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Saibaba, You are a diamond found in the depth of river Godavari


Where did you came from? What’s your origin?

If you had really taken human birth, then who are your blessed parents?

If you are an avatar, Who’s incarnation are you?

Everyone of us has different stories about you but none of us have time to think about you day and night. Remembering you will make you speak to us face to face and tell us all the secrets about you. Hence, you let the Maya of the world play and never let us remember you that easily. You don’t want us to know your secrets.

shirdi saibaba

Shirdi Saibaba – A diamond

I honestly don’t need your secrets but assurance that you are always looking at me and my family. It is the same for all the millions of your devotees. We humbly join our palm and worship you to take care of us.

Let us keep chanting your holy name “Sai, Sai, Sai”.

Ever since your first appearance under the Neem tree of Shirdi, You have influence the lives on this planet silently. You never speak much. You never do much. You just sit silently and rule our hearts.

There were times when I think “Why Sai is silent and does nothing?”

That’s the very nature of Sai. I feel like you are answering me with out using any words for your language is “Silence”.

Diamonds won’t speak.

Diamonds simply Shine and bring prosperity to the one who owns it.

Every devotee of yours who have captured you in his or her heart owns you Sai.

I own you.

I own a Diamond.

A diamond found in the depth of river Godavari.

Every live in us as antaryami and make us prosper.

Bless us with good health, peace, prosperity and harmony in family.

Aum Sai Ram

Aum Sai Ram

Aum Sai Ram


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