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Sai is a saint who rules 3 universe. He has no reason to confuse and humiliate me but i can’t bear this anymore Baba

Sairam friends,

It must have started during my March 2016 visit to Shirdi. It was a wonderful experience and I went back to Mumbai as it was my official trip. I went to house of Vishnu Pitale the day before I started to Coimbatore. The old lady there told me “This Baba talks to you. You ask him what you want…” and he actually did. The statue in their home has been worshiped by Vishnu Pitale’s Son and now their great grand son are taking care of it. (Vishnu Pitale has met Baba during his lifetime).

The statue won’t actually speak but when you look into Sai in that statue, the message gets conveyed in your heart. Its surprising how I looked at that Saibaba for less than 30 seconds and immediately got a message for my life. I can’t write that message here as its too personal. I came back to Coimbatore happily only to learn my Father is going through something serious. Thankfully, after the procedure, Sai healed my Father. Sai continued to assure that my Father doesn’t need the major surgery and he will take care of my Dad. True to Sai’s dreams, my Father improved.

April to July 2016 was the most painful time in my life and Sai alone made us survive with belief.

In June/July 2016, I came across this girl at work. I don’t usually get interested in any girl at work but somehow in August when one of my friend kept on appreciating her, I started to like her. I say this because I can’t blame Sai for my own mistake. I started it unknowingly. I must have ignored all that I had in my mind and focussed on something else. Seems Sai had some other plans. Usually, I never react for anything unless Sai tells me something in dream. So the whole of August, I was just asking Sai to guide me if I am right or wrong. In the first week of September, I got a dream related to flowers.  On September 14th 2013, I was half asleep when Sai started my first journey with songs in dreams.

It was a Hindi song and I love that song so much. Now, after 4 month, I feel like hating that song since it started the whole episode.

I was encouraged by the song and did things like crazy.

On October 2nd morning, I had another dream in which I saw a girl with a baby pink wedding dress in dream. I saw one of this Cinematographer, I had assisted earlier, shooting this lead girl from Helicopter and I am wondering how managed to take the shot.

Now, another kind of dreams started. In such dreams, I won’t actually hear any songs but I will have a vision of something and I will try to find the song/Movie and get a message from that.

I first thought that its the movie,I worked.

On 18th October 2016, I was standing in Dwarakamai of Sai mandir. I saw a kid running with a toy Helicopter. I was curious since I had seen a Helicopter in dream 2 weeks back. I was distributing prasad after the Shej aarti. A Man parked his vehicle in parking space and his mobile rang. The ring tone immediately made me realize it was the song Sai has showed me in dream on October 2nd. I came home and saw that song several times.

Now comes the best part.

Most of these dreams will carry the girls name either in the lyrics of the song, some where in the title or as a dialogue as its a Tamil word. The more I asked Baba to clarify, the more such experiences followed.

Living with reality is hard if you trust Sai 

Gradually, I realized the girl has someone in her life and she’s gonna marry him. Fine. I told Sai, lets go with the flow. I had faced so many issues in past years and this was just another experience. I just told Sai one thing. Come in my dream again and tell me that I misunderstood everything or its just a test in my life so that I can move on. I have this prayer to Sai until now but he has never answered me.

Instead, Sai continues to bless me with so many dreams and songs.

Everytime, such experiences happen, I told Baba “Well, this isn’t fair. Either say I am wrong or tell me why you are doing this?”

Not all Sai dreams has come true in my life

I had such experiences in past too. Baba assures something in dream but later he denies. Its not that he is changing his words but Sai looks at the situation, people’s mind and then only when he is satisfied, he fulfills our desire. So I know just because Sai says something in dream, it will come true. But my policy is, if a Guru tells something, stick to it. That’s true Guru Bhakti.

No devotee must suffer like me between Sai’s words and reality

I believe in Sai’s words with heart and soul. So there’s no question of going against it but I also care for anyone I come across in life. So I told Baba “May be, I did some sin to this girl in previous birth and to wash away my karma, you are making me go through this painful experience”.

