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Devotees Experiences

Saibaba gave me a gift in foot and heart

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I have severe tooth ache for past 2-3 days. My wisdom tooth has grown diagonally and has to be removed. I took xray before 5 years but never went to Dentist as he told, he will tear the gum and take it out. I was scared and all these 5 years, I used to keep udi over the place when ever it bothers me. Now, seems I have to go for the dental procedure.One of my friend was kind enough to tell me her experiences as she seems to have several issues in tooth.  Today, when I had pain, she suggested to have a tablet after which pain subsided. She asked for consulting fee from next turn..he he…

I had lots of fun at work in the evening. I went and spoke to everyone and then there was this conversation between my friends about who’s college where they studied is best? So I made a stick drawing about the whole episode and showed everyone. I enjoyed it a lot.

Actually, I always love to make stick drawings but I want everyone to say that my drawing is good. Obviously, I am creative right? I do it purposely to have fun.

One trick I found recently is this. I will make some horrible drawing, go near someone and show. If they are about to say ‘Better don’t draw again for lifetime”, I will warn them saying “If you don’t appreciate me, I will draw you”. he he… Irrespective of all my warnings, if someone still says that my drawing is not good, I will immediately draw their face and write their name. This has really proved fruitful and hence how ever horrible my drawings are, there are few who say “It’s Good”.

After all the laughter, when I sat back in my place, I had some fear emerging from my heart. I hate this fear in me and wanted to get rid of it. Anyway, I started to Sai Baba temple at night.

Sathya Narayana Pooja

( In Hindi it’s spelt as Satyanarayan)

I lit 3 lamps as usual, took the garlands to be offered on terrace and claimed up. After offering garland to all 5 statues on top of temple, I went to the place where my friends were preparing prasad. I was chatting with them for few minutes. The Shej aarti was going on. Every full moon day, Sathya Narayana pooja will be done in the wedding hall behind the temple. One of my friend asked if I would like to give Sathyanarayana pooja prasad. I said “Yes” for which he said “It will take time and you can leave only by 10”. I said, then, I can’t go because my parents will expect me to reach home atleast by 9.30.

I don’t know much about Satyanarayan pooja since its done by devotees who are married and I also don’t have patience to sit in a place for over an hour. There’s a story about how a devotee started this pooja for Sai baba. I shall write about it someday.

I went to the corner in veranda and sat there sadly. I again asked “Shall I go for distributing Sathya Narayan pooja prasad?”. He replied “You might have to go home late”. So I kept calm. I thought that Saibaba don’t like me being sad. So went walking to Dhuni as Aarti got over. I took the prasad to distribute standing in Dwarakamai.

Sai gave me a big gift after many years!

Since the main Dhuni is being repaired, my friend  was digging the temporary dhuni with the iron rod we use. I usually jump inside with the Dhuni Baba prasad to offer little inside dhuni and then start to distribute prasad. Today, I went near the Dhuni and was about to jump, My friend who was digging Dhuni, told me “Don’t come..Don’t come.” . Well, I usually can’t stop myself from offering prasad first inside Dhuni. So I did not listen to him and jumped in the Dwarakamai. I took another step and my left foot was over the red hot iron rod.

I shouted aloud as it was so hot. I immediately took off the foot and as I jumped out towards the pipe to wash my feet, I told Baba “I love you Sai”. Actually, When ever I get such burn while serving Dhuni, I consider it as a gift. So I thanked Saibaba. I turned the water in the pipe and showed my foot on the chill water. I saw a dark line being formed diagonally in the shape of the iron rod. Gradually, it got disappeared. One uncle and another friend of my said its good to keep oil or Ghee. He came with a ghee bottle which I applied. I told them, that I feel burning sensation.

The main hall was about to get closed. I limped and walked in. My friend requested the priest to give some Udi for the foot. He gave me udi with which I walked out and applied over my foot.

When I came back again near Dhuni, my friend who was digging dhuni and kept the iron rod on floor simply laughed at me since he saw my reaction and the way i shouted. I asked him “What did I do to laugh so much?” They all said, they didn’t even know why I am jumping shouting so much. A priest came near me and gave me sweets. Another priest was helping my friend to clean Dhuni. I asked him “Why did Saibaba did this to me?”. Did I do anything wrong? He said, “You got sweets after your foot was burnt. So good things are going to happen in your life”.

I asked him “Is it?” He said “Yes and said something”

As I walked out, I wanted to buy Burnol ointment in medical shop but one of my friend said “Keep Udi. That’s enough”.

I did got burnol but I don’t want to use it.

One of the reason I call such burning incident as gift is because Sai’s sacred fire is so powerful. Many devotees believe that if we drop coconuts in there, their wish gets fulfilled. Honestly, its just that Sai wants us to offer our bad thoughts and habits if any. Even being lazy and worrying too much is a bad habit. You know a devotee who saw the whole incident told this to me

He said, “I saw you walking very sadly as if you have some pain in leg when you went inside Dwarakamai to take the prasad. Saibaba wanted to make you fresh and vibrant as you always were. The burn made you jump and run in hurry to show your feet in water?

fire purity

Sai blessings

I like the quote of Mahatma Gandhi. It’s easy for anyone to say something and influence our mind. So we must be careful that none other than our Guru and good people can influence us. Anyway, after all this episode, I took photos of my friends cleaning dhuni. Now a days, I take some pictures to keep it safe. We need such memories to show future generation.

I also took photo of the priest and teased him saying “After 100 years people will think you are a big Yogi” . He also smiled and said, “Yes. After 100 years, people will think… look, how much he has served Sai?” He he….

I am alright now. Very slight burning sensation is there which is manageable. I did not tell my parents since they will worry a lot and here after, when ever I go temple, they will imagine, I am going to get hurt. Its dark in my room now. So I silently, switched on the mobile light and found there’s a very slight mark and nothing happened to the skin.

This morning, I prayed Saibaba to heal my Mom’s foot ache and now, I got gift from Saibaba on foot. I believe, Sai will surely heal my Ma by his own leela.

Couple of month back, we did pooja for Lord Murugan in Perur. My Ma was telling the priest that she has severe foot ache. The priest looked at me and said, its not the feet but your heart which has pain. I know Sai is telling me a message subtly.

Though the gift was on my foot, I know Sai actually is trying to melt my heart.

Sai, You know my heart.

Do what you think is right for me.

Om Sai Ram


Edit: I am completely alright now. The iron rod seems to be not so hot. I just exaggerated it and shouted..ha ha… Sai has given me a small experience and I enjoyed it. Sai, heal my Mom’s foot ache. She needs your guidance for right treatment.


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1 Comment

  • Listen to me carefully and you will be most benefited is Baba’s saying in SSS.Unfortunately we don’t and due to our habits we burn our own fingers even though He warns us.Baba will be most pleased if we listen to Him.God bless.

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