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Still searching for purpose of my life


( Sai blessed me with a new DSLR Camera – Nikon D5300. Went with friends to get it. Starting to Madurai now to see a uncle of mine who’s gone through a surgery. Shall be back on Monday and write you all…Hope to do some good photography….)

I see so much happening around me and I am just watching sitting back doing nothing. These days, some at work started directly asking what are you always watching on Youtube? I myself got doubt if I shouldn’t do it? I only regret others don’t have time to see these conferences, Startup community and so much innovation happening. I kept telling someone that there must be a corporate training policy and everyone must be given some time to learn something new but seems it would never happen in a small organization like where I work.

I lost most part of my life ignorantly and hence whenever I come across someone 3-4 years into their career, I wanted to see them learning and growing ahead. Economy and the way of work won’t be the same forever.

Apart from this, I kept asking Saibaba if this is my life? What am I doing here? I don’t see any value in passing on days, eating and sleeping. I would have never thought about “Purpose” of life had I got married. People don’t have time to think like this. Thankfully, one reason I am happy for not being married is because I keep searching for what will make my life meaninful?

While many people are accomplishing things, I just think and speak about it. While many are serving and living for a purpose, I just aspire to.

Inbetween, there’s so much confusion I get into because of my own desires and the dreams Sai shows me.

I hope by end of the year, Sai will show me a reason to live.


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