I told Baba, you must have done this to me 5 years before. I would have not felt ashamed or humiliated like this. In this age, in this period in my life, I have so many other responsibilities and can’t understand why you are showing such dreams positively. Baba, this girl who’s name you repeatedly mention is in love with some guy. She’s gonna marry him. All I need is your word to make me move on.

I thought that Baba will give me a clarity in December. Nothing happened. The only positive aspect about it is that I got my new DSLR and started to focus on Photography and Filmmaking. Even this was inspired by Sai dreams. Hence, I have immense respect on this girl. She came in dream the day before I got my Camera. Why should she come in my dream? She won’t even have a fraction of second to think of me. I mean nothing to her in reality.

Humiliated that I am imagining myself and its not Sai giving me dreams

When ever I told these dreams to my friend, he listened to it. Once he said “You are just imagining. How can you confirm if only your Saibaba is blessing you with such dreams?”

Couple of days back, when I got another song in dream, I was confused. I told Baba “Now, I myself have doubt if only you are giving me dreams or I am imagining.”

Surprisingly, Saibaba proved the same night that he only is blessinge me with such songs and visions.

Saw this girl in my home in dream

Last night, I told Baba, “I had enough. Now, I wish to move on because she’s gonna marry some guy soon. So lets leave her alone and mind our business’. I slept off asking Baba to guide me. This morning, I has a very vivid dream. The dream was so clear that I won’t forget it until I die.

I saw this girl in our hall. Even in dream, I fear to speak to this girl but ask her something. She replies for that. I move out.

This dream was OK but my heart pained a lot as I can’t uderstand the meaning of the dream. Further, I told Baba “She’s happy. She’s going to marry someone soon. I asked you to tell me to move on but you are showing me such a dream. Now what should I do?”Do I need this at this period in my life? I can see this girl as another Sister or friend or what ever and will be happy to see her marry the guy she loves.

I asked Baba something last night and this morning, he showed me this girl telling something to me as an answer for my question.

This afternoon onwards, I was too depressed. I seem to be laughing but deep in me, I feel guilty because I have never faced such a problem all my life. Either, I must go by reality or I go by Sai’s words.

For everything, Baba gives a time period.

3 month back, I asked Baba, tell me how long I should suffer like this? None of you can understand why I believe Sai so much. The very night, Sai showed me a month in dream for me to wait until that month. 2-3 days back, I told Baba, look..Let that girl’s life go smoothly and she must get engaged and marry the guy she loves soon. Just tell me why should I hurt myself like this? Let us go our way. Having said this, I slept off and surprised to see Baba blessed me with a a dream suggesting me to hold on until an earlier time period.

I am feeling sleepy now. I wanted to tell what’s going on in my life to someone and the kind of confusion I am going through.

I really don’t like writin about this girl in purticular since she’s gonna marry someone else but I have immense respect on her since she has appeared in dream and guided me. Infact, when my uncle was having surgery in his fractured leg after accident, his surgery was a failure and he went through another surgery. When I was worried, Sai showed me this girl guiding to do something which I did. Surprisingly, my uncle got healed. So there are many benefits I got from this girl.

This morning when I saw this girl in my home in dream, I took it casually but now, I am surprised. You know why? Usually, Sai shows any girl I know in the form of some other symbolic representation portraying their nature. This is the first time, Sai showed me a girl as a “girl”. She was as she is. She behaved the way she behaves.

My eyes are closing now. I feel like my chest is paining.

I told Baba to come again in dream and tell me what he wants me to do.

After so many years, why do I need all this? I lost interest in everything because of this issue. I also fear to go beyond Sai’s words.

Now I lit lamp for Sai and told him one thing

Sai..You rule 3 universe…You don’t gain anything by confusing and humiliating me. So I know there’s a reason why I am going through all this. Wish Saibaba takes me in his path and proves he exists as soon as possible.

Baba, please understand me. I need clarity.

Please Baba.

SHow me  a way


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