sairam friends,
We were using a old ceiling fan which was given by one of my fathers elder sister after her house caught fire years back. The fan worked well so we din’t mind using it.
Few months back the fan din’t work and i pleaded my father lets change the fan. My father was interested only in repairing it and fixing back. When he repaired , he also got a local brand Regulator since good brands were not avilable for the old model fans.
2 months back the fan still din’t work well. so i never used it, switch was off and i only used a table fan.

Shirdi saibaba samadhi mandhir photo near switch board after my father removed the old fan regulator
A dream this night was strange :
Today i had a dream as if i am hospitalized and suffering from Asthma. I woke and thought its due to the road construction in coimbatore – mettupalayam which stirs all the dust and also because i dig the Dhuni and get in to dhuni tank in saibaba temple with out wearing cloth over nose. My friend Vijaykumar keep telling me to be careful and wear a cloth over nose . I woke was 3.30 in morning .
Something crossed my mind that may be i get breathing problem because of the small fan which is directly spreading all the dust to my face. so soon i must change the old ceiling fan.
Fire on the Regulator of fan near the wall where the Samadhi mandhir photo of saibaba hangs :
It was around 6 in the morning…I din’t hear any sound as i was in deep sleep but suddenly woke up. To my shock , i saw the regulator was burning as if 5 candles kept togather are glowing…The out side plastic box has burnt completely and now i can see the coil friends. Sai woke me up in the right time as the inside parts are now visible and i din’t panic much and also din;t shout. I could hear my amma also woke up and in the kitchen.
Samadhi Mandhir photo of Shirdi Sai baba helped me blow the fire off :
The samadhi mandhir photo of shirdi saibaba in beautiful pink dress was hanging just close to the switch board in my room. I took it in my hands, used it like a hand fan to put off the fire . Since , its electricity, i must not cover with cloth or pour water. So i firmly believe its saibaba who gave me idea to use his own big laminated photo as a hand fan to put off the fire.
Mean while hearing the sound of me fanning, my amma ran inside the room as she also smelt something. She was running towards main to switch it off …since i thought she must not do it wrongly, i dropped a small plastic which was still burning over the washing machine and ran to varandah.
I switched off the Main and also the UPS. Then we were arguing with each other saying i asked to change the fan and its fathers mistake using a local brand regulator etc. My father slowly woke up and made sure its safe only. Just that the regulator coil has burnt. Not even a inch of wire has caught fire friends. This is really saibabas protection.
Then i told my parents that i only used saibaba photo to put of the fire. My amma said atleast i did the right thing without using other wrong was to put off fire.
My amma thanked saibaba whole heartedly friends.
I also whole heartedly believe saibaba saved our house from fire by waking me up on time and using his own beautiful samadhi mandhir photo to blow wind and put off fire.
My father fixed the wires, taped it and we listed to saibaba aarti.
While starting to write this article, i opened the sai satcharitra,
How beautiful is our sai friends, i got the below page…
Balasaheb Mirikar – Sai leela from Sai satcharitra chapter 22 :
Balasaheb Mirikar, son of Sirdar Kakasaheb Mirikar was Mamlatdar of Kopergaon. He was going on tour to Chitali. On the way he came to Shirdi to see Sai Baba. When he went to the Masjid and prostrated himself before Baba, usual conversation regarding health and other matters commenced, when Baba sounded a note of warning as follows:-“Do you know our Dwarakamayi?” As Balasaheb did not understand he kept quiet,
Baba continued –
“This is our Dwarakamayi, where you are sitting. She wards off all dangers and anxieties of the children, who sit on her lap.”
This Masjidmayi (its presiding Deity) is very merciful, she is the mother of the simple devotees, whom she will save in calamities. Once a person sits on her lap, all his troubles are over. He, who rests in her shade, gets Bliss”. Then Baba gave him Udi, and placed His protecting hand on his head.
When Balasaheb was about to depart, He again said- “Do you know the “Lamba Bava” (long gentleman), Viz. serpent?” And then closing the left arm like fist He brought it near the right elbow, and moving His left arm like the hood of a serpent, He said- “He is so terrible, but what can he do to the children of Dwarakamayi: When the Dwarakamayi (its presiding deity) protects, what can the serpent do?”
