watch Sai blessings on YouTube and Google. Always, I used to think about my Sai. One Blessed day between 9 Thursday vrat, I got a mail on job openings in a reputed foreign bank that has branches in India. I decided to give an Interview as I thought Sai given this opportunity.

I gave an interview and selected without much effort. Before receiving the offer letter  I got an immediate thought of visiting Shirdi. I expressed my wish in front of my husband and he also agreed immediately without a second thought as he felt this is the blessing of Sai.

By Sai grace, we did all arrangements to travel Shirdi.  When we were near to Shirdi I got an offer letter from the company which I gave an interview. I was very much surprised and happy when I saw the gross salary which was a hike with 68 percent. And also Baba blessed us with his 3 Darshana in Samadhi Mandir and a safe and very comfortable journey. 

After this again we have visited Shirdi 2 times in a gap of 6 to 8 months.  After 3rd time visit to Shirdi, Baba blessed us with a very beautiful agricultural land in native.

Baba always showed his presence whenever I need of him.

Baba please bless all of us.

Om Sai Ram


Hope you like this Sai leela friends. One good thing about Sai Baba is that we can worship him with different methods. One way is to do Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat.

If you wish to do other rituals, you could consider doing Shradha Saburi Pooja

Recently, some of my Sai friends had told me that she saw StarSai and started lighting Lemon Lamps.

Some of them light Coconut lamps.

Shirdi Saibaba blessings by Lighting coconut lamps

If you are not at all inclined to such rituals, better read Sai Satcharita.

If that also is hard for you, you could simply chant Sai’s holy name in mind. For people who write to me, I usually request them to chant

“Om Sai Ram”

for 10 minutes to 1 hour everyday.

So remember, you can choose any way to worship Saibaba. Sai will surely bless you with a peaceful life.

Om Sai Ram


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