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Devotees Experiences

Sai will bless you with Sai Satcharitra book when you desperately need it

Sai Satcharitra Book
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Learning about a Saint’s life is auspicious. Not all will be gifted to learn about Life of Shirdi Saibaba. There are devotees who visit Saibaba temple but some don’t even know that there’s a book called Sai Satcharitra which is a collection of beautiful incidents during Sai’s lifetime.

(Download Sri Satcharitra book. Note that Sai Satcharitra is also pronounced as Sai Satcharita.)

Yesterday, I had wrote that Group Parayan of Sai Satcharita is not advisable, especially when it is done online. Group Parayan when a group of devotees gather in a temple and read Sai Sacharita is fine. But when it is done online using cloud messaging apps like Whatsapp, one looses their privacy in such groups.

Secondly, It seems, members of the group who assign chapters and read are supposed to report if they have read the chapter.

I am not happy with such words like “Reporting”. You are not running a Company. This is Sai – The saint who rules 3 universe. He is receiving millions of prayers every minute. Why should you report to anyone that you read a specific chapter? Better read Sai Satcharita individually or among like minded friends in a temple.

I received this beautiful devotees experience from Disha who wrote how she lost Sai Satcharitra and later how Sai gifted the holy book to her as a surprise.

When your love for Saibaba outflows from your heart, Saibaba will surely bless you with what you desire. Here, the humble devotee was worried that she lost her Sai Satcharitra book. Listen to the story of how Saibaba blessed her with a new Sai Satcharitra book.

Dear Venkat!

These days as I check your website and read your posts regularly I thought of sharing some of my experiences too. You can publish them in your site as I write. Here is one:

This is sometime in Oct 2018:

I was so stressed about my health. I was worried to go to hospital and get the X-Ray done. I was so tensed I couldn’t even sleep at nights properly. This is what happened to me in coming days:

The nearest temple is 2 hours drive from my home. I did not have any plan to visit the temple. But I had to visit our family friends who live in the same city. Also I had to stay there over night. So next day morning I decided to go to temple before I leave for home.

It was a Saturday and also Navaratri puja was going on at temple and that time, the temple was really crowded. I sat in front of Sai, prayed for sometime and when I was about to leave someone called me and asked me if I believe in Sai. I said “Yes”.

To my surprise he asked me to wait for sometime, went inside the room, get Sai Satcharitra (this is also another miracle, I am going to write in the next paragraph), Sai Gyaneswari and some other books on Baba and also a beautiful necklace of Baba and gave it to me. Wow what an experience!!! Someone called me from the crowd and gave me all these when I needed the most!

Shirdi Saibaba Necklace which Disha got in Temple

Was not that a miracle!!! That made my day and for sure I came out with such a confidence that nothing can go wrong from now on. Next week after that I went for the X-Ray and everything was normal.

Regarding the Sai Satcharitra: I use to read my Sai Satcharitra almost everyday. I used to take it with me everywhere (if I have to stay over night) So I took it with me in my India trip. I didnt pack the book in my check-in bag rather it was in my purse and I was reading it when driving from my home to Chicago airport which is almost 4.5 hrs drive. After I reached the airport I kept the book in the side pocket of a check-in luggage. It was a long trip from Home -> Chicago -> New Delhi -> Bhubaneswar.

I didn’t want to carry it in my purse! Then after I reached I didnt unpack all the luggage. There was some function at home so I didnt bother to check my book. After the function was over and it was almost time for me to come back to USA, I checked my bag and I didn’t find my book.

I searched everywhere and was really upset about it. But then I could not even go to any Sai temple and get another book. As usual it was a tiring, hectic India trip with kids. I kind of forgot about it too.

Then after I come back home in USA, I realized that I don’t have my book. I started missing my book so much. I tried to download and read it in my phone /laptop. But still I was missing my book.

It was in Sep.2018. And Oct. 2018 I went to the temple (I usually do not really visit temple as it is nearly impossible for me) and someone called me and gave me the Sai Satcharitra.

Is not that amazing? Sai Baba knows our heart. I was so overwhelmed and didn’t know how to thank that person and my Baba.

Sai Disha

Hope you like this Sai Leela friends.

I like this devotees love for Sai and the fact that she desperately desired to read Sai Satcharitra which is why Sai surprised her with the gift at the right moment.

My intention is not to hurt anyone but I also feel its my responsibility to ensure there is no wall between a devotee and Sai.

I will give you a funny example. My Father don’t like it when we go along with friends to any temple. He used to say that if you want to focus on God, go alone or with out family so that you won’t have any distraction. He feels, we will be tempted to talk other topics if we go with friends.

I may not agree with his views but I love his desire that one should remember God alone when they go on a pilgrimage. Similarly, when you read holy life of Shirdi Saibaba, you may desire to read the many chapters when only 1 chapter is assigned to you.

You may feel that you are not in good mood to read and skip for a week. Saibaba does not want you to force yourself to read his holy life. You should certainly not be reporting or conveying someone that you read a specific chapter.

I personally feel devotion should be between you and Sai and none must come between you and your Sai!

Hope you enjoyed reading this devotees experience. You can share your experiences with Saibaba by writing to me.

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • Now I feel good that there is someone like minded I can talk to. Talk about my Baba. I dont consider myself as his devotees anymore. He is my everything — My only friend, my family, my Guide and someone I love to talk to all the time (in my mind and in my heart). At times I get mad at him too but then again I cant get mad for long time. Lol… Thats the “Love” between us 😛

    I have experienced him in so many ways I can just go on… Glad that now I have time to write or maybe you can say… he wants me to write. I never thought of writing anything before as I used to feel its somehow personal! But then I dont want to keep them to myself anymore 🙂 I’l write my experiences as I get time. You can publish them here 🙂

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