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Shirdi Sai Baba leela to unite Sisters

Sairam friends,

My Appa told me today is Aadi Pooram and I have to make sure that I do temple. Sometimes, I wonder why they scold me for going temples and at times, they themselves ask me to. Me and my Dad went to see his elder sister who is really in her last few days as she has Alzheimer’s disease and she has been shivering for past 3 days. My Father held her, made her sit in bed and told few memories of how his sister used to carry him when he was a child. She could not speak also.

I was thinking that my Sister’s research must be successful and millions of Alzheimer’s patients must be benefited by her findings. Then I came home, was working on few sites when I received the below mail from a Devotee in Andhra. I believe there is a relationship between what I experienced this morning – Love a Brother has on Sister and also this devotees experience about the affection a Sister has on her sister.

Many of us used to miss our Brother or Sister and this leela am sure will make us realize how beautiful it is to have someone to care for us.

Dear mr. Venkat brother,

Sai ram Namasthe!

I wish to share my experience which i faced 8 years back approximately.

when I went to my aunt’s house to stay for one year to look after by nephew, one year old baby girl, i learnt from my aunt how to pray and do pooja and also how to read sai satcharithra and vishnu sahasranamam.

I never used to live without my sister from the day of my birth other than one or two days. even she cannot stay but due to some family financial problems i was sent to my aunts house at rajahmundry. there they have treated me very fine as if i am their own daughter but every day i used to go upstairs and cry for my sis. in the month of may/june i left my mom, dad and sis (hyderabad) and went to my aunts house(rajahmundry).i learnt praying baba and how to do pooja from my aunt who taught me very well. and thereafter we have not met till november the same year.

I used to go to baba’s temple each thursday and started reading Sai Satcharithra. I used to study Vishnu sahasranamam inside of the temple and infront of Shirdi Saibaba’s statue itself. In the month of november,I dint remembered the date but it was thursday, i was reading sri sai satcharithra, in which i learnt about the story of the lizard.

I shall write the Lizard Story from chapter 15 of Holy Sai Satcharitra

Two Lizards

Once Sai Baba was sitting in the Masjid – Dwarakamai. A devotee sat in front of Him, when a lizard tick-ticked. Out of curiosity, the devotee asked Baba whether this tick-ticking of the lizard signified anything; was it a good sign or a bad omen?

Baba said that the lizard was overjoyed as her sister from Aurangabad was coming to see her.

The devotee sat silent, not making out the meaning of Baba’s words. Immediately, a gentleman from Aurangabad came on horse-back to see Baba. He wanted to proceed further, but his horse would not go, as it was hungry and wanted grams. He took out a bag from his shoulders to bring grams and dashed it on the ground to remove dirt.

A lizard came out therefrom and in the presence of all, climbed up the wall. Baba asked the questioner devotee to mark her well. She at once went strutting to her sister.

Both sisters met each other after a long time, kissed and embraced each other, whirled round and danced with love!

Where is Shirdi and where is Aurangabad? How should the man on horse-back come there from Aurangabad with the lizard? And how should Baba make the prophesy of the meeting of the two sisters? All this is really very wonderful and proves the omniscience — the all-knowing nature of Baba.

That’s the Sai Leela we all know from Sai Satcharitra friends.

Now the story of the Devotee continues….

I read the above incident from Sai Satcharitra.

When i just closed the book and bowed to Sai Baba and turned my head to get up, it was my sister who is coming from Hyderabad.

I just don’t have words to explain my happiness by seeing her and firstly i thanked baba to send my sister to Rajahmundry and i was overwhelmed with joy. Baba will definitely listen to our sincere prayers and will do what is right.

And now i had married to other caste not belonging to Brahmin family and from seven years onwards i dint went to my sister’s home. because my husband says that if your sister loves you that much then let them come first. But from my depth of heart i will feel that its my mistake to marry without informing to them, then how come they will come to me?

He is also a devotee of baba and recently he started doing fast on every Thursday also. kindly bless me that we all will be happy by getting closer by Saibaba’s blessings. and this is my parent’s wish also as they are also waiting for the same.

Sainatha!! please bless all your children by showing them the right way.

dear Venkat brother,

I really thank you to help the sick people by the teachings and sayings of baba through the website.


That’s the mail….

Friends, I truly loved this experience because its all above Love and Affection which is why I posted it immediately. I pray Saibaba to unite their family and bless them with peace and harmony. ( If they feel any part of this experience has to be removed for privacy reasons, I shall do it)


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