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How Saibaba saved a devotee, made her cancer free and today her life is Beautiful

Love for StarSai and Saibaba’s Dhuni :

Sometimes i wonder why i do all this …why i give so much importance to many think its a website and to me alone its life and love. What ever decisions i take in career or personal life keeps StarSai as Sun and i revolve around it.

Few days back one of my close friend kanna asked me why you take care of Dhuni ( sacred fire place ) in Nagasai mandhir,even when things happen which you dont like in temple. Why so much importance to dhuni even when you get hot boils in palm . I told him i don’t know why its a attachment. He said probably thats why your parents worry as you dont have this sincerity in your career. May be yes .

I might have taken things more serious for years .No point in hurrying in last minute. In the right terms , Its saibaba who is giving me the attachment.

Theres a beautiful incident during saibaba’s life time. Once a little boy was massaging saibaba’s legs in dwarakamai. some devotees were distributing sweets in other side. The boy left saibaba and playfully went away eager to get sweets. The boy’s mother beat him and asked him to serve saibaba and prayed sai thus.

Saibaba said” Dont beat the child. God will give him good desires and he will serve me well all life “

I too have other desires in life but as sai says serving Sai through StarSai, guiding sai devotees in path of light and taking care of dhuni are all a blessing from sai himself. Its his own ways to inspire me and be attached .

With this message..i shall share a beautiful mail i received from a sai baba devotee recently…

Sairam friends, I got this sai leela mail from a devotee who has been coming to StarSai for long time and wrote to me after 2 years of her devotion to sainath. I asked her why mailed me so late …Probably it was sai’s message to me that not only people who write to me are blessed through StarSai, everyone who comes here and honestly devotes them selves in sai bhakti are really blessed.

To some sai devotees, it takes time and some are blessed immediately. What matters is ones own total devotion in the holy feets of sadguru shirdi sai baba

Sai Ram!!

Sairam Venkatraman,

Sai Ram! Your website is a blessing to me. Baba came to me from your site…..May you get all the happiness in world.

Here is my story. I wanted to share for a long time..If you wish you can publish my story…Someone can get strength from this..

starsai shirdi sai baba

StarSai - the divinity of Sai Baba

Om SAI RAM!!!! My pranam to Baba’s feet. Baba I am nothing without you,

Baba’s Leelas are immense & unfathomable!! Here is my story. I had a picture of Baba in my house with all other pictures of God. As a normal practice I used to just fold my hand for few seconds and move on with my life without thinking much. One day something happened in my life that changed my whole life. I was diagnosed cancer and doctors did not give much hope.

I started talking treatment. This made me mentally & physically weak. My family was devastated. My son, who was so young he did not know much about the whole thing, was sad. My husband started running around to different doctors to hear some positive things. Nothing helped us.

All of a sudden I came across starsai website and Baba pulled me towards him and I started praying and reading more & more about him. How beautiful…Baba took me in his path. So beautiful  is the feeling. I understood one thing doctors are not God. Baba is my doctor and he will cure me for good.. My faith started becoming stronger & stronger. I surrendered all my problems to Baba’s feet. I started praying Baba & doing naap jap.

I felt I know Baba for long time and Baba is with me all the time. Amazingly I got so much strength mentally & physically.

So many wonderful miracles started happening in my life. I can go on writing on & on.. Baba pulled me towards him and gave all the strength. Baba took me to so many places in US that had Baba’s Temple.

I went back to work and started my normal duties again. Then the biggest miracle…I live in US and had never been to India for last 15 years. All of a sudden Baba pulled me to Shridi. We had a good darshan of Baba in Shridi. The journey was the most beautiful experience I will never forget my whole life.

I went to the doctor and my reports started looking good.  Baba always gives hope to his children who surrender completely to his feet.

Baba saved my life. Now I am cancer free. My life is so beautiful; I got more than I can think of.

If you are reading this, Baba wants you to read this. Please surrender at Baba’s feet. All your problems will go away. Follow Baba’s path, help people, be egoless, feed poor people…. Try to do something good every day. Even if it is a small thing…just be nice to people. Have faith & patience..Baba is with us!! I can feel  him all the time….You can feel him too.. Om SAI RAM!!

Baba’s daughter, Moli

Does Shirdi Sai baba and Saints do such miracle to all devotees ?

