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Sai Safe Driving – Mom and Dad teaching daughter to drive – Nervous, Anxious, Cute and exiting !

Sairam friends,

No body bothers the little sites I make Baba !

Its been 6 month since i launched (I deleted the site as its no visited my many) but too less traffic. I really don’t know what to write in that site. I want to create awareness to people who drive reckless and make sure they live long and healthy,  travel where they want and do what they wish to with better driving and road sense.

This morning, I went to see my friend who got married recently and I know him for 25 years. I felt bad for not going for his wedding so made sure, I go to his home and meet him and his wife. They asked me to have breakfast there. I gave Shirdi Udi and said sorry that I could not get any gifts. His wife said, this is the greatest gift of all. I said hope you know it because many doesn’t know what UDI can do for them.

I hugged my friend and came back home.

Sai Safe Driving is also for people around the world who has fear of driving. So i tried to encourage them and bring confidence in this with some words Sai inspired me to write Overcoming Fear of Driving with Meditation and Tips for First time drivers

How Shirdi Sai Baba helped devotees when they started their journey:

In Sai Satcharitra chapter 9, the following two incidents can make us understand that Sai tries to show us not to travel when we are about to face an accident and if Sai feels there’s a calamity ahead of us.

Sai requesting Tatya Kote Patil not to hurry:

Tatya Kote was once going in a tanga to Kopargaon bazar. He came in haste to the Masjid, saluted Baba, and said that he would go to Kopargtaon bazar. Baba said, “Don’t make haste, stop a little, let go the bazar, don’t go out of the village”.

On seeing has anxiety to go, Baba asked him to take Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) at least with him. Not minding this direction, Tatya Kote immediately drove his tanga. Of the two horses one, which cost Rs.300/- was very active and restless.

After passing Sawul well, it began to run rashly, got a sprain in its waist and fell down. Tatya was not much hurt, but was reminded of Mother Sai’s direction. On another occasion while proceeding to Kolhar village, he disregarded Baba’s direction, and drove in a Tonga, which met with a similar accident.

European Gentleman:

One European gentleman of Bombay once came to Shirdi, with an introductory note from Nanasaheb Chandorkar, and with some object in view. He was comfortably accommodated in a tent. He wanted to kneel before Baba and kiss His hand. Therefore, he tried thrice to step into the Masjid, but Baba prevented him from doing so. He was asked to sit in the open court-yard below and take Baba’s darshan from there.

Not pleased with this reception he got, he wanted to leave Shirdi at once and came to bid good-bye. Baba asked him to go the next day and not to hurry. People also requested him to abide by Baba’s direction.

Not listening to all this, he left Shirdi in a tonga. The horses ran at first all right, but when Sawul well was passed, a bicycle came in front, seeing which the horses were frightened and ran fast. The tonga was turned topsy-turvy and the gentleman fell down and was dragged some distance.

He was immediately released; but had to go and lie in Kopargaon hospital for the treatment of the injuries. Because of such experiences all people learnt the lesson, that those who disobeyed Sai Baba’s instruction met with accidents in one way or the other, and those who obeyed them were safe and happy.

My personal experience:

Sai always tries his best to save his devotees from worst that was about to happen. Couple of years back I was about to ride a vehicle. Somehow, i had tooth ache that morning. So before starting, I hurriedly applied Udi on my tooth and started. I fell down and got hurt on my face over my right cheek. I came home bleeding and looking at mirror and was shocked as my face which had no scare before was cut deep for an Inch. The scar remained on my face but thankfully, I might have got hurt in eye or tooth if Sai has not saved me.

I cried to Sai why he did this to me and also told my parents “Sai will never let me down like this”. My parents said, what if something has happened to your eye. So don’t worry for the little scare on your face.

Later, I felt may be my Karma was so bad Sai was not able to completely avert it …Sai did his best to save me from worst.

My Mom’s Experience:

What really pains me until this minute is why my Mom fell down from two wheeler because of a drunkard who rode auto and hit it. My Mom was calling “Sairam sairam” when she fell down. Even now she has severe back pain as she already have nervous weakness.

That’s when I wrote a article to make people come out of bad habits..

