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Seeing myself being burnt

Sairam friends,

Once, a devotee came to Sai seeking his blessings. He was with Sai for many years. Baba once called him and told

“Seperate yourself as two – Atman (Soul) and Body – Let the Aatman see yourself going to a place where dried cow dung is getting burnt and lay down there in fire”.

Saibaba never speaks in direct sense. He will tell small parables, stories or just few words which only a specific devotee can understand. Other sitting in Dwarakamai will never understand what Sai means to say. I usually forgot the exact name of the devotee involved but I clearly know the meaning of what Sai tried to imply to the devotee.

One must completely burn his attachments towards sensory desire. If you want to escape several problems in life, destroying lust can save you.

I dated most of the dreams Sai blessed me with.

On Feb 15th 2017, I had a dream as if I see myself being burnt in fire. I am alive but there’s another “Myself” which is on fire. I am standing from a distance and watching myself on fire.

This dream taught me what Sai expects from me.

Purity and discipline are like two eyes of Sai devotion.

If we have to satisfy Sai, we must have such immense purity in what ever we think and do. One of the reason I had suffered all these years is because I don’t have discipline. The past 2 days, I remembered several incidents from my childhood and what ever I do as I grow up.

I am trying to understand where I went wrong and what mistakes I did.

There are people who commit suicide as they can’t bear what’s happening around them. Instead, they must learn to live detached from their life. There are Men who don’t have good wife and caring children but still they do their work, be responsible and pass away all their life adjusting everything. Some lives are like this. They face difficulties until the last minute but deep inside themselves they have wisdom and hence they are able to be pure and responsible.

At times, I wonder why I must suffer so much? Only recently, I discovered all this sufferings is because I don’t have discipline. Simply going to temple and remembering Sai isn’t enough. I would have been careful in everything I do.

Over the years, I have developed patience. Immense patience. I learnt to live by Sai’s words. I am thankful to Sai for all that he has done for me. I wish to read Sai Satcharita and remember Sai’s way of life.

Om Sai Ram



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