Sairam friends,
I agree that Sababa’s words comes true. Sai has once said “I will give my life to make my words come true”.
At the same time, for some devotees who are really intimate with Sai, this doesn’t always happen. We come across situations where Saibaba has asked us to do something or go ahead with our plans but later, we face failures in what ever we did. I used to think why on Earth Sai told me few things if I am going to get disappointed like this.
Over the years, I have taken such little hints from Saibaba and led my life. I have never stopped my habit and don’t think I will change. But there’s one good change in me. I learned to accept the fact that even if Saibaba assured me something, I still have chances to fail.
Why? May be, Sai’s intention is to give me the experience of “Failing”.
If you analyze all your experiences, Your failures and disappointments would made you a better person than the success you had. We are being molded by the Saint who wants to make us shine as a Gold. We never wanted to turn gold though …he he. We prefer to be successful but that’s life. We must accept Saibaba’s play in our life. It’s not actually Sai’s play friends. Its play of our fate. Our own karmic bonds. So let us accept this poor fakirs way of working on our life. He has something unique which I can’t express in words.
Secondly, Sai changes the previous positive replies he gave you to make your life good.
For example, You had been praying Sai if you can apply for a Job and Sai assured you will get it. Later, Sai must have realized You have a better career if you take up some other job and made you fail in that interview. Here, Sai’s assurance is to bless you with a good career and not simply giving you an instant benefit of being successful in some interview you had been praying for.
Saints foresee future, keep in their mind whats long term benefit for you and they also change according to the situation existing in the current time period in the place you belong to, family you come from and the country you live in etc.
Just make sure that You love Saibaba even when you face failures in your life.
Here’s a Photo of Saibaba contributed by Sampurna

Shirdi Saibaba wants to make your life good. Even if its going to change his words
Sai Blessings,
A humble request – If you have photos of Shirdi Saibaba taken by yourself in your pooja place, please mail me. You can also mail me your experiences to
In spirituality the knowledge we get from words is very minimum as to the knowledge gained through experiencing it as said by prof.Athavale. Shri Sainathayanamaha.
Om sai ram
Sai Baba TESTS, TESTS AND TESTS…. finally patience shall get its due share. Never lose heart. His words shall never turns false.