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Devotees Experiences

Saibaba helped her get over breakup and depression

Sairam friends,

To make it convenient for Sai devotees to share their positive experiences with Shirdi Saibaba, I created this page – Share your Shirdi Sai Baba Experiences and also got the first experience as below from a devotee.

Om sai ram.

Hello everyone,

Firstly thank you to our Lord Shri Sai baba I have had a break up with my boyfriend and I couldn’t get over it and was very depressed with life, at this point of time one of my friend inspired me to read Sai Satcharitha and took me to Baba temple every Thursday. There on, slowly, slowly things changed in my life. My belief and love on Sai baba has been increasing day by day. Baba helped me to get over my depression and find a good job. By the grace of lord sai I got married to a wonderful person. All this could happen only by sai baba. I request all the devotees to read at least few lines from sai sacharitha everyday and also to have infinite faith in baba as he will give you what you want and what is right for you.

Little devotee


om sai ram

Hope you like the devotees experience friends. This is one of the major issue and I even got fed up addressing this both to girls and guys. If you are in such relationship problem, please divert your mind. Try to see life as a whole. You can lead a better life without the one whom you love. All it takes us some time, a strong mind set and ability to have immense patience. – Venkat

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