Sairam friends,
I had some strange dream this morning as if me and my parents do some pooja in a hut. A Man comes and asks me to buy a flat in Mumbai and I am speaking to him wondering why should I? Fortunately, the pooja was completed well. We can never understand Sai’s dreams. I wish to see Saibaba in dream but usually my dreams are not directly connected with Sai. I consider all dreams are work of Sainath.
In today’s Saibaba Aarti interpretation, we have this beautiful lyrics written by Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma
Utta utta Sri Sainaathaguru charana kamala daavaa
Aadhivyaadhi bhavataapa vaarunee taaraa jadajeevaa :(dhr):
Arise! Arise! Shri Sainarh Guru, show us your lotus feet. Tide over and relieve us of all worldly tensions, physical tribulations, and temporal problems; and, save us all.

Sai’s lotus feet is filled with auspicious signs
I like these words ‘Sainaathaguru”. The word Nath means a divine personality – A Yogi – Saint.
Sai being our Guru, Jogiswar describes him as “Sainaathaguru”
Having darshan of Sai is a blessing but the greatest blessing is having darshan of his holy feet. I have read that Sai baba’s foot has very divine marks. It has chakra, danush etc. Saibaba’s feet is so auspicious friends. So Jogiswar humly requests Saibaba to show his lotus feet.
Surrendering to Guru’s feet will help us come out of all worldly tensions, worries and problems – both physical and mental. Hence we request Sai to save us from all these difficulties of day to day life. By rescuing us from such worldly tensions and uplifts our soul. Having darshan of Sai’s lotus feet and remembering him can ward off all the dangers ahead of us. Isn’t this a divine leela of Sai?
Mere darshan of his feet is a blessing. Then, imagine how good your life will be if you serve him?
Aum Sai Ram
Little servant of Shirdi Saibaba
Om Sai Ram
The Poor Fakir does not have anything to claim as HIS OWN. He has already given up everything for us – we are very greedy and not satisfied ……..still – trying to grab what remains with Him.