Sairam friends,
Yesterday, I was laughing a lot at work. One of our friend was absent for two days and we did all shorts of imagination on what he might be doing at home.
May be he realized IT job makes him sit late night suddenly and researching other jobs which lets him go home soon.
So he gets job as a School teacher in Government school so that he can go home at 5 o clock.
May be he became a scientist and trying to create a Egg without any one’s knowledge at his home. He tries to do some experiments to hatch the egg. Suddenly a Dinosaur comes out of it !
I told may be he joined in a Baniyan company in Tirupur. He will never come for long and once when he supplies cloths to near by shop, we will catch hold of him.
I laughed so much for such silly talks that after work, I felt bad why I tease someone who’s sick. May be we missed his presence and this way, remembered him.
I din’t go to Saibaba temple and directly came home. I was upset about something and also got tensed. I kept thinking what to do in life and got depressed. Its like sometimes I laugh so much and the same day I get so sad. I got a book which was published in 1993 and found the below Sai leela which I wanted to share with you.

Shirdi Saibaba painting
Sai tells to Shyama – When I turn my finger,I am turning my devotees minds
We all know how intimate was Shirdi Saibaba and Shyama, a native of Shirdi. Here is a very beautiful story about Shyama. Shyama’s Father came to Shirdi with his wife and two year old child. He got retired from service and decided to settle in Shirdi itself. The child’s name was Mohan Shyam. The boy studied in the school in Shirdi. In few years, he completed his schooling, received teachers training and also got a job as a teacher in the same school.
This school is situated very close to Dwarakamai where Sai Baba lived. Shyama used to teach the kids in day time and he will sleep at night in the school itself.
When ever he hear’s some sound, he used to look at Baba through the ventilator. Baba will be talking to himself in different languages, sometimes, Sai will be laughing, moving his fingers and acting as if he is speaking to someone sitting in front of him but no one will be present there. At times, Sai gets angry and also do other curious things.
It was Sai’s early times in Shirdi. No one in village respected him.Every one in Shirdi thought Saibaba is a mad fakir simply staying in Masjid and running his life talking alms and eating that food.
Shyama looking at Baba speaking to himself thought he is a mad fakir but he will be surprised how can this poor fakir with no education speak English and other unknown languages ( Sai used to speak many languages).
Gradually, he realized Sai is God incarnate and a true Saint.
During early times, Only three people were Sai’s ardent devotees – Shyama , the priest of Khandoba temple – Mahalsapati and a tailor, Kashiram Simpi.
Shyama always wanted to ask to Saibaba about his strange behavior’s at night and din’t had courage. Those days people had fear on saints and will be careful in what they ask and expect from them.
Once Shyama was massaging Sai’s legs at night. He asked
“Baba, You don’t seem to sleep at all at nights. You are laughing to yourself or talking. What is the secret of all this?
Sai told him
“Shyama, What you think? That you are my only person about whom I am concerned in this world? There are numerous persons who are praying me. I am speaking to all of them.
When I turn my finger, I am turning their minds.
When I move my lips, I am talking to them.
When I laugh, I am amused at their follies ( unpractical desires and plans, foolishness )
This way, I am taking care of every devotee who surrenders his/her heart and soul to me.”
Listening to this, Shyama was surprised and realized the holiness of Sai maharaj. We must note that thought those days Sai had only handful of devotees, he has told Shyama that numerous people pray to him. This shows that Sai is really avatar of Lord Dattatreya and he receives millions of prayers every second. Sai responds to every true, sincere prayer of devotees.
Shyama told “Baba, my teaching work doesn’t take much of my time. Let me stay with you in Dwarakamai and serve you”
Sai happily allowed him to serve him.
Those days there was a lady, Laxmi bai who will cook food for Saibaba and offer him. Shyama used to go to her home and help her in preparing Jowar Roti’s. Baba had a great liking for Brinjals. Shyama went to Laxmibai’s house to learn how to prepare Brinjal dishes.
Shyama served Saibaba with so much intimacy for rest of his life and enjoyed the divine presence near him.
Even after Saibaba’s Mahasamadhi in 1918, Sai continues to talk to his devotees and guide them in his own ways. Many times, we suffer in our life because we have our mind attached to one desire which never gets fulfilled. Millions of people spoil their life as they keep their mind focused on that they need alone. Devotion to Sai will make us realize the truth and change our mind so that we are blessed with peaceful life.
Sai has assured “My bones in the tomb will be speaking to each other about your welfare”
I believe Sai children will realize how much Sai cares for them from this story of Shyama.
Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba
Baba s guidance teaches us to live in the present.baba s blessings.shri sainathayanamaha.
Hunger for His grace. Absolute willingness to receive It.Ever alert to grasp It.Forever be grateful to Him. BOW TO SHRI SAIBABA.THE SAVIOR.
Thank you,I never knew this story of Shri Sai. OM SRI SAINATHAYA NAMAH