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Saibaba blessed me with a dream of holy serpant Nagammal

Om Sai Ram friends,

These days, I am not able to focus on writing articles on due to some other work. Wish, I start making videos on Saibaba again.

The past few weeks, my Mother is having severe pain in her back and she’s not able to comfortably wake up from bed. We are helping her with Physiotherapy but it seems to take sometime for her to recover.

I was also facing problems at work and some other issues. Last night, I was worried and thinking how my Amma also is going to get healed.

I had a dream in which I saw myself in my Mother’s Ancestral village. I see some of my relatives as if I am going there for a wedding.

Then, suddenly, I am asking which movie to watch and my Mom is saying ask him to watch “Nagammal”.

Slowly, I woke up and wondered what Saibaba meant by this dream. I asked my Mom if there is a Goddess called Nagammal? My Mom said it could be our family deity Gobal Swamy as he has 5 headed snake on his hood. Later, I also found there are many village temples of Goddess Nagalakshmi.

I kept chanting Sai Nagammal in mind and slept again.

I believe Nagammal or any kind of Gods or Goddess in the form of serpent is worshiped to get rid of Rahu-Ketu dosha.

Read below article for more

Remedy for Lord Rahu and Ketu effects in life

Many devotees who read StarSai knows that Saibaba blesses me with several dreams of Goddess. Every time, Sai shows a Goddess in dream, I believe it’s his love on me and also the compassion of the Goddess.

I hope Sai and Goddess Nagammal blesses me and also heals my Amma.

Be pure.

That’s the only thing Goddess and Saibaba expects from you.

You will be blessed


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