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Sai, You keep working for welfare of your devotees even when they don’t ask for it

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

There’s a peculiar way this Saibaba of Shirdi works. He doesn’t bother if you are worried about your life and your desires not getting fulfilled. He probably doesn’t seem to worry about what you are going through. I have seen several occasions when Sai baba helped me and my parents but I would have taken it for granted because there are other problems which occupies my life. I don’t even thank Sai for being there for me and averting the evil that was about to come.

Sai has done several such leela in which he has prevented the worst from happening. All it takes is remembering Saibaba in heart and chanting “Sai Sai Sai” in mind when ever you feel like doing. Sai will always be with you.

Saints doesn’t really wanted to get good name from his ardent devotees by giving them instant benefit. Saints like Saibaba are very practical. They just let you lead your life accepting all the pains and difficulties. Having said that, a real Guru is the one who appears suddenly in the time of need. When ever any danger is to befall us, Sai comes there without even calling for him. This is a sweet Saint who keeps working for our welfare even when they don’t ask for it.

Let us be humble to Saibaba and accept the difficulties in day to day life. We must be clear that Sai will bless us at the right time.

Here’s a Shirdi Saibaba photo contributed by Sai Murali


Saibaba pooja with flowers

I will be happy if you send Saibaba photos taken in your home to

Note – One of my Sai Sis was so kind that she contributed to give a new look to StarSai !

Its the first time in several years that I spend money for design ! He he..

Hope you like this friends. Let me know your views. Is it user friendly?

I am concerned if the server load will be more since several images are loading in the home page. Let’s see. I worked on it until 2 o clock last night and now I feel a bit satisfied.

I am learning a lot about UX design now a days and doing some projects related to it. So happy to see StarSai with a new look.

Om Sai Ram


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  • We all like to see Baba in all His Glory Bright and Radiant.God bless.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • Really true brother….. Baba always do the right thing at right time” even we cant imagine his leelas… and the new look of starsai is really superb…! Jai Saibaba Saimaa Saiganesha

  • This look is better than the old one Venkat 🙂
    It looks more organized now.

  • Om Sai Ram,

    I was reading your articles daily few days back and for past few months I didn’t do so,
    I plead Sai Baba to give a positive thinking of reading your articles and Sathcharitra quite often and daily and take the essence of it and follow in life.

    Om Sai Ram………

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