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Devotees Experiences

Saibaba sent Rasgulla as a gift to prove that he’s listening to a devotee’s prayers

Om Sai Ram friends,

Today evening, I went to Saibaba temple and felt blissful. The priest gave me a garland as a gift from Saibaba. Then, I spoke to my friends for few minutes and came home. My Mom felt like fainting. Thankfully, I gave ran to take Udi from my room, made her have it and also gave her water and glucose. I also sprinkled water on her and asked her to breath repeatedly. Baba saved my Amma.

I received this devotee’s experience which I wish to share.

Hello Sai Devotees,

Om Sai Ram…

My name is Madhuri and I presently stay in Europe, I would like to share one of my experiences of Baba with me and my husband which has occured very recently, although there are other leelas that has happened in my life but since this was the recent one I will share it with all Sai Devotees.

Because of some job-related problems of my husband I promised Baba that if this problem subsides by your grace then I will perform Parayana ( I had never done any, before this).

As I prayed him, He also showered little mercy and the problem somewhat got solved, now the experience is not about how my problem got solved, but how Baba makes us feel his presence by saying that He is listening to us.

So as I had promised, I was about to start parayana on Thursday. Just a day prior to it, I was thinking if Baba, you are truly listening to my prayers then prove it, as soon as I prayed this, you won’t believe me but it is 100 percent true, my doorbell rang, and I went to see who was it, one person gave me the parcel and went away.

I thought that nowadays we order our groceries online so one of my packets have arrived, so I kept it for sanitising.

Then I did all my pooja and all house chores, in the evening when I opened the box it had a full tin of Rasgulla sweet, which I did not order at all and it was a completely new pack,(I and my husband checked the order list quiet a lot of time, also we called the website and asked if they had sent it by mistake but they said they did not send any such thing with the parcel) .

During my prayers, I asked Him if you are truly listening to my prayers then send me something through courier or parcel, I just said it for the sake of saying. I never imagined He is truly listening to me. I cried like a baby after this miracle for his love towards his children.

For people who do not believe or are becoming impatient, I just want to say Baba listens to the deepest of our desires but We have to follow Shraddha and Saburi, we have to love Him truly, wholeheartedly, He will definitely listen to all of us.

Thank you,

Om Sai Ram


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