Friends,  Sai baba may  not cure everyone with cancer. Even in guru charitra saint Narasimha saraswati says”Fate cannot be changed” . Once the saint blessed a dead man come back to life. A athiest there asks how can you change the law of karma and give life back to this man. The saint replies ” No true saint will act against law of karma, this person was dead  when they were on their way to have my darshan. Though his life in this present birth was over according to laws of karma , in his next birth he lives long , so i requested God to take 30 years from his next birth and let him live long as a good husband to his wife in this birth ”

Then the devotees gathered there praised the greatness of guru. Friends this really happened during saint narasimha swamijis life in 13th century.

I add this incident because i dont want to mislead all devotees with cancer or their dear ones only to expect positively and feel bad that sai helps others and not them.

Shirdi sai baba and all true saints works based on our own past births good and bad deeds..They are supposed to follow this karmic bonds of their devotees. Irrespective of this sometimes when we show utmost surrender and devotion to saints, their heart melts and they do their leela which has happened in Moli’s life.

It may or may not happen in your or your dear ones life.  Now the only request i have is , when someone is having health problems,take all necessary treatments but please inspire them and motivate them to chant Gods name. Let it be any got they love . Let them simply chant sai sai sai, read sacred books like guru charitra and sai satcharitra to them. This will surely help them. 3 months back my Mama, mothers elder brother was suffering from cancer. I was with him in the last 3 days of his life. I made him chant

Datta Dhigambara,

shree paadha vallabha dhigambara,

Narasimha saraswati Dhigambara,

Swami samartha Dhigamgbara ,

Sai dhigambara….. has more info about this guru mantra

My Mama loved it so much and even when he forgot it, he used to say “Ramu, can you repeat that mantra” . I was near him and told him mama say “Saibaba Save me “…i know he is going to pass away but i made him say ‘ Saibaba, save me ” … when someone is sick we must use sai devotion to heal them and cure them , once we realized their time has come we must not stop…let us keep them remember Sai…it helps their atma ( soul ) reach the holy feet of sai /God.

Either they will get a good birth or will become a angel in Gods holy feet. My Mama who was a busy famous layer for years never had time for saibaba . Only in the last month when i heared he had cancer, i sent him a book about saibaba and he read it. He never has any worry that his end has come.

I felt saibaba sent me to him to make him reach his holy feet by chanting Sai Datta …Sai Datta …Sai Datta in the last 3 days of his life. On the third day my Mama passed away . I know he has seen the holy feets of the greatest Saint on earth.

I realized really my love for StarSai does have its benefit. Someone some where who are suffering the worst pain in life are taken in the path of light, StarSai inspires faith and love on Sai…Some leave halfway and very few like Moli walk straight towards Saibaba’s holy feet . When someone writes me

“Today my life is Beautiful”

I feel the abnormal life i lead according to the external world does has some meaning.

Sai, You are my heart , You are my soul and i will ever dedicate myself for inspiring Sai devotion in the hearts of millions of sai children.



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  • Sai Baba responds to true people…who follows his path of “shradha” & “saburi”…Love the incident and thank you so much for sharing the incident…

  • It is very inspiring incident for people like us ,especially in this part of materialistic world,to get drawn back from our daily chores to Sai Baba’s love for us.Reading this incident definitely must and i know will have transformed many people’s life and also for most of them who are in an urge to know more about Sai Baba.

    I love you SaiBaba

  • Baba i am going through this website second time. i love this website now. I have one big problem in my life that you only know. i thought that i will never come out of it. i feel very good after reading allt his people;s expierience and i feel like you are close to me. i hope u gave me some hint in my dream about wt should i do???i kind of feel like u dont wan me to go to doctor as u r my doctor. but plz give me some hint like u give it to other people just once to tell me wht should i do…love u baba


  • Om Sai ram,

    Faith and Patience has become my Mentor words of my life. I wanted to thank you somuch for all the blessings you have givien me and with your help I got a very good job. Please bless my kids and family to
    overcome all the calamities we have right now. Baba very close friend’s Dad is in serious condition please help him to recover soon, only you have the power to bless them.

    I am always at your feet baba. I am fortunate to be your devotee for ever truely and I love you unconditionaly to my death.

    Raja Ram Raja Ram Raja Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Bless everyone Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai

  • Sai baba
    my mother is suffering from pancreatic cancer.she was
    diagnosed last month .and we come to know its her 4th
    stage cancer.we know its only you who can cure her disease
    kindly give me some hint to cure her sai ram.
    Sai’ baba’s daughter.

