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Sai’s guidance in dream to guide people in the path of light

Sairam friends,

Over the past 10 years, something that really bothered me was some people spoiling hundreds of youths and even elderly people in the name of spirituality. Trust me its happening across India and I was really worried about it.  Sai has shown me various experiences on how these people manipulate and cheat innocent souls.

I know there are parents worried about their son and daughter taking wrong decisions. I did my best with StarSai but I can’t go and preach people what’s good. I don’t even ask anyone to worship Shirdi Saibaba. As long as you are thinking and doing good, you are safe. You really don’t need a guru. Trust me. Sai don’t want me to promote him ( why does a saint who rules the hearts of millions need me?) but simply write about being good.

According to Sai, one needs to look at himself/herself.

If you do good. Good comes to you.

Why on Earth should you follow a modern Guru roaming across to make himself famous, rich and loot your money? Please keep away from such people.

I already wrote few articles related to this issue

Ignorant and Innocent people are being cheated in the name of Spirituality, Religion and Meditation

You are the best Guru to make your life better – Human trafficking and Spiritual Trafficking

The reason I wrote this article is that Sai has been showing me few dreams past few days about what he wanted me to do. Today also I got two dreams. One about my work place and another about how these false Guru’s are so influential and we can’t speak anything about them in public. I can only safely keep away from such idiots.

1. In the first dream, I saw a girl and Sai said she’s going to get married. Then, I see myself going in a street where so many of my friends at work are hurt and they are bleeding. Its like something bad happened inside. Then, I see myself outside my work place where I see someone said……………I can’t say what I hear.  I also hear the word “Amin”. It was like someone was really stressed and did this.

Then I come into my place and shocked to see all the seating arrangement has changed and I feel so uncomfortable. In August 2013, I had similar dream.  I feel some people are really getting stressed and they show it out harming themselves. Its happening for hundreds of professionals across the globe and Sai wants me to do something about it.

2.  In this dream, I see how badly the false guru has got so much influence and now no one can save people from being trapped into his fold. They are also harming animals.

I am going to work on a new project as Sai approved me to go ahead and he will be with me.

I just want to say please mind your personal life and career. You don’t really need any guru including shirdi saibaba. I say this because there are so many who call themselves as Sai devotees but they also had bad qualities. Now a days, every other person I come across is a Sai devotee. Everyone who has desires believes Sai will fulfill his/her desire and worships Sai but do they all live the way Sai expects them to do?

Simply be good and do good.

Sai blessings


Little servant of Shirdi Saibaba.

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  • The four objects of life is got by the four paths only with a Sathguru s grace.Baba s Blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • What thrilled me is the last paragraph which is true. There are many claiming to be Sai’s devotees but how many of them actually practice ?!

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