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Saibaba hinted that he’s listening to me while I was in Dwarakamai

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Firstly, Another Saibaba photo contributed by my Sai friend in Mumbai. She took this photo while she was traveling by car. I love this temple.

I usually avoid going to Shirdi Saibaba temples on Thursday because that’s when Sai is busy with his other children. So even when I go to temple, I just worship standing outside Dwarkamai, if possible, enter Dwarakamai and stand in parking space. When Saibaba is too much occupied with thousands of his devotees, people who visit Sai temple regularly must not disturb. That’s my feeling.

There’s a temple 2 kms from where I work. I had never been there for 3-4 month. Yesterday, I felt like going there with my friends during lunch hour and felt good. Again, after 8 at night, I reached the temple and sat in the Dwarakamai. I was sadly sitting in the corner when couple of my friends at work came to temple.

You can’t sit like ginger eating Monkey when people whom you know come across you. So I had to smile and speak to them for a while. Again, I continued to sit peacefully.

Night aarti started and I was thinking why Baba can’t keep his words and why he did this to me.

I was wondering if i am a fool to trust his dreams and live like this. I don’t have any bad intention and why should I suffer like this.

While I was thinking thus, a lizard fell down from the roof of Dwarakamai. I immediately got curious. I was all alone in the Dwarakamai and keep staring at it from distance. Later, I realized there were two Lizards and they ran away. This made me this about the beautiful Sai leela during Sai’s life time.

Here’s the incident from Sai Satcharita…

Two Lizards

Now we close this Chapter, with a story of two little lizards. Once Baba was sitting in the Masjid. A devotee sat in front of Him, when a lizard tick-ticked. Out of curiosity, the devotee asked Baba whether this tick-ticking of the lizard signified anything; was it a good sign or a bad omen? Baba said that the lizard was overjoyed as her sister from Aurangabad was coming to see her. The devotee sat silent, not making out the meaning of Baba’s words. Immediately, a gentleman from Aurangabad came on horse-back to see Baba.

He wanted to proceed further, but his horse would not go, as it was hungry and wanted grams. He took out a bag from his shoulders to bring grams and dashed it on the ground to remove dirt. A lizard came out therefrom and in the presence of all, climbed up the wall. Baba asked the questioner devotee to mark her well.

She at once went strutting to her sister. Both sisters met each other after a long time, kissed and embraced each other, whirled round and danced with love! Where is Shirdi and where is Aurangabad? How should the man on horse-back come there from Aurangabad with the lizard? And how should Baba make the prophesy of the meeting of the two sisters? All this is really very wonderful and proves the omniscience — the all-knowing nature of Baba.

I am getting late to work now.

I hope Saibaba will show me a way.

I can’t ignore being sad as I love him and live by his words for lifetime

Om Sai Ram


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