All who were present there, were curious to know the meaning of all this and its reference to Mirikar, but none had the courage to ask Baba about this. Then Balasaheb saluted Baba and left the Masjid with Shama. Baba called Shama back and asked him to accompany Balasaheb, and enjoy the Chitali trip. Shama came to Balasaheb, and told him that he would go with him according to Baba’s wish.
Balasaheb replied that he need not come as it would be inconvenient. Sharma returned to Baba and told Him what Balasaheb said to him.
Baba said, “Alright, do not go. We should mean well and do well. Whatever is destined to happen, will happen”.
In the meanwhile Balasaheb thought over again, and calling Shama asked him to accompany him. Then Shama going again to Baba and taking His leave started with Balasaheb in the tanga. They reached Chitali at 9 P.M. and encamped in the Maruti temple. The office-people had not come; so they sat quiet in the temple, talking and chitchating. Balasaheb was sitting on a mat reading a newspaper.
His Uparani (upper dhotar) was spread across his waist and on a part of it a snake was sitting unobserved. It began to move with a rustling sound which was heard by the peon. He brought a lantern, saw the snake and raised an alarm- ‘serpent, serpent’. Balasaheb was frightened and began to quiver. Shama was also amazed. Then he and others moved noiselessly and took sticks and clubs in their hands. The snake got down slowly from the waist and it moved away from Balasaheb; it was immediately done to death.
Thus this calamity, which was prophesied by Baba, was averted and Balasaheb’s love for Baba was deeply confirmed.

shirdi saibaba samadhi mandir in beautiful pink dress
What a beautiful sai leela friends and how it suits the situation in our house today.
For over 3-4 years i always make sure standing near the lamps tray in Nagasai mandhir on thursdays . Thousands of devotees keeps the candles and lamps. So me and one or two of my friends like vengadesh, Vivek, kunnimalayan used to be there and make sure the devotees don’t get fire on their hair when bending to light lamps. We keep warning and helping the devotees , keep away the empty lamps and also take care of dhuni.
These days i feel something hurting in my eyes when ever i look at fire and clean dhuni. I told saibaba you take all the work from me even to the extent that it hurts my eye but not showing a way for my career and life .Sai takes work from us but also blesses us with his leela on time friends.
I realized when a devotee worships sai with heart and soul, his house itself becomes home to sai, His Dwarakamai. how beautifully sai assures friends
“This is our Dwarakamayi, where you are sitting. She wards off all dangers and anxieties of the children, who sit on her lap.”
I believe sai has warded off this danger from his own dwarakamai ! My room where i worship sai and chant his name day and night lighting lamps for years…
There can be many Sai leela friends and this one is special because i used Sai baba’s Samadhi mandhir photo itself to blow the fire off .
I feel saibaba is Hanuman – Vaayu puthra who woke me up on time, Made my amma also to hear something and wake up and his own wind to blow of the fire.
Crores of thanks to you Sai !
Moral of the story :
1. Be careful in electric issues…Use good branded parts or better don’t use it.
2. Never think sai is not helping you friends, Keep chanting his holy name, Keep singing aarti, I have wrote many times that a Shirdi saibaba photo is equal to sai himself in real with flesh and blood and today Sai proved it 100 % true.
Sai ki jai
Thanks to Agni deva with who shows mercy on me and my friends who cleans dhuni for years.
Venkat – 14 :2:2011
If you have patience to read how the Samadhi mandhir photo was hung in the present place near switch board, heres another leela which happened on October 28th 2009.
It was a time when one of my sai friend Vidhya went to shirdi with her family…Heres how i described her trip and my dream that morning..
Sairam friends,
When vidhya was in shirdi, that morning i also got a beautiful dream like this…
My parents has not been to shirdi so far and i wish to take them someday.
I see 2 saints and one of them gives me a instruction….he was wearing a saffron color dhoti.
