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Saibaba took care of a girl all through her University days without her knowledge

Shirdi Sai Baba helps girl in University
Written by venkatraman

Om Sai Ram friends,

There are times when we assume that Sai Baba is not with us but Sai would have given us hints that he is very much with us and taking care of us. When you face difficulties in life, do not get into such an assumption that Sai is not helping you. If your time is not favorable and if you are supposed to face difficulty according to your fate, you have to go through the pain.

But remember that Sai is watching you and walking along with you.

This devotee’s experience by Kratika is beautiful. She shares how Saibaba helped her all through her University days without her knowledge.

Namaste Venkat Ji

I am one of Baba’s devotees and I have recently started reading your blog. You are a blessed Sai devotee and I really feel peace and gratitude whenever I read the posted articles. You are doing such a humble Seva by uplifting so many people who are struggling with day to day problems.

I am really grateful to our loving Baba that he guided me to your blog. May Baba bless you abundantly. I just wanted to share how Baba pulled this sparrow towards HIM.

I have always believed in GOD and positive divine energy since childhood. But still, I was an ignorant being filled with ego and anger, who was just happy with her selfish needs being fulfilled.

I believed in Hanuman Babaji as my father is an ardent devotee of him. Nobody in our house worshipped Sai Baba but just had a general knowledge that HE is a Saint. My family believes in all GOD equally. So I went for my graduation to another state, and here I started facing real-life struggles, but I was still strong and faced it boldly. I learnt what real “duniyadari” means with so much politics in my immediate environment.

As I have never been alone to any place till the 12th, this was all a huge shock to me. Now came my 4th year, I was struggling like anything because our final year project was stranded in between and also the supervisor knew nothing about it. I don’t know how one day I thought of googling about Sai Baba.

Till this day I don’t know from where that thought arose in my mind. I learned a little about Baba from the web that he was Saint from Shirdi, Thursday is Baba’s day, the yellow color is associated with Baba, Nav Guruvar Vrat, etc.

Next week, on Thursday, I got a Sai blessing pic in my news feed even when i haven’t subscribed to any such page. My interest gradually grew and started praying to Baba and kept Nav Guruvar Vrat. I wasn’t aware at that time that Vrat must not be done empty stomach. But Baba still accepted my half-hearted service.

Time passed, with Baba’s blessings, I secured a master’s seat in State University in a nearby state to my hometown. This was my sincere wish because I was so much drained with all the negative environment, politics, and homesickness.

My graduation place was 20 hrs away while my master’s place was just a night journey. I enjoyed my master’s period of 2 years a lot, with good friends, a good environment, and good hostel food. By this time I had become Baba’s devotee and even my family started to worship Baba as lovingly as Hanuman Babaji.

For the first time, I visited Sai mandir after joining in post-graduation and Baba blessed me with Aarti, Udi, and even Khichdi Prasad! I felt tears in my eyes during that time and it was quite surprising because I rarely cry. I bought Sai Satcharitra and Baba’s photo from Mandir and till today I read it without fail. But even at that time, I was an ignorant fool who didn’t realize what a huge blessing Baba has bestowed on me.

My love for Baba grew and now I have transformed into a different person altogether. Baba has shattered my ego, lessened my anger, and taught me to be sympathetic and loving even towards the enemies. My family too now loves Baba and follows HIS teachings.

I am still learning and growing. Now the biggest miracle that I realized is, I thought Baba came into life during the last year of graduation, but NO! he was already present with me through my whole graduation. I recollected that when I shifted to this new state for my graduation the first Mandir I visited was “Sai Baba Mandir” despite so many famous temples around.

I remember that I prayed Baba at that time to take care of me in this new journey and bless me, guide me the right way, just like how I prayed to Hanuman Baba. I forgot that incident. A few days later after joining graduation, one of the new people that I befriended brought Sai Baba pendants for everyone in the class.

I was such a fool who didn’t understand Baba’s loving hand on me at that time. I never wore that pendant but it remained in my college bag pocket throughout graduation.

So Baba definitely took me into his arms and carried me safely across that negative environment, protecting me and transforming me altogether.

I feel so happy that we all are Sai children and are blessed with HIS abundant love. I feel as if I have found a missing piece of my life in form of our Baba. I am really thankful for your humble service.

May Baba bless everyone with peace, love, and prosperity.

Om SaiRam


Hope you like Kratika’s experience friends. When you are going through difficulties in life, do not assume that Sai is not with you. Sai is silently guarding you.

Om Sai Ram


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