I received this devotees experience and felt its truly amazing example of faith during difficult times in life.
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It’s the perfect time I saw this page. I was actually waiting to write my own experience with sai blessings. I delivered a boy in Feb 2014. We were overwhelmed that it was a boy but the happiness didn’t last so long as my little one was born with radial club hand which is a very rare syndrome. Radial club hand has different varieties and my boy had one of them where he had no thumb in his right hand and under grown thumb in his left.
We were shattered and we didn’t know what to do about it. But one thing we were fortunate was he had no other issues related to radial club hand. That’s because of sai blessings only. Just about a week after we started going to hospitals to see what we can do and later we came to know that there is only one hospital in Tamilnadu which provides treatment for it.
Being a single parent with the support of my family we were able to go to the hospital and consulted the doctor. The doctor said they can start the treatment only after he turns 18 months and it costs more than I could afford. But still I wanted my little one to get this treatment done so I started looking out for opportunities to onsite so that I can afford for his treatment.
I also started doing Sai vrat every Thursday. I was holding a H1b visa and with Sai Baba’s blessings I got to the opportunity to travel just in couple of months. I did take a hard decision of leaving my kid along with my parents and travel alone as it wasn’t a good idea to travel with the kid alone without settling down. I came to US in October 2015 and I immediately started processing visa for my mom
Though we had lost of issues with Baba’s blessings my mom was able to travel with my kid in January 2015. Then an idea came to just take my kid to US hospitals and get their opinion. The medical treatment in US is very expensive which I cannot even think of but I just wanted to get their thoughts. So we started looking for hospitals and went to a hospital where he had initial consultation but that doctor was about to leave for maternity so she referred us to a different hospital in a different state.
From here on, Sai baba’s miracle started and the way he solved the puzzle amazed us. We went to the hospital and the doctor did consultation and said nothing to worry we can move his index finger to thumb in both the hands and he should be ok then after some therapy. Though I was relieved I was very worried about the cost. I slowly asked the doctor how much it would cost as I know that it would be way high and I cannot afford it.
The doctor said you don’t have to pay anything out of your pocket as the hospital runs on trust. I did definitely see Sai in that doctor for a moment and the joy that we had was indefinite. In just few minutes they fixed the date for the surgery and planned for both the Hands on the same time.
May 19th was the surgery date we were little tensed on how he going to tolerate the pain but everything went smooth. He was really ok and doing great after the surgery. After a month on June 15th his cast was removed and he went through a week of therapy and now he is absolutely fine.

Believe in Saibaba for his ray of blessing will reach you someday
Baba did arrange us a home for accommodation where we had a comfortable stay and everything was completed like a dream.
My dear Sai, I just don’t have words to thank you. We are really blessed and please continue to shower your blessings on all your devotees. I am still undergoing a lot pain and problems and I request all devotees to pray for us and hope everything will get over soon.
One request to all devotees please believe in Sai he is the savior he can do anything and the toughest puzzle of our life was thus solved by one and only Sai.
Om Sai Ram!
I created this simple photo for this today’s Sai’s nature collection. Hope you like it. I have similar photo of Saibaba in my home in which Sai wears a Red kafni and ray of lights comes from his holy palm. I love this portrait of Sai so much.
I wish to listen to many such experiences from Sai devotees. Mail me when you find time.
Om Sai Ram
blessed experience…..sai bless all
Mesmerizing experience to hear. its SAI work !