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To the Sai who wants me to bear all what people think and speak

Since I have been living based on the dreams I get for the past few years, many times, I had been ridiculed that I am not practical. Further, some think that I am not doing anything for what I want. They say Sai himself won’t work for you and you have to take effort. True but my experience has always been different. It is only when Sai approves me to do something, I work on it. Else, I remain calm and simply pass on the days.

None understands my Sai and how he has silently helpsĀ me. People perceive that a Guru is supposed to bring all happiness, joy and materialistic benefits and if someone like me being devoted to Sai has not got it, then I am not leading my life properly. I have faced several disappointments and been insulted by few for the kind of belief I have on Sai Baba. Sai himself changes what he assures me and I am supposed to bear it. I cannot question my Guru for he knows what’s good for me in the end.

Today, When I woke up, I can’t remember the dream I had which upsets me. Every single day right from 2007, this has been my life. I know how Saints work day and night for their devotees welfare. For people telling me that they don’t get dreams etc, may be you don’t but certainly Sai is doing good to you.

No one. No one on Earth can understand the relationship between Sai and me. I could be a failure but I trust him truly,madly and deeply. His words are my life.

The past 2-3 days, I have lost all my excitement and think that its enough.

If there’s one think I wish to ask Sai, it is to make me ignore what people think and speak. They are ignorant and can’t understand the love of this poor fakir of Shirdi on me.

People speak because they don’t know how Sai works.

Om Sai Ram


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