“Antaryami” – The one who is lives inside you in the form of consciousness.
The Guru who lives in you calls to realize the beauty of looking at Sai from Inside yourself
We have Darshan of Sai Baba from Shirdi but did we really see Saibaba from inside. ?
Sairam friends,
Many Shirdi sai baba devotees have a habit of watching “Shirdi Sai Baba live Darshan ” from the samadhi mandir temple built by Buti during Saibaba’s lifetime.
Yesterday, while talking to my sai friends about Shirdi, Saibaba’s samadhi mandir, the weather in Shirdi, new changes in Shirdi etc, I gradually realized though I have been writing in StarSai.com for over 6 years,
“The real Soul of Shirdi Sai baba”is not yet known to me.
We go to Shirdi traveling long distances, finally reach Shirdi by train, bus and lots of hardships but did we really have the “Darshan ” that Saibaba wishes to show us? Imagine the Shirdi which was a village with less than 100 huts. Lots of greenery, Neem trees, Mango trees etc. How it would have been when a poor family traveling from Mumbai in train, gets down in Kopergoan station and took their Tonga ( horse ride ) to Shirdi.
How it would have been when someone goes to shama and asks
“Do you know of a fakir, a saint here in shirdi , where does he live? “
and surprisingly it was the time when shama was still a teacher in a school near the masjid Saibaba used to live and himself never believed in Saibaba as a saint. Many like shama only thought of Saibaba as a mad fakir. It’s hard to believe but based on his interview with Narasimha Swamiji, his reply was
“I do not know of any saint, only a mad fakir lives in the masjid “
when I write these words, i have tears in my eyes friends. Shama used to sleep in the school itself and he was surprised to hear sai talking in various languages even English. Slowly shama realized this Mad fakir is not an ordinary human but a great saint. Shama later became a staunch devotee of sai baba and helped many devotees come into sai’s path of light.

Shirdi sai baba live darshan – See the Sai in you
Today we don’t consider Shirdi sai baba as mad fakir but do we not act very materialistically and selfishly. We never realize this Saibaba also is a sweet guru who needs our devotion and cares irrespective of our desires being fulfilled.
I ask myself.
“Will you be happy with sai baba if you will never get a job, never earn and never get all that you desire?”
No, I won’t be. I will say “sai baba, you don’t understand my feelings, i am suffering and you can’t see, what more you want me to do that you still don’t open your eyes to make my life better.
As a sai devotee who always thinks about him, we do have the right to speak to Saibaba with complaints. There are sai devotees who even write to me this
“I met a guy in sai baba temple, he cheated me.Your Saibaba spoiled my life ”
Well, meeting someone in Saibaba temple or elsewhere doesn’t make any difference and sai is not responsible for every wrong happening in your life.
There’s another mail which reads ..
“I went to Shirdi, prayed Saibaba nicely but surprisingly after my Shirdi trip, I am suffering more in office “
I won’t say they are wrong. Including me, I wish we realize the glory and greatness of Shirdi sai baba from inside. As Saibaba says to his devotees
“Break the wall that separates you from me and we can see, feel, and touch each other freely. We become one”
Hope you understood what I try to convey friends. You are most welcome to go Shirdi with desires in mind, to believe that your sufferings will come to an end when you step on the Shirdi soil and when you have darshan of Saibaba in samadhi mandir and holy Dwarakamai.
Hold on few more days is the mantra to keep loving sai baba :
Your pure devotion is appreciated by Saibaba, at the same time, “please hold on few more days” is the mantra to keep loving Sai baba of Shirdi. Think about the people who suffer worse than your friends. Think positively and look for alternatives in life.
“Learn to realize , when you are in pain, when you fail , Sai baba also experiences the same”
If you have a problem in the relationship, studies, and career and if you feel sai baba is not helping you and please hold on…hold on.
Maybe you must chant sai sai sai more deeply with heart and soul,
Maybe you must sing and listen to sai aarti and
Maybe you must do parayan of Sai Satcharitra without many expectations.
In the end, you can never be fed up if you feel my Saibaba will surely help me and show me a way someday. I know sai children who suffer due to responsibility in the family and they still hold on to Shirdi Saibaba’s feet.