  • Dear Sai Baba,

    My 2 year son named Dhruv Deep M is sufferring from cancer named neuroblastma which in stage IV.I really dont know what has triggered this and all changes has been found in matter of one month.Now he i under treatment and dr said it 30 to 40 % chnaces of getting cured .My humble request to my Sai Baba to cure my son and bring back to life.

    Sai Baba’s Son

    Dhruv Deep M and Honey Mon

  • Sai baba…. please help us out and help my father to fight out the recently diagnosed disease. We pray to you to keep him healthy and bless him with a long healthy life!! Thank you sai baba for all your blessings. Please continue to bless us and come out of this difficult time.

    Om sainath!!

  • Pray for my father to stop dialysis. Admutted in hospital and undergoing treatment

  • om sairam.baba pls baba mo bou ku bhala koridio,tomo pakhare atiki ali koruchi sai,10 barsa mo bou ra ayusa lekhidio ,setiki dino jae taku kichi dehokasta naheu……..pls baba amaku anatha korono,bou bhala heigole ame sabu sirdi darsan ku jibu,pls baba save us.kichi bi miracle kori mo bou ku maran muharu phereidio.pls baba tome chanhile sabu sambhabaheijibo……… om sai,sai om………

  • Om sai ram, sai baba plz forgive me for my all fault. And save me in my deases & i obliged to you in lifetime. Sai you are antaryami you know everything.plz help me and cure my deases. Oh sai bless me & my family for a healthy life. OM SRI SACHIDANANDA PARAMBRAMHA SAINATHAYA NAMAH.

  • First of all my Pranam to Sai Baba.Baba helps me in all the problems of my Life.Really i am very inspired with Sai baba…………..
    Hey sai baba please helps to make my future Bright…………………


  • Om sai ram,
    Please help my father in law who wasjust diognized with a potential cancerous tumor. He has just been taken perform some std test MRI and CT scan. I have tremendous faith in you. I am very sure that you will do some miracle and doctor will determine that tumor was not cancerous.
    Please help our family.

    Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  • Sairam Please help my son to get rid this Disease and fully recover. Show me the right path and forgive my family for any wrong doing. I know you can do miracles. I totally have faith in you.

    your daughter….
    jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam jaisairam

  • forgive me sai for all my mistakes ..and u know what i am going through i don’t have to name it ..pls take care of me and my family and the entire world..saiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  • Sai nath please forgive my mistakes my mum is suffering form last stage of cancer only you can cure her our whole family have faith on you sai baba even my mum says sai will make her better, so please sai listen to us give my mum Jeevan Dhan and cure her from this cancer. As there is nothing impossible for you , please dont take our mum away. cure our mum sai nath please please,


  • Jai Sairam. This prayer from Narayaneeyam can do wonders. Kindly chant this if someone is suffering from cancer:

    अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
    त्वमित्थमुत्थापितपद्मयोनि: ।
    अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
    निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥१३॥

    asmin paraatman nanu paadmakalpe
    tvamitthamutthaapita padmayOniH |
    anantabhuumaa mama rOgaraashiM
    nirundhi vaataalayavaasa viShNO

    O Supreme Lord of incomprehensible powers, in this age known as the Paadma Kalpa, Thou thus brought into existence the Creator Brahmaa. O Lord Vishnu! Who has manifested in the temple of Guruvaayur, please eradicate my ailments.

  • Jai Sairam. There is nothing impossible in your Darbar. Please forgive us if we have done anything wrong. Kindly cure my brother in law who is suffering from third stage of colon cancer. I beg of you to cure him. You are a wonder worker of miracles please therefore bless him and heal him.

  • Dear baba…
    I hv nothing now than to cry out to you… im having chronic pancreatitis. ..doctors are confused with my treatments. ..pls help me baba

  • My dear Baba,

    Baba nuvve nannu kapadali baba. nenu tappu chesnu but i realized now. please save me baba

    om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai

  • Baba! Please shower your mercy on us. Please save my husband. You are the doctor, you are the medicine, you are our saviour. Kindly bless us Baba. Sashtang Namaskar

  • Baba, my father sudden fall sick and cant walk at all. please save him from this sick. bless my father and my mother.

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