Sairam friends,
Hope you are doing well. I have various obstacles in working for Saibaba but somehow, Sai makes me do it. I am in hurry now to start for work but wanted to do this small post.
In today’s Nature collection of Shirdi Saibaba, I wanted to express the importance of being content with what one has. Most of us have unfulfilled desires and keep worrying about it. There are devotees who hurt Saibaba and themselves always asking why he can’t fulfill their desire and is it too hard for him to bring happiness to them. We can never ask Sai to help us unless we have done good karma. This is why, I always request devotees to think good and if possible do any good deeds all their life.
Secret of happiness from Saibaba
Something that Sai has very clearly conveyed during his lifetime is that he can’t fulfill all the desires of his devotees. Saibaba will do what will bring us permanent happiness. You never know if the guy/girl you wish to marry is really going to keep you happy forever. You never know if you get a Job you desire, your career will be great.
You never know the future. May be, your current status in life even if its failure and painful is better than giving you sugar and later realizing its spice.
Accept the difficulties and responsibilities you have in life and move on. Ever be devoted to Saibaba and thank Saibaba for what you have in life. Many don’t have what we have. I have realized this during various occasions. Value the people who truly care for you in life rather than thinking about people who hurt you.
Be thankful to Sai, your parents and even your relatives and friends. Not all of your friends may be good but some value your presence in their life. Beyond all this, be thankful for the love you got through various good souls in this world.
Be thankful for you are a devotee of the sweetest saint on Earth – Sai
Here’s my work…

Be thankful to Saibaba and ever remain happy in life
Keep chanting “Aum Sai Ram” in mind. You will feel blissful.
Sai will bring you happiness you deserve. Just be thankful even for the difficulties you face for it makes you remember Sai.
Aum Sai Ram
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Thank u very much.
thank you so much. . i understand the content and its essence. and always thankful for what i have… i change my negatives to positives… love you sai baba… and thank you so much for giving me this life.