The goal of this message is simple
“Learn to realize, when you are in pain when you fail, Sai baba also experiences the same”
Mother, I have to bear pains for the welfare of my devotees :
I wish to write this beautiful Leela of Shirdi sai baba friends. Once a devotee, a mother comes to Saibaba with tears. She tells Saibaba that her son is suffering from bubos in his stomach and sai must cure him soon. Immediately Saibaba raises his kafni and shows four Big egg-sized bubbos in his stomach. Sai baba says
“Mother, I have to bear these pains for the welfare of my devotees ”
Sai baba has actually taken the sufferings of his devotee to his own body . Sai assures the mother saying, your son will be alright . Dont worry and the son was cured by sai grace.
Expression of an ordinary sai devotee to help sai devotees See Saibaba as themselves and not a saint living in photos and statue :
This message “Shirdi Sai Baba Live Darshan ” is an expression of an ordinary Shirdi sai baba devotee about few incidents and the thoughts that emerged in my mind about sai baba and his life in Shirdi and how we perceive Saibaba in modern times.
It was another day in my life worrying if I will ever make my parents happy for all that they have done for me. One of my sai friends came online and asked “Are you busy? ” . I din’t know how to take it as I was upset about what to do next in my career and how I am going to earn my living. I had a few plans which already seem not to work out for me.
I was a bit frustrated with Saibaba himself, completely doubting if Saibaba cares for my welfare, and told her ” It doesn’t matter I am busy or not, I answer my sai devotee friends whenever I get time” .
Doubts, worries, and frustration if Saibaba really cares for us :
I also got a mail from one of my sai friends that she doubted if Saibaba will help her get a job and later felt guilty for doubting Shirdi sai baba. Well, to be honest, irrespective of the fact that I love sai baba, i eat, sleep, and even when I drink water I ask Saibaba if he wants some water. When i believe in Shirdi sai baba so much, write about him, answer emails from sai devotees and guide them in Shirdi Saibaba’s path of light, why do i get doubts if Saibaba really will bless me with a good life too.
she continued to ask “Shirdi Sai baba Live darshan ” which is not showing in her computer. I wondered how many millions of Shirdi sai baba devotees around the world go to the Shirdi sai baba Sansthan official website especially to see the Live darshan of Saibaba’s Dwarakamai and Shirdi Sai baba Samadhi mandir in Shirdi.
My True Realization about the life of Shirdi Sai Baba and his actual glory and greatness is yet to be discovered :
Though I serve Saibaba in the little ways known to me, I am very clear about one fact that I have not yet realized the glory of Shirdi Saibaba. My attitudes and idea about Shirdi Sai baba and understanding of Saibaba’s life are very narrow-minded.
I thank Saibaba .
I am devoted to Saibaba.
I dig sacred Dhuni, sweep and clean
But I am not happy in life and with Saibaba when things don’t work the way i wish
Yes. I do thank sai baba for blessing me with good parents, sister and at times a peaceful life irrespective of my setbacks in my career and other personal issues. Even when I meet someone who comes from Shirdi, i get into complaints that this is wrong, that’s right. Shirdi is commercial – obviously, all places even famous pilgrimage temples become commercial due to the huge number of people who visit the place.
Chanting Om Sai – Sri Brahma Vidhya for over one week :
The past one week until now – July 5th, 2010, I have been chanting ” Om Sai – Sri Brahma vidhya ” , as I was blessed with a dream from Shirdi sai baba with the words “Sri Vidhya .
The below two articles are based on the dreams I got from Shirdi Sai Baba.
Chanting “Sai Sri Vidhya ” with tears in my eyes
Disappointment after doing a spiritual effort – Counting benefits for whatever we do for Sai baba and all Gods we worship :
After a week of chanting “Om sai – Sri Brahma Vidhya ” … I gradually started saying Saibaba, I am doing chanting also in my mind whenever I feel but Saibaba also is not caring for me and goddess Shri Vidhya is also not showing me a way.
I did felt one thing friends, I had tears in my eyes suddenly waking up in the middle of the night realizing the flow of divine energy, I could feel the love of sai and the goddess emerging in me, and it’s like a river, I was in bliss but this could not make me satisfied. I need to earn, i want to make my parents happy. I have to get married to someone who truly likes to support me in whatever i do for sai children.
All this made me feel insecure, disappointed and I get back to my “spiritual exchange”
Yes, I call it “Spiritual exchange “- Saibaba I did this to you, you didn’t fulfill my desire.
