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Satisfaction I get when ever I do little I could to people who serve the Nation

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

When people who work for Indian Army writes to me…

In 2012, I rarely have dreams but I remember most of the important dreams. One such dream was when I heard the following words from Sai.

“Indhiya Raanuva Seva Sangam”

Translating it could mean – “Indian Army Seva Sangh”

I came to office and was casually speaking to one of my colleague. He’s not even my friend. In between official conversation, I told this guy “I had a dream this morning in which I heard the words “Indhiya Raanuva Seva Sangam”.

He turned to me and stared at me as if I am a metal case. He didn’t wanna show it out. I added “May be, I must do something for the families who work for Indian Army”. He got back to his work but told me “May be’.

The way this guy reacted made me feel that I did a mistake of telling my dreams to someone in office and must never do that again.

You must understand how Sai molded me gradually. It was such a gradual process from 2012 to 2018.

Only from 2017, I heard the song “Sare Jahan Se Acha” in dream thrice. So I wanted to do something for the Nation.

Now, I almost get furious when ever I hear or read any news about China trying to dominate India. It hurts me from deep in my heart. I started looking at China as my real enemy and all that they do sounds to be a conspiracy to harm India.

A letter from my Sai friend who later joined Indian Army

I usually forget girls and guys who write me once or twice. Most readers of StarSai are passive. They read and disappear. Some mail me when ever they are worried or depressed. Since this girl later joined Indian Army, its my responsibility to keep her name confidential. Here’s her mail….

Venkat ji,
This is ………….. By baba’s grace I am in the Indian Army. And now I am a captain.

I ve been in a relationship for past three years with a guy. He was shown to me through baba himself. He was a pillar in me joining the forces.

Now I have difficulty in convincing my parents with this as we belong to different caste. I hardly get leave and time here.I wanted to read sai satcharitha as I had this dream of reading it. So I was searching for it as I wanted to study it for peace of mind and to have positive vision abt r relationship.I love him and he loves me. My parents know that he is a nice guy but the thought of caste is blinding them.

I want to pray to baba about this and start sai satcharitha.Apparently the one that I had is not with me. I ve been searching for it. I don’t know how and where I had kept it. I request you to send me a copy of sai satcharitha in English by keeping it under saibaba’s feet and send me.

I am an ardent devotee of sai and I wish to have a hard copy of sai satcharitha.

Sai friend (Name hidden)

Only after I received this mail in Feb 2016, I realized that She had been in touch with me right from 2011. So this girl knows some of my problems too.

Why am I sharing this mail to you?

Many girls write to me that they are worried as their parents or the guys parents are restricting their marriage and desire that Sai must intervene and fulfill their desire. Did you see the irony of the my Sai friend’s situation?

A girl who works for Army can’t convince her parents to marry the guy She loves. 

This is India.

(I am not sure about her situation now. Hope She’s doing good.)

Indian parents who say “I don’t want this guy” will be stubborn in their decision. It’s about how broadminded they are and their own perception about life. Some parents understand their Daughter’s desire but some would never. If you wonder why I never send a positive reply when it comes to such relationship problems, its because I know how stubborn are Indian parents. They won’t understand you or your love.

That’s how the society and relatives have molded them. You can’t help it dear.

So my request you is this –

Be strong internally. Be little flexible. Try to convince your parents. If not, accept life as it comes.

Sai want’s me to understand that its always good to work for peace rather than sowing a seed of hatred.

I must learn to have mutual friendship and respect for Chinese people

Today, a hour before I started from Office, I was speaking to one of the senior employee. We were concerned about my another friend’s Mom’s health. He told me that its easy for us to suggest many things but only he knows how hard it is to take care of his Mom. He also added that he requested my friend to take his Mom to Palani hills. So the topic of Palani hills, Lord Murugan and the saint in Palani hills Bogar came along.

He told me that Bogar is a saint who came to India from China back in 6th century or even before that. Seems he has done penance in Himalayas, learnt several Art and gained siddhi. Bogar realized that in Kaliyug, people will have several complicated problems and health issues. Hence, he made the Statue of Lord Murugan with 9 different alloys in a specific combination so that it could heal people and he had Samadhi in Palani hills.

