Sairam friends,
These days, I am worried about my Career but I just go with the flow. What ever I aspire to do doesn’t seem to happen. So I remain calm and witness how long this would continue. I like Sofware as a Service companies a lot and the other day, I found a SaaS company founded by a South Koren Entrepreneur interesting. I really desired to work for him. Something is stopping me since the company is also located in China.
These days, I am trying not even to purchase Mobile phone made by Chinese brand. My broken Mobile continues to serve my purpose. I am concerned about what China is doing in North East border and Indian Ocean.
Anyway, Sai has asked me to adjust and remain calm at work.
The more I cross a very odd situation at work, the more I could justify why Sai wants me to do Phd? May be, Sai knows my knowledge is too little to survive in the long run.
God blessed my Mom with a very intelligent girl and then…Surprise! He don’t want her to be all that happy in life and hence he blessed her with someone as stupid as me!
I am happy that my Sister made my parents proud.
On Saturday evening, My Sister called up to Google Duo. She’s in San Diego for a Conference. She’s working hard for her grant. She’s supposed to speak in the conference too. She showed us Sunny San Diego outside her room. The day was breaking in and my Mom asked her if She had Coffee? She stays in a room booked on AirBnb and ordered Dosa through Uber eats.
She was concerned that She had throat ache. She also was worried if She would get grant. My Mom, Dad and myself spoke to her and encouraged her. We have been doing this right from her childhood. She wants someone to tell her everything is gonna be fine! I also can’t bear if my Sister gets upset.
I went to Nagasai Mandir, lit lamps and the prayed for my Sister. The priest gave me garland which made me happy.
I reached home and since it was bit hot in my room, I decided not to switch on my Computer and simply sleep in my parents room. As I said earlier, I love corner of the room which has just 2 feet space. I put my bedsheet, hug Sai book and sleep there. My parents always ask me to sleep on the cart but somehow all my life, I like to be in a corner.
I imagine that I am going to Shirdi in 1891 and live with Sai in Dwarakamai when Sai was not at all a popular saint.
I will have all the time of Sai to myself..he he..
I wasn’t able to sleep at all. Seems, my biological time for sleep is set to minimum 12 or 1 at night. So even if I decide not to write in StarSai and go to sleep, I can’t sleep. Move over, Subconciously, I was worried about my Sister all the while.
I slept off only at 2 A.M.
Sai blessed me with a dream of my Sister
I saw a very strange dream. It was as if my Sister is in India and I miss her so much. Seems, She will be in India only for 3 days and hence, I am feeling painful. So I make her sleep on my lap and start to cry. Suddenly, my Sister also starts to cry looking at me. She consoles me, asks me to be confident and go sleep in my room.
That’s it.
I immidiately woke up and remembered the dream. I was worried as why should my Sister be in tears in dream? So I took my mobile and typed “San Diego time”. It was approximately 3-4 in the evening. Usually, my Sister will be very busy during conferences and when she travels from her home. So I thought of leaving her a message so that she would reply later during the night.
I messaged her saying
“I saw you in dream. Sai protests you. I am going to sleep again now”
To my surprise, my Sister immidiately replied saying “She’s happy that I saw her in dream and She’s Fine. She also asked me to sleep”.
May be, Sai knew that I can sleep only if I know my Sister is doing good. So after I saw her message, I laid down again. I realized that I forgot to hug Sai book. So took it again and hugged. This time, I slept happily smiling to myself and thanked Sai for keeping my Sister safe.
It must be early in the morning when I get that dream. May be 3.40 A.M.
I got a second dream once I slept.
It was as if I am in the U.S and my Sister is making snacks for me. I ask her to get me a mobile and She says that she would get me coming Sunday. That’s it.
I also saw a strange stuff in the dream. It’s like behind my Sister’s home, there’s a home where they grow Turtles illegally. So I am giving complaint against them. I couldn’t understand this part of the dream.
I woke up, took my mobile and messaged her again.
Funny right?
I messaged her saying ‘Again, I saw you in dream and this time I am in the U.S”
She must have laughed at it. I told her that I could not sleep well. She asked me to sleep.
So I slept off peacefully.
Usually, I never share my dreams with my Sister even if its related to her. But last night, I was worried about her and hence felt its better to keep in touch with her. I felt happy that She was doing well. So it made me sleep peacefully. I woke up only at 10 on Sunday morning.
I told my Mom that since Indra is sick, I couldn’t sleep well.
My Sister is very adamant and will only do what ever She desires right from her childhood. I have many misunderstanding with my Sister. Before years, I used to argue a lot to her. Once my Mom told me, no matter how harsh your Sister treats you, you must always remain kind to her.
You know why I wrote this article?
Sai knows how much I love my Sister and hence he protests her and her family.
For some reason, when any girl or women calls me Anna or Brother, I initially ask them not to call me that way. I will atleast analyze if they really mean it?
Because, a Brother-Sister relationship is so divine.
Further, when you have a sibling, you will have a tendency to take care of them even when they are not kind to you.
That’s why a Sister or a Brother by blood relationship is divine. Irrespective of all the misunderstanding, you have a lifelong commitment to take care of them.
I know a lot of girls who calls me Anna but only few who mean it. And I hate habit of few girls in India, who will call you ‘Anna” as in they are clear about the relationship that they expect from you. I am OK with your expectation but don’t call me a “Brother” for name sake. It takes life time of commitment to be a true Brother.
My Sister is too busy with her work and have very few minutes a day or even a week to remember me. I also don’t remember her often but if She’s sick or She’s travelling outside her home, I keep remembering her and praying for her.
Its been years since I told my Sister that I saw her in dream because She always advices me to be practical and not always speak of dream.
Somehow, yesturday, I was worried about her and so I messaged her to know if She’s doing good.
Sai is protecting my Sister.
Keep remembering Sai.
Sai will protect your dearone’s.
I took my parents to Marudhamalai Hill temple tonight and felt good.
Om Sai Ram
Edit – I slept off after writing this article and can’t remember any dreams. I was wondering why I keep remembering my Sister these days. I have never been like this because She has always been away from home right from her M.S.
Anyway, Last night, I saw documentary on World’s coldest cities where temperature drop upto -56 c. I am facinated by culture of people in different places.

NORILSK, Russia is in Artic circle where Sun never raises for 2 month and its so cold -NyTimes.
Here’s the article – The Lure of a Better Life, Amid Cold and Darkness