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When Sai wills, It doesn’t just Rain,It pours – Prayers to Varuna Dev for Rain

Sairam friends,

Couple of weeks back, I wrote  article about my love for “Dhuni” – Sacred fire of Shirdi Sai baba. That night i had a dream with a word “Cherrapunjee”.  I kept asking Saibaba, why such a dream came.

Cherrapunjee and Charrapunji is a subdivisional town in the East Khasi Hills district in the Indian state of Meghalaya. It is  the second wettest place on Earth.

This morning I wanted to go Sai temple but since friends called me out for treat, I went to meet them. I was happy all the morning until evening for reasons Sai alone knows. Again during night, i felt like crying. I saw the photo of Raja Matangi and started having tears in eyes as I spoke to her to speak to me and guide me. For many years, I see all Goddess as Mother and know them by heart. I believe they really are always by my side.

I slept off as soon as i came home as it was too hot. I keep asking Saibaba how will the people who have job where they have to travel in Hot sun tolerate this hot summer. As the world grows, we cut trees and discard nature. In the next 10 – 20 years, Worlds population is going to get higher than 7 billion people.  Food and water scarcity is going to be a real concern.

In the evening, My Amma remained me that its my Father’s birthday. He wanted me to make a CD of Hanuman Chalisa to take the Colony Ganesha mandhir. So I made it for him. The little I did for my father. Too Little for the love he shows on me.

When I went to Saibaba temple as usual, I took 3 lamps from shop in my palm and went near Dhuni Baba to keep kumkum on my lamp. The priest was staring at me for a while when i asked him what happened?’. He said, you usually say something  soon as you see baba but today you are silent. I laughed and said

” Haaan baba, Saaptia?  Enna kuduthaanga, Nee saaptia, Illa unaku kaamichutu ivangale saaptaangala”

Baba, did you had food? What you had? Did these people simply show you the food and had it themselves?

The priest said You still din’t say what you usually say?

I said ya and said  “Datta Maharaaaaj” ..he he…

I love praising Sai as Datta Maharaj. Usually while everyone in Saibaba temple wish each other with “Sairam” , Some priest in Nagasai Mandhir say “Dattaaaa” when they see me and I too say “Datta Maharaj”

My love for Lord Dattatreya was so intense when I was in Mumbai. I truly love the Dattatreya temple in Borivali east. People in Maharashtra worship Datta so much that even now at times i sing “Dhigambara, Dhigambara, Shree Paadhaa Vallabha Dhigambara”. One of my favorite divine tune.  See below link about a pooja I did years back for Dattatreya.

DattatreyaLotus – Bless us with Love Pooja

Doing little seva for Varuna Bhagavan Pooja praying for Rain:

One of my friend asked me to help me bring 100 bricks as Tomorrow  they have organized a Yaga. Sacred fire Pooja for Lord Varuna for blessings of Rain. I joined my friend in bringing the bricks and sand to arrange yaga and then spent sometime in Dwarakamai reading “Skandha Purana”.

Years back, I read a quote some devotee wrote

“When Sai wills, It doesn’t Rain, It pours”.

I had a intense love for Sai once i read this quote. To me, It show’s a devotees faith in Sai. His/Her love for Shirdi Sai Baba and how much they believe in the powers of Sai. When Saibaba lived in Shirdi, We have read stories on how Shirdi people were worried when there was a heavy rain in Shirdi and How Sai commanded looking at the Sky to stop. With in few minutes, as if the Goddess of Nature is listening to him, the Rain stopped.

Similarly, I am pretty sure, Sai would have commanded the Sky and requested Lord Varuna to bless with good Rain and Varuna would have shown his grace.

Now let’s learn a little about Varuna Dev and seek

Lord Varuna – Varuna Dev:

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Varuna is the son of sage Kashyapa. He is one of the twelve gods acknowledged as Adityas because of their origin from Aditi. Aditi is the mother of Gods. He is among one of the oldest Vedic deities.

varuna dev

Varuna is the king of waters and protects all rivers, streams, lakes, oceans and other reservoirs of water. Varuna Yaga is done to bless us with good rain

Varuna is embodiment of the sky and associated with clouds, water, rivers, and ocean. In addition to that he is considered to be the sustainer of life by providing rain and crops.

Varuna is a god of the sky and the celestial ocean which is the milky way or Kshira (क्षीर, milk) sagar. Laksmi is said to have arisen from the ocean of milk and therefore be the daughter of Varuna.

Varuna is the king of the universe and lives in the highest world. His knowledge and power are unlimited. He has thousand eyes and oversees the whole world. Hence he is the lord of the moral law. He punishes those who transgress this law but forgives them out of compassion if they repent and pray. By activating Vayu, the lord of the wind, he sustains life by giving rain and crops.

Pray Varuna to forgive our Sins:

The Rigveda and Atharvaveda portrays Varuna as omniscient, catching liars in his snares. The stars are his thousand-eyed spies, watching every movement of men.  Since he punishes Sins, we can worship him to forgive us. Varuna also presides over Night, Western Sky and western portion of universe.


Varuna rides in a chariot drawn by seven swans and holding the lotus, the noose, the conch and a vessel of gems in the four hands.

Varuna’s Gift for Sri Krishna:

When the Varuna learned that Krishna was creating his city Dwaraka, he sent the gift of a horse. This horse was so divine that it was fully white except its black ears. The divine horse can run at the speed of mind. ( Few days back, I saw dream of Saibaba’s horse Shyam Karna and Sai said within 40 days to 60 days all good will happen in your life. I remember it when i write about Varuna’s gift for Sri Krishna)

That’s it friends.

I hope you enjoyed learning about Varuna Dev. As usual, these days not able to sleep. So sat late night to learn about Varuna Dev and wrote.  Let us plant trees. At least have Tulsi plants around our house and water them regularly. Save Water and keep our environment clean.  May we leave a legacy of Nature for the next generations to come because we have only “One Earth” to live.

May Sai and Varuna Dev bless us with Good Rain

I have spend whole 2 years praying Nature Goddess coming around Dhuni in Sai Mandhir. So writing about Varuna makes me feel good.

Sai, Show me a way.You know the pain I am going through.

I whole heartedly believe in you Sai

“When Sai Wills, It doesn’t just Rain, It pours”

When Saibaba wants to give you something, he gives you the best.





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