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Dream of Saibaba statue in a temple with agarbathi smoke over his divine face

Shirdi Saibaba divine face
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Happy Ganesha Chaturthi (August 22nd 2020) – Here is an article I wrote years back – 5 Pooja that brings you Peace and Prosperity on Ganesha Chaturthi

Last night, we were worried as my Father is not well the past 2 weeks. His voice has changed and he also has slight pain in head. Its easy to take my Mom to Doctor but my Father don’t like going to hospital at all. So late night, my Mom and I were making some home remedies. We mixed Vilva leaves as power and kept it in a box. We asked him to mix it with honey and have it regularly.

This morning, being Ganesha Chaturthi, I woke up early in the morning, took bath and recited Lalitha Sahasranamam. I am still practicing the sacred mantra and it’s not an easy task. Only Goddess Lalithambigai to bless me to recite the mantra properly.

Later, I slept off remembering Sai and Goddess Lalithambigai. I was blessed with 2-3 dreams.

First dream was as if I am going inside a Saibaba temple built in a hall. It was some where abroad.

The walls of the temple was designed as Sky and cosmic energy. I see a very huge statue of Shirdi Saibaba. Over Sai’s holy face, I see smoke emerging from agarbathi being lit in Sai’s holy feet.

I forgot the second dream.

The Third dream was as if my Amma, Appa and myself and going in a car. Someone is taking us on a pilgrimage to a sacred temple. In between, I see a diversion. The car takes us into the small road which leads to a staircase but its as big as the road. The Car goes down the staircase kind of road into the underground to reach the sacred temple. But the Car gets hit in the wall.

Thankfully, all of us come out of the car safely. Amma alone has slight pain in her hand.

She gets down the car and walks. Two women were having huge Bannana leaves. The leaves were applied with Ghee and Tumeric powder. They tie it on my Mom’s hand and tell her, this will heal you.

Meanwhile, My Sai friend Tisha sent me this Saibaba of her home from Mauritius

I woke up and realized the story in Saibaba’s life time in Sri Sai Satcharita. I have provided the incident for you as below.

Baba’s All-pervasiveness and Mercy

In the year 1910 A.D., Baba was sitting near the Dhuni on Diwali holiday and warming Himself. He was pushing fire-wood into the Dhuni, which was brightly burning. A little later, instead of pushing logs of woods, Baba pushed His arm into the Dhuni; the arm was scorched and burnt immediately.

This was noticed by the servant Madhava, and also by Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama). They at once ran to Baba and Madhavarao clasped Baba by His waist from behind and dragged Him forcible back ward and asked, “Deva, for what have You done this?”

Then Baba came to His senses and replied, “The wife of a blacksmith at some distant place, was working the bellows of a furnace;her husband called her. Forgetting that her child was on her waist, she ran hastily and the child slipped into the furnace. I immediately thrust My hand into the furnace and saved the child. I do not mind My arm being burnt, but I am glad that the life of the child is saved.”

Leper Devotee’s Service

On hearing the news of Baba’s hand being burnt from (Shama) Madhavrao Deshpande, Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar, accompanied by the famous Doctor Parmanand of Bombay with his medical outfit consisting of ointments, lint and bandage etc. rushed to Shirdi, and requested Baba to allow Dr. Parmanand to examine the arm, and dress the wound caused by the burn. This was refused.

Ever since the burn, the arm was dressed by the leper devotee, Bhagoji Shinde. His treatment consisted in massaging the burnt part with ghee and then placing a leaf over it and bandaging it tightly with Pattis (bandages).

This is a beautiful Sai leela.

Since our maid did not came early, I was sweeping home when I told Amma that if she has severe pain in her hand, she should try what Bhagoji Shindi tried for treating Sai. Take a Bannana leaf, apply ghee over her hand and tie it softly.

In the dream, there was another ingredient which was Tumeric powder added to the Ghee.

Friends, many times, even though my dreams will be vivid, I used to think if I really saw this in dream or if I am assuming myself. Whenever, I have this doubt, Sai will connect dreams with reality.

A old man called Raman comes home these days to clean near trees and plants we kept. Today, he came in his cycle and said, “I got a Bannana tree stem which could be planted in your garden. Do you want to keep in your house or in the Ganesha temple?”

I immediately replied, keep it in our house itself. So he planted Bannana tree stem in our garden.

We neither asked for Bannana tree nor did we expect that Raman will come with the Bannana stem to plant it.

There’s another connection with the first dream of Saibaba with reality. Last evening, I went to Saibaba colony in Coimbatore to get some stuff in department store. I stood near Agarbathi rack and wanted to choose one for our house. But I was also thinking that since my Amma sneezes if we light agarbathi, we won’t use agarbathi for several years.

I still had a desire to buy a Agarbathi packet which I ignored, went to Saibaba temple and came back home.

Probably, I will light Agarbathi to Saibaba in the temple outside home and inside our compound so that the smoke won’t bother my Mom’s health.

Anyway, My life is all about Sai dreams. Today, I also wanted to remind you about how much Saibaba respected Lord Ganesha as its Ganesha Chaturthi (22nd August 2020).

Saibaba’s love and respect for Lord Ganesha

Tarkad family were very close to Sai during his lifetime in Shirdi.

Once, the trunk of Lord Ganesh Statue they had kept for worship in their home in Mumbai got broken. Tarkad, his wife and their son told this to Saibaba during their next trip to Shirdi. They wanted to know if they can keep the broken Ganesha for worship or through it away. Baba smiled to them and told “If a member of your family lost a hand, will you throw him away?”

Tarkad family realized their mistake. They went back to Mumbai, pasted the Trunk of Ganesha to his head and continue to worship him forever. This Ganesh Murti is still happily being taken care by Tarkad family.

Kindly read the blog to learn more – Shirdi Saibaba loves Sri Ganesh

Lord Ganesha Statue in Tarkhad's home
Lord Ganesha Statue in Tarkhad’s home – Ardent devotees of Saibaba

This morning, my Amma asked me to offer Coins she has stored for years to Lord Ganesha statue in our home chanting Om Gam Ganapathiye Namaha and I did that.

Stay blessed friends.

Om Sai Ram


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