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Shirdi Sai baba dream – You are a Rama Bhakta , so garland is a gift for you

sairam friends

This morning i got a very sacred dream by sai grace…

I am standing infront of our house in water tank n pouring lots of water over myself with big am taking bath ..i see the water is mixed with yellow tumeric powder.As if a holy bath for myself to be pure.

Be pure – Complete Brahmacharya for 5 month :

Then i got a message to follow complete brahmacharya strictly for 5 months – 2 and half plus 2 and half month.

Then i go to a hill temple…it has very nice wide steps to go…

me amma appa and few relatives are present…

I go to all sannidhi in temple and suddenly i feel seems to be a Lord Hanuman and Durga devi temple.

Looking at me sad , a young man comes farward and asks “why are you sad ”

I don”t trust him so  i stand there still sadly.

He runs inside Hanuman sannidhi , even inside the karpagraha and takes A very long big beautiful garland offered to Lord Hanuman with big big paasi …

He comes outside with the garland ,reaches me and immediately offers the Garland of Hanuman on me saying

“You are a Raama Bhakta , so garland is a gift for you “

I feel very embarrassed as he does this infront of other devotees and i try to say ‘no no its ok” but he forces the garland on me.. I touch the beautiful big big paasi and feel happy.

Then the priest of hanuman in nagasai mandhir suddenly comes..he seems to be the priest there too..He says me

“You are not brahmin and a garland of hanuman is offered to you…Now it belongs to Hanuman…you deserve this purticular garland for your purity but Hanuman needs a new garland. So give money for new garland ”

He asks this politely..

The man who gave me garland had already given me 1000 rs. So i am giving that money to Hanuman priest.  He tells me No no you keep 2 rs with you for your expenses and give me rest.

I go down , mean while my parents n relatives already in the car. I run took take their chapals and move towards car.

I woke up with tears in my eyes friends..i dunno how sai beautiful gave me this dream . I was moved by the care sai and goddess durga showed on me. Offering a garland being offered to Hanuman and saying you are a Raama bhakta made me realize with out my own knowledge , many times i have been chanting

“Sai ram ….sai ram ..sai ram…”

Once someone  saw me on road and told my amma…venkat was speaking to his own and walking in road…my amma asked me why i behave like this..i said i was doing Naama smaran…chanting sai naam..Though i do internally at times my lips move and people think i speak to myself.

Probably i have been loving Sai and Lord Rama chanting their name even with out my personal efforts

more article about how shirdi sai baba inspired Lord Rama and Hanuman devotion is here

Om sri sainathaya namaha


sairam friends

This morning i got a very sacred dream by sai grace…

I am standing infront of our house in water tank n pouring lots of water over myself with big am taking bath ..i see the water is mixed with yellow tumeric powder.As if a holy bath for myself to be pure.

Then i got a message to follow complete brahmachrya strictly for 5 months – 2 and half plus 2 and half month.

Then i go to a hill temple…it has very nice wide steps to go…

me amma appa and few relatives are present…

I go to all sannidhi in temple and suddenly i feel seems to be a Lord Hanuman and Durga devi temple.

Looking at me sad , a young man comes farward and asks “why are you sad ”

I don”t trust him so  i stand there still sadly.

He runs inside Hanuman sannidhi , even inside the karpagraha and takes A very long big beautiful garland offered to Lord Hanuman with big big paasi …

He comes outside with the garland ,reaches me and immediately offers the Garland of Hanuman on me saying

[color=red][b]”You are a Raama Bhakta , so garland is a gift for you ‘[/b][/color]

I feel very embarrassed as he does this infront of other devotees and i try to say ‘no no its ok” but he forces the garland on me.. I touch the beautiful big big paasi and feel happy.

Then the priest of hanuman in nagasai mandhir suddenly comes..he seems to be the priest there too..He says me

“You are not brahmin and a garland of hanuman is offered to you…Now it belongs to Hanuman…you deserve this purticular garland for your purity but Hanuman needs a new garland. So give money for new garland ”

He asks this politely..

The man who gave me garland had already given me 1000 rs. So i am giving that money to Hanuman priest.  He tells me No no you keep 2 rs with you for your expenses and give me rest.

I go down , mean while my parents n relatives already in the car. I run took take their chapals and move towards car.

I woke up with tears in my eyes friends..i dunno how sai beautiful gave me this dream . I was moved by the care sai and goddess durga showed on me. Offering a garland being offered to Hanuman and saying you are a Raama bhakta made me realize with out my own knowledge , many times i have been chanting

“Sai ram ….sai ram ..sai ram…”

Once someone  saw me on road and told my amma…venkat was speaking to his own and walking in road…my amma asked me why i behave like this..i said i was doing Naama smaran…chanting sai naam..Though i do internally at times my lips move and people think i speak to myself.

Probably i have been loving Sai and Lord Rama chanting their name even with out my personal efforts

Om sri sainathaya namaha


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  • Om Sai Ram
    Hi Venkat….its so cute to hear your dream….so touching…
    well im a new devotee to Our Beloved MAster SHirdi Sai.
    Looking forward to read more article abt Sai,
    Already read…Sai Charitra..
    Watched Movie….
    dunno why…my tears alwiz flows from my eye whenever
    I think abt Sai….

    May Sai Guide me through the live stream till reach the Sai Ocean.

    Om Sai Ram.
    Lillesh Kumar,


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