Having darshan of shirdi sai baba samadhi mandhir as dream continues :
Me and my parents were standing in Que to have darshan of saibaba in samadhi mandhir. I somehow miss my parents to go front n then catch them moving the crowd aside.
The samadhi mandhir was different in dream. The saibaba statue and samadhi was in the same level as floor . It was so crowded. I see a evil person was near statue , police comes n catches him n goes.
I was distracted by this incident..then i turn to saibaba statue of samadhi mandhir….to the surprise of all devotees, saibaba statue gets sai as he is in flesh … i can see saibaba twinkling his eyes beautifully …all devotees crowd around saibaba and especially one Girl goes to saibaba and hugs him tight and kiss him.
Then i see all devotees crowding around saibaba in surprise. I kneel down near saibaba and say “Baba bless my amma,appa, indra,kamesh and katya” ..on saying this Sai turns to me and pats my shoulder.
I am deeply moved by this gesture of sai .That too the statue of sai beautifully coming to living, twinkling eyes and turning to me to pat me….At this time i feel someone entering their palm in my pocket. I doubt if they are going to steal my mobile.
They actually keep lots of Mittaai…one purticular mittaaai which my amma likes to eat..its sour and sweet mittaai and available in petti shop called Orange Mittaai.
I really felt happy and took it as saibaba’s gift to me.
I had a samadhi mandhir photo of saibaba which i dint care much. I hung the samadhi mandhir photo in which saibaba was wearing Pink and yellow dress , applied kumkum and showed arti
Saibaba bless all starsai children
I really loved this dream friends as saibaba was so cute and lovely as he came alive and i also understood the greatness of Samadhi mandhir sai
The above dream was shared on 28th october 2009, Sai himself says , i am just a witness to events, when something good happens people call it a leela but i inturn thank the God for his kindness towards my devotees. Probably Sai knows on 14th feb 2011 , there will be a fire on the switch board and he prefered hanging near it, so that he will give me idea to use the photo as fan and thus save from big danger. Have we missed even half an hour….but sai works on Time friends.
Today is my sister Indra’s birthday. I pray sainath to protect my sister , her baby and her husband too and bring the good health, peace and prosperity.
Om sri sai ram
14 : 2 :2011
Dear Venakat,
Om Shri Sai Ram……………..
i started reading your articles from last few days regularly n can not explain in words how i feel, u have taught me a new path to come out of your sorrows and pains.your articles are so easy to understand, everyone can relate with this easily,written in very simple language helped me a are right “our dearest baba” is with us every moment we live.We should trust him no matter what condition is.i also wants to share few things with you later.”Our dearest BABA” will surely bless you for this.
just want to say THANK YOU…………………….n also request u to keep writing such articles ………………………..
Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram…………………
Hi Mr venkat,,,,,,,,,,,,
Sai bless u in all ur way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,really it”s a lovely article u wrote,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just want to say thanx n also request u to keep writing such articles ………………………..sai ba,,,,,,,,,,,,is great,,,,,,,,,,,,,i lv saibaba very much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thanx 4 dis article,,,,,,,,,,,,,keep it up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I pray sainath to protect my family,,,,,,,,,,everyone”s family,,,,,,,,,, and bring the good health, peace and prosperity.2 eveyone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hi Venkat,
Are you an employee of mPower software services?
sairam lakshmi
i am sorry i dont mostly write replies in comments ….mail me from the id in first page of the site ..lemme know why you felt so that i work there? let me know about yourself too by email.
Sai blesses all.. Venkat anna the job which you are doing is very great.. I was searching for sai aarti and thats how i found your website . after i started to read allyour articles i got my answers for many question which i had . I also like you was praying lord venkateswara only , but im very lucky that iam also one of the sparrows whom baba is pulling towards him. iam very gratefull to him . Sai Ram.
pullarikirathu yendru solvargale adu pol iruku inda anubhavathai padhithavudan. Really, Venkat, you are Sai’s child. How will he leave you in distress. This incident proves it that he is within you itself. Venkat, you are purely blessed. I will call you Saivenky. Love & Regards, Shankari
om sai ram , om sai shaym, om sai durgaya namha, om sai ganenshaya namah