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Shirdi Sai Baba’s grace in Workplace – Blessings for your Business and Career

Sairam friends,

I have a habit of not telling about directly to people that easily. At times, I feel like telling to people about it but I will be very careful about it. Yesterday, while I took the Garland from the flower shop to climb up the terrace of the Temple, a guy told me “Seems you have a website for Saibaba. Tell us the name?

I kept smiling and asked who told you? He said, someone told us and I felt fishy. There’s nothing here but its Sai’s treasure and who ever Saibaba wishes, they will come on their own. I don’t have to tell it out. I didn’t tell him, said some odd reason and went up to offer the garlands.

I never wanted to hurt anyone but StarSai is for people who have good heart and if they have it, they will come on their own.

When I was offering Garland to saibaba on Top, I prayed Baba, please bless StarSai and all your children who come here. Protect Starsai from evil people baba.

Shirdi Sai Baba’s comes to Save People at work and spreads Fragrance of Roses

I had read a beautiful Sai Leela from a Shirdi Saibaba book and I am explaining it in my own words.

Once a devotee was at his workplace. He was in-charge of lifting a huge machinery by Crane and keeping it in a particular place. There were hundreds of labor working hard for the task to get fulfilled. The weight of the machine was so huge that the crane will surely not be able to carry it and place in on the right place. There are chances that the machine might fall down and fatally injure hundreds of labor workers engaged in the work.

The devotee who was a manager didn’t realize the forthcoming danger. The Crane operator lifted the Machine. Within few seconds the Manager realized that it was making some cracking sound not able to bear the weight of the Machine. He realized, if the Machine falls down, then all the workers below will be in danger of their life.

He immediately prayed Saibaba and shouted “Baba, please come here and Save us all”

pink roses

This photography of Pink Roses suits our Sai Leela – Photo courtesy flickr user elsief1

To everyone’s wonder they felt the fragrance of Roses in the place. All the workers in the huge area were able to smell the Roses and asked to each other “Where does this fragrance of Roses emerging from?”

The Manager knew by this sign that Saibaba has come down for rescue and the Machine was also brought down by the Crane operator and safely landed.

Hope you like this leela friends. One of my friend has told that Saints uses fragrance as one of the sign of their presence. So Shirdi Saibaba has shown to the Manager not to worry and assured he will make sure the danger is averted.

Shirdi Sai Baba’s grace in Workplace – Blessings for your Business and Career

There are many Sai devotees who might face lots of hardships and problems in their work place. At times they may not be able to satisfy others at work. At times they might not have enough knowledge or cooperation from everyone to do their work. People who do business also might face various kinds of problems.

I believe one has to do their Karma without expecting or worrying about results. At the same time, never let the success in your career or business get into your head. If you keep thinking you are more skilled than others, you really will faceĀ  a a downfall.

When ever you feel, there might be any problems in your workplace, remember Sai with love. Simply remembering Sai or any Gods is enough. Sai will come to avert all problems and bless you with peace at work.

There are few Saibaba devotees who face problems of various kinds in their office and honestly, I can’t write to them personally especially because am also a ordinary devotee like you. When you read this Sai leela, I hope you will be able to feel the fragrance of Sai in your heart. Feel the presence of Sai in you friends.

Someday, your life will be good.

Last night, I was watching a BBC Documentary about Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to learn about the way its ruled and also about status of Women in Arabian countries. It was very interesting documentary. One of the price from Royal family was telling

“We all are humans. We all have problems and we must …..”

I din’t follow what he said further but honestly even the richest of the richest accepts that we all are humans and everyone has problems of their own.

Money may be the means to solve most of our problems in life but that cannot solve every problem. By this, I say that one must never be greedy and do business or do career choices just for the sake of more money. Accept opportunities that is reliable in an good environment that’s good for your health and family. Taking risk is always fine but make sure you don’t loose your values.

There are many Sai devotees who write me saying they have lots of loan to pay and I wonder where it all comes from? Its your desire. Think 1000 times before you borrow money be it bank or any one else. Be careful in your dealings in Business.

I want to write something other than relationship issues.So tried to write for people who are searching for Better Career, trying to continue their education leaving the Job and also for people doing Business. One of my friend said

ellame love issue dhaan iruku…he he…well, I know how much I am pained and it really helps devotees one way or other. I realized devotee might feel boring. So Sai made me write something for people who work.

After all Sai keeps working. Sai was never idle. Most of the time, Sai inspired people to do good karma.

My Father keeps asking me to start for work..Ok Tata friends…

Sai Ki Jai



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  • Hello Brother,

    All your sai articles r very nice. As u said only a true devotee will be able to reach to this site.

    feeling very relaxed when we read your articles and baba’s leela.

    waiting for him to come to me. trying to show my pure bhakti to him.

  • dear sai venkatji

    i have come to senses long back. SIMPLE LIVING is all needed. No complicated thinking and no loans. LIFE WILL BE PEACEFUL BY SAI GRACE.



    I read chapter 11 today. this will change our lives for ever. like SAI ALLOWING A DEVOTEE TO worship him in his own way and Haji siddique falke who was willing to give everything for the sake of SAI.



  • Yes Venkat you are right. our SAI will be there immediatelly to help if you call his name.
    I placed a small photos of Vinayagar, Baba & Amma in front of my computer.
    So, i call upon them when i have difficulties in work and miraclly it will be solved.
    Of course you have to do your part as well.
    Thank you so much to all my beloved GODs and GURU.

  • Sai Baba has been with me since I started devoted myself to him, I have been blessed by SAI BABA in all my troubles.


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