Since my friend told me that Bogar is from China, I got curious. I found a text written by one of Bogar’s poem in which he mentions “Chinese are innocent and pure”.

Probably, this incident itself could have happened by Sai’s grace.

Saibaba don’t want me to show hatred on Chinese people. They are good. I must change my attitude.

My problem is with the current policies of the Chinese government and Military and not the Chinese people.

Infact, few month back, I had a LinkedIn friend from China who told me “Its good our country is not going on a war”.

I was annoyed because on what basis does he tell that India and China plans to go on a war? Because of the Dakolam standoff in Bhutan which happened last year? Well. Chinese state owned media is showcasing us in a wrong way. India has always loved to be friendly with China and I wish we learn to have mutual respect on each other’s borders, security, economy and other aspects.

As long as China doesn’t ask for an inch from current Indian borders in Kashmir and North East, as long as they don’t bother us in Indian ocean, my respect for China remains intact.

If you ask for an inch from India, I can’t tolerate it.

India has planned a series of diplomatic dialogue with China from April to June 2018. I am tracking the news regularly and hope both countries realizes that its better if we live in peace.

Getting scared as this girl was at work late during the night

I was in office until 9.45 tonight. When I walked out, I found this girl “Tak Tak” was still in office. I never bothered about it when I started out but once I started driving home, I got really scared. I spoke to Sai in my mind

“ near her and take her to her home safely”

I don’t know from where this fear creeped in me suddenly?

This fear is something really bad about me.

When my Sister was in Germany, She once planned to go to Sweden on a personal visit. I was screaming to her that She must not go alone. She told me “I must not tell a girl what to do and what not to do”

Earlier, I used to worry a lot when ever my Sister says She’s travelling for some conference in the U.S. Now a days, I realized that if I trust Sai, then I must not fear like this.

After many years, I felt such fear emerging in me today because I found this girl still in office when I started home. I would have felt satisfied atleast if her friend was around but She also wasn’t there.

My bad habit is that I over imagine. She obviously would have reached her home safe by now when I write this but until I see her tomorrow, I will be asking Sai every 10 minutes “Did you take her home safe”

Infact, I thought if I should go back office, wait until She starts to her home and then leave. Its better if I had done that rather than worrying like this.

This way, I will be satisfied that She had started home and slept off happily.

I came home and lit lamp praying Sai to take her home safe.

This is all I could do to her.

When I write this now, I feel light as if I offered my worries in Sai’s feet. I am just over-reacting. She will be safe.

Every girl and guy who travel at night should be safe.

India must be safe.

So people who work all their life to serve our country must be safe, secured and happy.

When ever I receive mails from people directly serve our country from Indian Army, Air Force and Navy etc, writes to me, I feel little satisfied.

Some of them get into depression and stress when they go through a problem in their relationship. They are not expecting a solution from me.

All they expect is few healing words.

This is all I do in StarSai.

I send them words of hope and confidence to live irrespective of what happens in their life.

Because “Words” can heal.

Om Sai Ram


Featured photo courtesy of Indian Air Force – Bhawana Kanth became the 2nd woman pilot of #IAF to fly solo in fighter aircraft, when she flew in a MiG 21 Bison aircraft, AFS Ambala on 16th March 2018. Note that She’s not connected in anyway to the article I wrote. Posted her photo as I am proud of her! My project for India has already been launched. I prefer to keep it confidential of now.

Edit – I couldn’t sleep until 2 A.M as I was worried if this girl. When I woke up, I felt odd. She don’t need all this care as there are many to take care of her. I am nobody for her. Probably, I will change gradually. I am working on it. If I divert my mind on something more productive, I will forget her completely. Please pray that my project for India gets successful.

I saw this news today. You think I can tolerate this?

China quietly & cleverly finds a new route to S. Doklam, 7 months after India stopped it

Its getting into my nerves. I am irritated now and wanted to do something about it. Once again, I see China as my enemy. 

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