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Devotees Experiences

Saibaba blessings to get job in Germany and blessings for birth of a baby

Om Sai Ram friends,

I went to Bhadrakalai Amman temple with my Father before few minutes and came. Every Friday, my Father goes to Bhadrakali temple and at home, I play Bhadrakali Sahasranamam.

I believe, Saibaba will do whatever is good for me at work. I have been doing Video production and editing for years but never bothered to learn even basic animation. When I face issues at work, I started learning the same.

I received this devotee’s experience few days back and took so long to publish it.

Sai ram Venkat ji,

I am Sadma from India, currently residing in Germany.I would like to share my sai baba experiences and how my sai blessed me abundantly till now. Venkat ji, please please upload my experience in our page. This is my humble request.

My parents are Shirdi Sai devotees. Since 2014 only, i became a Shirdi Sai devotee. In 2014,after my daughter ‘s birth I had so many family problems. My husband and I wished to go abroad. My husband searched and applied for many jobs in Germany while working in India. But we didn’t get any positive response. We were totally disappointed.

I shared all my feelings with my Mom. She gave me Shirdi Sai Satcharithra and asked me to read the book and complete it in a week (Saptaah). I read Satcharithra continuously i. e. continuous saptaah. Along with that I avoided one of my favorite food and prayed to Sai.

After some weeks, my husband got a call from a company in Germany and he got the job. In 2015,we relocated to Germany. That was my first Sirdhi Sai baba experience. Since then, sai had blessed me so much.

After some years, we had a plan of having a second baby. But it was very difficult for us. I couldn’t get conceive. I personally wanted to have a boy baby(not having gender discrimination) because there are no boys in my family. I prayed to Shirdi Sai. Daily I chanted Shirdi Sai bhavani, Shirdi sai chalisa, Shirdhi sai ashtotharam and 11,15 chapters of Shirdi Sai Satcharithra.

In June 2020,I thought I was pregnant (really I was not)I asked shirdhi Sai and got an answer that “A boy will be born”. I was very delighted. But when I came to know that I am not pregnant, I became so depressed and fought with Shirdi Sai.

But Sai blessed me again. In August 2020,I became pregnant. But when I went for the first scan, Dr couldn’t see the baby. I was too sad and totally mentally broken. I prayed and again asked Shirdi Sai.

Three times, I got the answer that I would be blessed with a baby boy, I would have a boy baby. I was too happy and believed only in sai. I hoped that sai won’t lie to me and Sai word’s would definitely become true. After one week, again went to the Dr, saw my baby for the first time in scan. I cried with joy and thanked Sai.

As I told before, as there is no boy in my parent’s family I wanted to have a boy baby and prayed Sai to bless me for that.I read so many Shirdi Sai experiences and prayed Sai to show me some sign regarding the gender of my baby. Two times Sai showed in my dream that I am having a boy baby.

After some weeks, Dr revealed the good news that I am carrying a boy baby.(This is allowed legally in Germany). I was on top of the world. As soon as I heard the news, I took shirdi sai’s idol and cried and said a lot of thanks.

I always feel that i have a special bond between Sai. Sai is more important to me than anyone else in this world. I had promised sai that, if baba bless me with a boy baby, i would definitely share my experience in the blog.

So Venkat ji, it’s my humble request. Please share my experience in our sai experience blog.

Sai ram


Hope you like this Sai leela friends. There are devotee’s who desire a baby boy and in this devotee’s experience, I saw beautiful devotion. But it’s also my responsibilities to include previous articles where I specifically clarified that one should be happy with baby boy or girl when it’s born irrespective of what your desire it.

Here are some previous blogs related

Its 2010 and sai devotees need a Baby Boy when they are expecting a baby

Millions of Baby girls who were never born in India – Shirdi Sai Baba has silently favoured baby girls

You have all rights to desire which baby you want but accept the gift of God be it a baby girl or baby boy. When ever I publish any blog in StarSai, I try to be careful about what message it conveys. So wanted you to read other blogs which I linked from here too.

Om Sai Ram


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