Sai Meditation to build better yourself and Nation – Support Project India

So what I can do?

Just an awareness to be careful..What else can I do? I wish to have some useful articles on overcoming fear of driving, Having some care on other people who travel while driving and good driving tips for first timers !

Anyway, Now lets move on to the Topic of my life – “Getting Married” and come back to driving.

I really was embarrassed for writing below article

To the Angel I haven’t met, To the Sai who rules my heart 

Kojam overa illa ? he he…Hmm..What would people think of me ?

Honestly, Sai was such a sweet saint that he plays pranks with Tatya…He used to hide Tatya’s dhotar in Dwarakamai and make him search forever. At last when Tatya is fed up and tired, Sai would laugh and give back to him. These incidents are well researched by Author Vinny Chitluri …What a beautiful writer she is ? If not for her books, we will never know how sweet is Sai.

Similarly, I take people to the other side of a Sai devotee rather than simply writing Sai Leelas. Sai mingled with his devotees and shared all their happiness and sorrows. I can easily hide my true Nature but that’s not what Sai wants.

His devotees are living real life and going to him to satisfy their desires and here I have to write about one’s desires and connect it with Sai.

Since I was embarrassed that I wrote my previous article with “Angel’ stuff….I kept thinking while at work if i should remove it…I felt not so comfortable about it…Then I felt well, if Sai is not OK with it, he would have not made me write and why should I think about others? …I have written so many article requesting to light lamps…who is listening?

Indians are all about what “OTHERS” would think of you which is why we never open up to truth in life. I have seen so many people speaking about spirituality in India. Honestly, This is a spiritual country with vast wealth of divinity in this holy land. But its a sacred land with practical people who live for society, Status and money.

When someone is in Love parents won’t accept for few reasons

1. Caste issues

2. Status – ( As they describe – Ours is a reputed family in Indore..Mumbai..Coimbatore…Chennai…) So others are not? that what you mean? Every family has a value and reputation of its own dear.

3. Education

4. Wealth

Of all the issues, parents agree for love marriage if the Guys education is good and is in a high paying Job. The most important consideration will be his financial status – What he is worth?

So parents are convinced with the money someone earns and you can not always be sure if the wealth/income is going to stay forever ! Can you?

So practically speaking  –

“We go to temple, pray Gods and say we are experiencing divinity but honestly we only expect “Materialistic benefits” from all Gods and Saints we pray”

So Money Matters in India ! isn’t it?

Good Nature, Love, Character – Just an Add ON ..It comes as a package ! he he….

I am not saying Americans , Europeans or Australians never marry based on Education and wealth but there, people fall in love and Marry for the “Love” they have on each other. Here too, some marriages happen with love but most marriages consider Scenery and Status.

I am not saying we are wrong as that’s how a Indian society is built..That’s how our families are built.

Enough of Indian Marriages !

Now lets get back to Sai Safe Driving !

Sai, Bless your children with Safe Journey:

I was really worried when my Mom felt down from two wheeler and had sever pain that she’s bearing the past one year and keep praying Sai to heal her and bless her with good health.

Later, when ever there was a news about accident etc, I used to think what went wrong. Sai has showed me in dream all this happens due to one’s own Karma but then as a Sai Servant, i wanted to do little I can.


Mom and Dad teaching daughter to drive – Nervous, Anxious, Cute and exiting !

I was looking for Videos where Mom and Dad helps their daughter to drive car for first time..I truly love the way it is… Video courtesy of respective owners.

Mom Teaching Daughter to Drive. (Truly Nervous and Cute expressions ! )

Alexandria driving first time alone – Father looking at daughter driving car anxiously ..he he


Hope you loved it friends.

This article is dedicated to all who wish to Drive Safe…

Every does…Surprisingly very few care for others while they drive !



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1 Comment

  • Sai nath dear venkat and everybody,
    We all are so happy that we have this little wonderfull site.
    Now we can get something worthwhile and inspiring to read on the otherwise dull internet.
    I have lived at coimbatore.Somewhere near the railway station and used to work at trichy road.
    It was in the nineties.I dont know wether the old muslim guy selling omelette and buns in his small shop near the rail station is still there.
    Allah mallik

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