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Saibaba helps a Lonely Mother and brings joy to loving daughter

Shirdi Saibaba helps a Lonely Mother and brings joy to loving daughter

Om Sai Ram,

Dear friends I am not a good writer but I want to share some of my experience with my baba .

After coming to the feet of my baba my life took a U turn which in word i wont be able to express . It is baba who saved my mother when she was lying all alone in our flat , which was in 3rd floor. I and my bhabi was on the way to Delhi in Rajdhani . she came to see off in BBSR railway station and after going from station she had an attack .

The doors were closed . And when my train reached cuttuck I gave a call to her and she was that time lying near the land line phone and her voice was too low . I could come to know that she had an attack as she was complaining of having savior pain in chaist . The doors were closed from inside and that too my house was in 3rd floor . For which I was just making her cool over phone and said her to take courage to get up and open the main door and to inform our immediate  neighbor.

Saibaba’s care on Mother

My train was moving towards Delhi and I was just crying holding babas photo which i carry every time . I prayed baba to save my mother and I will come to Siridi . I gave a call to my cousins who rushed to my place and took my mother to Aditya Care Hosp by an auto . Where the Dr said it to be a major cardiac arrest and she was taken to ICU .

Its really Sai who saved her:

I am from Kharagpur returned to hospital and when I went inside my mother who is a strong believer of Lord Jaganath Bhagwan said me that the Auto she brought in that she saw a Big photo of my Baba and she said me that my baba saved her . Thanks to my sweet baba . Who has become my heart and soul .

Went to Shirdi to thank Baba:

She got well soon by bless of my baba and I kept my promise . The day she got discharged I went that same day to Siridi . He also saved my younger brother who recently had an road accident and had a brain hamrage but my saved him . Thanks to my baba and may baba bless everyone and bring all to his feet.

Jai Sai Ram

Ambika Das


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  • Only with Baba’s grace that my father underwent gastro surgery successfully. Thanks to almighty baba, kodi kodi thanks, cannot express enough gratitude to baba. Please bless us all. om sairam

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