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How Saibaba helped to solve problems in pregnancy and blessed a family with a Baby?

Saibaba blessings to solve issues in Pregnancy
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

My Father is not well these days and hence, I keep praying Saibaba to heal him.

I receive many emails from Shridi Saibaba devotees from couples who need blessings for Childbirth. So today, I am sharing a devotee’s experience in which she explains in detail about how Sai Baba blessed her to solve problems in pregnancy.

Read beautiful devotee’s experience of Ambili Sandeep as below.

I am from Kerala currently living in Kuwait with my husband and children. May 1st week I have delivered my Son. During this Corona Epidemic, we couldn’t bring our parents for any support but Sai Baba has given me full support and confidence to handle all issues.

I was pregnant for my second child. During the 3rd month of pregnancy, we went to India for annual leave. As my sisters-in-law’s are in Mumbai, I had a golden opportunity of visiting Shirdi for the first time. Within a
month, we were back in Kuwait and issues started after that in my 6th-month. The doctor noticed AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index) was high also called Polyhydramnios. we could see bubbles around the baby.

The doctor told it’s not a safe sign but she couldn’t find the reason.

After that Corona issues started and that clinic was closed and it was more dangerous to go to government hospitals.

So we decided to go to a nearby hospital though it was more than our budget. In my 8th month, we took an appointment. All main doctors are Arabic Nationality but we couldn’t get an appointment from them. They all were booked till next month. I deeply prayed to Sai to show me the correct way that is good for us.

The hospital call center girl suggested me to make an appointment for a Doctor called Dr. Lakshmi Shinde as she was only available.

On the day of the appointment, she suggested for all tests before she did checkup. In the scanning, AFI was still very high and found that it was Single Umbilical Artery and in the report, it was written baby should be scanned immediately after delivery. That made me and my husband more scared and upset.

The doctor’s face was not pleasant. She was a little angry after seeing the report though the doctor was not willing, something made her accept us.

She was very frank. While talking she told there are chances for the baby to have lower abdomen issues but don’t worry. With God’s help, baby can be healthy also.

So advised us to be calm and pray well to get a healthy baby. On my next visit to the doctor, she advised me to do an immediate c-section as the baby weight was increasing and AFI was going high.

But gave me personal advice to change to a government hospital for delivery, If any issue baby will have to be kept in an incubator and it will be Kuwaiti Dinar 200 per day and if it is at Govt hospital costs will be less.

I spoke to our parents. They asked us to proceed with the same doctor. So
the doctor fixed that Thursday for a cesarean. On delivery day, morning doctor asked me did you choose your Son’s name. As I told the name ( our kids’ name starts with Sai) she was shocked to know that we were
also a Sai devotee.

She told me she is a devotee of Baba, I could see a happy and smiling face. I told her we knew that through her name as in Sai Satcharitham, Baba gives Rs.9 to Lakshmi Bhai Shinde. She started laughing and said Saibaba’s blessings are with us.

During my delivery time, she was very supportive and caring. As soon as I heard the baby’s crying sound, I forgot all the pain and I wanted to know if my baby was healthy? Inside the operation theater, the pediatric was
ready to check the baby. With Sai’s blessing, he was healthy.

Dr. Lakshmi Shinde met my husband outside the operation theater and told the baby is healthy and God that you pray is very powerful.

And the next day they did all the required special scanning for the formalities to confirm all the parts are functioning well.

With Baba’s blessing, we were on the safer side. We thank Baba from bottom of our heart for giving us all the supports through various forms.

Jai Sai Ram .

Ambili Sandeep

Hope you like this Sai leela friends. Many Saibaba devotees worry about pregnancy problems and childbirth. Remember Saibaba and surrender in his holy feet.

Sai baba will do good

Om Sai Ram


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