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How Saibaba blessed Dhanya with a baby? Miracles happen.

Shirdi Saibaba Miracles
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

My Sai friend Dhanya wrote about how Shirdi Saibaba blessed her with a healthy baby. I usually never associate Sai and miracles because people are keen in expecting that alone. You should have immense patience before you expect such miracles.

My Last week

This is my last week in the office where I have been working for almost 8 years. I am little worried about it but that’s how life works. I respect my values than working for people where whatever I wanted to do isn’t allowed to do or probably they don’t want ME to do it.

I don’t really know what plans Sai has for me but I trust him with heart and soul. I can travel to Bangalore/Chennai for assignments but wish to work in Coimbatore. My Mom isn’t well and I should be near her.

Will write an article about this in a week.

Now a days, I am more interested in publishing Devotees experiences. Please mail me to consider for publishing.

Right from the first year of StarSai in 2014, I used to receive mails from couples regarding pregnancy issues. Somehow, this made me say a silent prayer for any girl I come across if I found them pregnant. Here’s a devotees experience.

Miracles do happen!

Hi Venkat,

I had mailed you few times before.Hope you remember me. I wanted to share the blessing given by Sai .If possible please share this in Devotees Experience in Star Sai. Hope you are doing good.God Bless you and your family.


After few years into marriage we wanted to plan for a child. Perhaps the same time i was diagnosed with a medical condition . But our doctor was very kind and she had advised to go ahead. One and half years had passed without any success .

We had taken several scans , tests ,medicines and no luck. I had undergone a surgery for my medical condition which we thought would help us.

After few months of rest again we were trying to conceive. The same things followed scans, tests ,medicines.Nothing worked.

2 years passed by. I used to pray very hard.Once going through a ladies forum I read about Sai and 9 Thursdays vrat. I was not a devotee of Sai and didnt know anything about Sai.But i thought to do that vrat .

Searching about Sai I reached StarSai where I read many articles on Sai.I had started 9 Thursdays vrat and also started reading Satcharita. Reading Satcharita is a great blessing.

I had full trust on Baba and day by day my devotion was increasing.I used to recite Vishnu Sahasranamam everyday.

Miracles do happen.I had completed the vrat and in the next month with Baba’s grace, I had conceived naturally .

We are blessed with a daughter .We named her Shraddha.

Believe in Sai .Pray with your heart .Baba will answer our prayers definitely. The best doctor is in Shirdi.


Hope you like it.

I also suggest chanting Sai’s holy name and reading Sai Satcharita. Above all, have patience.


Saibaba Photo courtesy of Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan.

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1 Comment

  • Siaram everyone, As Sai devotees, I can’t tell the importance of reading Sai Satcharitra. Sai Stacharitra is a bridge connect us with Sai and us. We need to read regularly at least one chapter every day. Some of the long time Sai devotees thinks, they read many times that they don’t need to read again. This is wrong perception. There is no limit to read Sai Satcharitra. Reading everyday one chapter will keep you away from all difficulties and connects with Sai.

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