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Sai Leela

Sai Unlimited – What is Shirdi Sai baba Miracles

What is Shirdi Sai Baba miracles is wrote to help sai devotees focus on

1. Naam smaran , chanting Sai’s Name Sai Sai Sai or Gods name

2. Listen to Shirdi Sai baba aarti or aarti of any gods they love

3. Read sai satcharitra by hamadpant as remembering life of saint is a blessing

Thus the nava vidha bhakti – 9 forms of devotion and any way of devotion which suits you can be choosen to show sai bhakti rather than keep on worrying or expecting a sai dream or a sai miracle or some changes in your life.

Friends, one of my sai friend vidhya asked me , all your articles are good, but in the end you have a sad note that you are struggling, you dont have a good career, your personal life has few problems etc. Some how i feel praising sai and expressing my own failures makes sure sai devotees accept the truth.

The truth is that sai baba of shirdi is blessing you always for your devotion and good deeds but at times he may not be able to do miracles or a change you expect. This saibaba knows your desire .Please have patience and continue to hold his holy feets and when something good happens. Call it his grace , his love on you . Don’t be surprised or exited in the name of miracle. Ya i too call it “Sai Leela ” but let our devotion on saibaba go beyond what we experience in material world . Money..relationships and ….

This sai baba of shirdi is all about love . Every sai leela comes from your love on sai and saibaba’s response to your love after months or years of patience.

Few things that hurt me – What is real Shirdi Sai Baba miracles :

i dunno yaar..from the time i get the farwards with name “miracle ” about sai baba statue being discovered somewhere in some country , i am feeling a bit hurt…ok i am happy for it but are we missing the little sai children somewhere in some corner..some village of india who could have experienced something for his/her devotion on sai. This too is a miracle known only to the individual devotee alone.

I appreciate sharing sai leela and thats what starsai is also for but we must have a soft , polite gesture in doing so.

may be i am wrong or phychologically i get irritated…atleast this is ok.

But u see there’s this new saibaba temple in …….( i dun wanna be specific ) and someone keeps on sending me a farward saying many experienced miracle in that temple. Well , i am happy the temple is good but is not all shirdi sai baba temples are blessed and sai devotees are gaining blessings in every little and big sai temple in every part of world ?

Every saibaba temple and every sai devotee has a leela thats BIG :

To everyone their temple experiences a leela , a sweet happiness….and its good but why so much focus on one temple alone ? …..well friends…where are we going ? are we going to tie saibaba with what we alone do to him or accept that where ever there is sai , where ever there is a sai temple or even a sai photo, leelas happen based on faith of the devotee who worships sai.

u see our sravanthi and kamala lives in machilapattinam where theres biggest statue of saibaba in world…to them that temple and that sai is a leela.

A small leela that surprised me in mumbai sai temple :

i go to a small sai mandhir in mumbai in andheri east…a man sits there and writes ” datta guru saibaba” thousands of times…if i go there, he touches my feets and says he was just remembering me and i came….in 2006 i gave him 3 saibaba photos and came back coimbatore..when i went to mumbai after 2 years , i was literally shocked this man has been looking at the 3 sai photos i gave him and wrote “datta guru saibaba” thousands of times all these years.

its a small temple..the size of our kitchen in house but is this not a leela ?
a experience of sai bhakti…a feeling of divinity….when the hairs stands in our hand and we feel sai in ourselfs..

Am i also going to do the same ?

Tommorow i will build a real starsai temple and am i also going to tell the world…oh here comes starsai…come everybody because everyone who comes here experiences a miracle….does it sound good..even if i say that i must also say where ever there is what ever way he comes….be it U.S australia or a village in india…his real temple is ones own heart.

may be i must encourage all this being a sai child…but why am i writing contradictory views….is it because i am not a part of it ? i wonder whats wrong with me but somehow mind is not happy when i see such farwards .

suddenly you switch on tv and cnn ibn says saibaba opened eyes in banagalore and one fine day sai appears in moon …

recently i wrote this article

Shirdi Sai baba Live darshan

even i have many things to change in me friends…..i serve but i have many negatives in me which has to be burnt away .

Pulling a sparrow to Shirdi Saibaba’s kingdom :

Today i went to a institute to enquire abt webdesign course though i cant afford it..i told her i cant come on thursdays as i have to go nagasai mandhir as i stand near lamps tray and clean and also take care of dhuni ..somehow we started speaking about saibaba . i promised to give her sai books and came out…

she asked me how can you pray a human being….i explained her a bit and told her…..sai has said he will drag his children like a sparrow tied to thread and if you are a sparrow you will come to sai.

she smiled … i made someone know sai and it ends there…rest is her wish and this is what we all have to do…

first we must know sai..praise sai and suddenly when we come across a good soul, let them know my shirdi saibaba ….now its between that soul and sai to connect.

The real ashtama siddhi – 8 fold powers of shirdi sai baba :

This is my saibaba of shirdi,who brings water and fire from the stroke of his satka….this is my sai who commands to mother of nature to stop the rain when the villagers run to him due to heavy rain.
This is my saibaba who gives food to me , you and millions of his children.

No wonder , he can be found in sea, lake,river,sky,mountains ,under the earth as bhooma devi and over the earth as lord mahavishnu…

lets see saibaba beyond statues and photos. Sai does a simple thing

“I push my devotees one step ahead in their life – spiritually “

if you are lazy to wake up early in the morning and have been praying saibaba one year to help you wake up early, he helps you in this

If you are lazy and continue to only say i am a sai devotee without taking any efforts how can he help ?

So saibaba works for us …Sai is happy to work but we also have to know him the way he wants us to know.

