Sairam friends,
There are so many Sai Leela which devotees can read only in the books other than Sai Satcharitra. One of the leela which really touches my heart is the Story of how Saibaba changed life of his ardent devotee Boravke.
Work Hard and believe in yourself – Sai will Show a way
Some devotees are supposed to be poor and Sai along knows the reason. Example – The priest of Khandoba Temple Mahalsapathi was struggling to run his family but Saibaba never gave him big dakshina. Sai probably thaought Mahalsapathi got better wealth – Sai’s treasure of spiritual wealth in cart loads. So devotees who are struggling financially many years must not get fed up. Try to work hard and believe in yourself. Some day, Your life will change.

Shirdi Saibaba blessings for Prosperity. A photography i did with Sai and roses
Shirdi Sai Baba blessings for Prosperity
Saibaba has his own way of blessing devotees with Prosperity and happiness. Some devotees are blessed just by having darshan of Sai baba in Shirdi. Some devotees, simply by remembering him always in mind by chanting Sai, Sai, Sai and few Devotees are blessed by a good Sai dream. To some devotees, Sai simply Show a way, gives them a opportunity to work hard and its their responsibility to earn a living and prosper.
Here is life of Baburao Bovarke.
Boravke belongs to Saswad village near Poona, Maharastra. His parents passed away during his child hood. His relatives were greedy and took up his Father’s property by cheating him. Boravke could not afford to study. So he quit schooling and started to work.
Boravke’s Fortune in Shirdi
Boravke had a uncle in Shirdi who was an ardent Sai Devotee. He cultivated Sugar Cane in his farms and made jaggery. Boravke came to know about Sai Baba’s fame and desired to have darshan of Sai.
Somehow, Boravke earned enough money to travel to Kopargaon. As he got was traveling, he vowed that until he had Saibaba’s darshan, he won’t have food. He got down in Kopargaon railway station and took a Tonga towards Shirdi. He had only 3 Annas in his pocket and can’t afford to travel by Tonga any more. He got down in Godavari river bank.
Shirdi was still a bit far from the banks of Godavari. So he decided to walk by foot all the way to have darshan of Sai.
Boravke’s Maternal uncle was working in his farm which is on the way to Shirdi. He was surprised to see Boravke and asked him to have meal before going for Saibaba’s Darshan but Boravke replied that he will eat only after getting blessings from Saibaba.
Boravke walked towards Shirdi. He met another maternal uncle near Lendi who also asked him to have food before going for darshan, but Boravke simply wanted to fulfill his Vow. His uncle felt one must not go to a Saint empty handed. So gave him One Rupee to offer as Dakshina to Saibaba. He kept it in his pocket.
Sai Darshan
With so much devotion, Boravke, finally stepped into the holy Dwarakamai and had Darshan of Saibaba. He never felt thirty or hunger. All his emotions were arrested by darshan of Sai and he fell in his feet surrendering his body, mind and soul.
Sai asked him for Dakshina. Boravke felt sad that he could not offer anything to Sai. Sai asked him to see his pocket. Boravke, remembered the Rupee his uncle gave and happily offered it to Sai. Boravke loved Saibaba so much that he decided to stay in Shirdi forever.
Boravke’s Hardwork
Boravke took care of his uncles Farm very well. As days passed, Boravke’s hardwork changed his life very much. He devotion on Saibaba also increased many fold. One day a friend of the Uncle from Kopargaon found the improvements in the farm and asked who was responsible for transforming it so nicely. The maternal uncle replied “My nephew Boravke”
His friend was very much impressed by the work of Boravke and offered to take him as partner to take care of his own land too. So Boravke took care of both the farms and worked hard to make it more productive.
Good times are coming
There is a Good time for every Sai devotee and it always comes after dedication and hardwork. The farms was able to produce more Jaggery and earned well. The uncle and his friend were able to make big profits.
Boravke came to Shirdi with just 3 Annas in pocket but now was offered more than a Lakh of rupees as his Share with in two years.
Boravke realized his life has changed for good with prosperity and happiness only by grace of Shirdi Sai Baba and decided to live very close to Shirdi. He bought a bunglow, continued to maintain the farms and led a happy life serving Saibaba when ever he got opportunity.
Moral of the Story
Each one of us can take various lessons from this Sai leela. Firstly, we must never be upset that people have cheated us in various issues and worry about it. We must move on with life and try to earn honestly.
The other lesson is about Devotion. Boravke had intense faith on Saibaba that all the way to Shirid, his thoughts were only on Sai. How many of us are distracted with various issues in life when we travel to shirdi or our local saibaba temple?
The most important lesson is Sai’s power of changing one’s fate for good if one is ready to work hard and dedicated.
Boravke went to Sai with just 3 annas and Sai blessed him with a opportunity. This is all Saints can do. They give you a opportunity. Boravke used the opportunity with his hardwork and made big profits.
There is a good time for everyone friends..
Keep showing devotion on Saibaba and Sai will show you a way.
Never be depressed, upset or greedy. Be happy with what you earn
Work hard and earn honestly
Your life will be good
Sai Ki Jai
Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba
Im so happy reading the story of sai i wnt lose hope in life sai always with me help in all times……
Really nice. expect u to write many articles like this….
Jai sai ram
When one starts thinking SAI BABAB that day only Baba bless good life to him.
I am very interested in reading sai stories .Thanks for the article
Baaba will bless u bro..
With Sai’s Grace everything we come across we accept as its His sent.Baba’s Blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.
Very good article that inspires us to work hard with full faith in God. Hardly one understands the real depths in Sai Leela’s, but every article in starsai opens our intellect to understand what really Sai Baba meant through his leelas.
Thank you Venkat for helping everyone understand Sai Baba better and for strengthening one’s devotion through your articles and website.
sai ram
venkat sir! ur really amazing….thanks for the inspiring article…please post such articles so that we can get inspired n follow ….may sai bless u n ur family!
Om sairam…