For example, someone mails me
“I learned that doing parayan of life of Shirdi sai baba, sai Satcharita will fulfill my desire, I already read that 2 times and even now saibaba is not helping me ”
A very natural expectation,
another example is more innocent
“I went to Shirdi with family, we all got beautiful darshan, I also got hints from Saibaba that surely sai will fulfill my desire, but it didn’t happen”
Friends, Saibaba at times even give positive dreams but not always it gets fulfilled and we can’t say Saibaba left us unanswered. That’s why we must have total surrender to gurus holy feet. When i speak about total surrender, it means irrespective of what’s given to us, irrespective of what’s assured my Saibaba himself, if we really learn to love Shirdi sai baba, then we become one with Sai.
I am not asking you to completely stop complaining and worrying or speaking out your frustration and disappointments to Saibaba. Your prayers reach sai baba. Imagine he is a Datta avatar. All the prayers that are done on earth reaches him.
Every minute millions of prayers reach sai baba. Every genuine prayer from a true good pure-hearted devotee is accepted by Saibaba. Now sai inturn is melted not by your darshan in Shirdi or parayan simply with expectation in mind or singing aarti for something to happen immediately.
A saint’s heart expands when your prayer reaches him so purely with a devotion that does beyond your desires and when you have the ability to control your sense of pleasures and have immense patience.
When you learn to see this Sai from inside, like a saint who is not only in Shirdi and whom you need not see in live darshan but whenever you simply deeply wholeheartedly utter or let’s say chant “Sai Sai Saaaaaayeeeeeeee”
Sai surely responds to you.
Take one step to see the sai in you and sai baba will take 100 steps to hold you, lift you, and keep you safe. Now and forever…”
July 5th, 2010
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Sai Ram
Joy Guru, Joy Satguru, Joy Baba,
My mother is suffering from toothache. Baba, please remove her toothache. I pray to you for all.
Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba, Joy Baba
help my daughter in passing her exams
jai sai ram
i am a devotee of sai when i say sai all theproblems get fullfilled there is no word to say about we are not such a big people to say about such a god i am living because of sai blessing only
om sai ram
our Family is yours sai ram,stay with us for ever, make us to do good things to all,&keep abi healthy& give good studies to him thanku for everything sai ram, jai sai ram !
Joy Baba,
My mother is suffering from knee ache, please remove her illness.
Baba, You are great. Please see my problem.
Jai Sai Ram,
Baba, I am in a great problem. You know what mine and my sister’s problem is. Please remove all our sufferings and give me, my husband and my son peace. Please help me solve my problems as well as help my sister Baba. I should hear something good very soon. Please help me and my sister Baba. I pray to you for everyone. SHIRDI SAI BABA KI JAI…..
jai sai ram,please accept my prayer.
pls accept my praying
Pl Baba answer our prayers.v PAINFUL to c daughter suffering
I am very thankful to you (Sai Baba). You give me more than my ambitions. Please accept my Prayers. Now I want to buy our new home. god bless me.
Sai baba bless my daughter that her nose will clear from ……
Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath
Baba, my mother is not well, she has no taste in her tongue,feeling weak. Please remove her illness.
You bless her.
Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath,Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath,Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath,Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath,Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath.
Om Sai Namo Namaha, Sri Sai Namo Namaha, Joy Joy Sai Namo Namaha, Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha.
Baba pls help my husband to find a job in dubai.
Joy Sadguru, Joy Baba, Joy Sri Sri Sainath
BABA, My mother is suffering from tremendous handache.
Please remove her handache
Om Sai Namo Namaha, Sri Sai Namo Namaha, Joy Joy Sai Namo Namaha, Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha.
Joy Baba,
First of all I pray to YOU to give me/us YOUR dust of legs. I want to know when my fate will shine. I am struggling for so many years, now I am fade up. Please, answer me.
Joy Satguru,
Please Help my son to learn well. Give him the desire to learn and do hardwork and help him in remembering what he learnt.Please make our family healthy .Thanks for all the blessings u have given. Please make me achieve my targets in office.Bless my husband with less tension in office.
sai ram please pass my results its a humble request. these results are very imp in my future because all future aims are standing in these if u failed me my life and dream will be spoiled please sai baba help me.
How long I will remain struggling and fighting? I pray to you, please do some miracle to bless me that I
will see my success in my life. Today is one of the sad day for me. My hard labour just been rejected.
But I dreamt with the great dream with that. Now I am totally hopeless,you know.
Please look at me and accept my prayers.
Joy Sat Guru,
Baba, my mother is suffering from left knee ache and right hand ache, please do remove her illness. Please look at her, our beloved mother.
I believe that it is possible for you.