This article is not wrote to hurt others sentiments…Its expression of ordinary sai devotee..not to change what happens today and in my life time but to help millions of sai children in hundreds of years to come.

After 100 years when this venkat wont be alive i have to make sure my words to sai children is read and understood.

Tommorow someone will send a farward that he discovered a shirdi sai baba statue in Missisipi river or Ganga or even some where in iceland.

It is miracle .I am happy about it but many of us indulge so much in miracles and make people praise miracle forgetting saibaba’s own words

Saibaba says to kshama

“You see your village astrologer…they say whats going to happen in your life 2-3 days ahead. I go beyond and say whats going to happen further . Events happens as it were and you relate it as my deed ( my leela ) and thank me , i inturn thank the god almighty for his blessings on my children”

when your guru is so humble and polite, is it not also your responsibility to “Keep LOW” at times and say…ya a miracle happened here , we were happy because where ever there is sai, there is miracle.

As i always love the term “Sai Unlimited”

yes he is Sai Unlimited …..

Thousands of shirdi sai baba temples.
Crores and crores of shirdi sai baba photos and statues around the world in devotees houses
Millions of devotees
and one sweet Sai.
Simple. Humble and CALM.

Sai is now in samadhi. Silence . Nothingness…Dhigambara..the point where theres nothing. No leela..No miracle..Just you and Sai. When you meditate on Sai like this with heart and soul , you become one with him.

Even i need a job…my parents are worried about me…if i keep on expecting a leela , will it be possible for me to show devotion on sai friends ?

Thats why i do agree that sai is found some where down in lake or river or even in ocean but thats not his way . Even if a shirdi sai baba statue made in jaipur or andhra or even in shirdi is properly bought in shop and kept in temple, that too is a leela . Is it not friends ?

Imagine we were living during shirdi saibabas life time and you see sai face to face. This experience can be got even today when you whole heartedly look at a shirdi sai baba statue or photo or while reading sai satcharitra.

How beautiful is our sai and the surprising assurance from him adds to it

“When you look to me. I look to you”

Is there a better leela friends…Scrool down and look at our sai baba of shirdi. This moment he looks at you. How powerful must be our sai to assure with confidence …take any small or big sai photo or statue or simple see me in the form of light. When you look at me and remember me , i also look at you, remember you and bless you.

A sweet heart of all saints
Sai baba of shirdi

again i say

When it rains heavily , he stops it by command of his words
be it shirdi or andhra or a village in tamilnadu or some where in japan or new jersy or florida. If you are in pain and call him. He comes to you. Gives hand to you and lifts you from danger.

How beautiful is this leela.

The God who can stop the rain , the god who can make the rain come down to bring smile to thousands of farmers and the god who can stop the fire never bothered about his powers ( miracles )

Sai is simply in you…call him….love him…deeply truly and with tears in eyes bow to him…How beautifully Das ganu sings

‘Sai i am the broomstick of your masjid “

We are blessed by sai and that alone is truth. His leelas are part of his blessings

and where ever there is sai, who ever takes the name Sai Sai Sai always in their heart and soul, miracles comes and goes. Our love on sai and saibabas love on us alone is permanant.

This is Sai Unlimited friends


always in the holy feets of shirdi sai baba

11 jul 2010

Kindly Note :

As i said i wrote this article with pure devotion and blessings on shirdi saibaba suddenly without any intention. Shirdi Sai baba miracles shared on internet may be true, farwards too can come as blessings of sainath maharaj but we have to understand miracles are part of every sai devotees life. I have my food everyday by sai grace . Even this is a miracle for me friends. How many are struggling without food…

All i feel is , its ok about what happens today but after 100 years the way people understand sai and who are truly devoted to sai may find my words useful follow shirdi saibaba’s path of light.

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  • I really loved the way u have described Sai Ram, i read it thrice and everytime i read it i had tears rolling down my i am a sai devotee so it really touched my heart, thanks alot…lols.

  • I love my sai… i Always disturb him i love to distrub he’s not a agod to me… He is my friend my old friend(My boyfriend).. I love him alot and alot and alot 24 hrs i thinking of him… i scold him, praise him, love him, questioning him.. laughing with him…. crying infront of him… he’s watching watching watching… he to love’s me alot… he know my desire my wish when my time will come… i am waiting

    Love u sai

  • what you say is true i hardly go to temple but sai is always in my heart and brain.i try to practice what he teach and it brings a lot of peace to me .talking about miracles its been happening continuesly since 1995 till date almost every time i tell him my problem he finds a solution next day for me .i only pray him in my heart -no photo no temple no statue still he is always with me .sai is ultimate .true friend true guru .cant really express what he is but just cant leave him as he never leaves me

    sai sharanam baba sharanam

  • i love sai very much. something pulling me towards sai, even without my knowledge he is coming in my mind. OM SAI NATHAYA NAMAHA

  • HI BRO….

    Yesterday i had a dream in whic some old man giving me four coins …. i expected it to be baba
    only…. if so pls tell me wat does those four coins indicate venkat bro…..

    pls let me know…..

  • i luv sai and its true everything from pin to plane is a leela of baba. i have no words to describe babas leelas its miraculous………..luv u baba for everything u have given……..luv u.

  • on ly devout people who are who behold baba with true respect as a sadguru just for what he is and not for the miracles .experience him everywhere.

  • Thank u so much bro….I really salute ur devotion on baba….that has made u to realise these things….I am very happy that baba has given me a chance to know this….often I use to ask baba why ru u not answering me…nd y do u not do miracles in my life????….but now I understood….who baba is….what is his love one…nd what r his miracles….this article really made me cry….thana bro

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