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Sai, You alone can answer me


I am writing this to you.

I have been trusting your dreams and guidance all these years and behaved accordingly. I had many good experiences when your dream has helped me and my family. Only in few issues, when ever you tell something in dream, it doesn’t come true.  When I go through sufferings for acting based on your dream, your only answer is that “You have debt to clear off”.  Yes. I have debt of past karma to clear off and I have been doing it for years now.

These days I started wondering if my debt will never get over no matter how much good deeds I do in this life?

I don’t know what’s going to happen in my life Sai. I can write about your Leela’s in StarSai but when nothing happens, I can only express my state of mind. Several other devotees could be in similar state too. I only have you as my friend, love. Guru and God.So you alone can answer me Sai.

I was speaking to someone yesterday and felt sorry for her.  Wish to write an article about it sometime later. Please make me pure and let me never harm anyone. I wish to little good I can and lead a simple life. If you show me a dream and I acted according to you, please stay by me and show that you really meant it.

Anyway, Thanks for blessings me with 2 ideas.

1. I had always worried that am not able to write articles other than Sai experiences. Now, I wanted help people wanting to launch their eCommerce site and am able to write about it. I din’t experience any success in this but I am able to guide with my writings which makes me satisfied.

2. You keep showing me in dream to launch a website to help Entrepreneurs and many others to relieve their stress by doing meditation and write good articles in it. If you want me to work on it, Please guide me.

Sai blessings


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